Danger also represents opportunity. If there is an abnormality on the day, there may be a chance for sanctification.


Wu tribe, sacrificial temple.

"Damn, that old man of the town dares to hurt me and other big things!"

The sound of Yin Qiqi sounded, Zhu Jiuyin's face was indifferent, the one eye on his forehead, and the fierce light flickered constantly.

At this moment, the hall was surrounded by eleven witches.

Among them, there are nine ancestral witches, namely, Jumang, Leshou, Zhujiuyin, Shebishi, Tianwu, Yanzi, Xuanming and Houtu.

And Houtu is the youngest among the twelve ancestor witches, and is also a woman with Xuanming.

At the beginning, Zhu Rong and Gong Gong were killed in the Battle of Buzhou Mountain, and the twelve capitals of the Wu tribe were not complete, so they selected two of the strongest witches in the tribe to fill their positions.

The two great witches were Xiang Liu and Jiu Feng.

"Now that there is a human race, it seems that it is impossible to succeed." Di Jiang's figure was hazy, as if he was in a different space, and he couldn't see his true face.

"If we kill all of us, even the old man of Zhen would not dare to fight with us!" She Bishi suggested.

"What if the demon clan also shot? I'm afraid it will cause a war."

"A war is a war, just fuck the guy. Are we witches still afraid of mere little demons?"

"It's not right, the demon clan has the backing of Saint Nuwa, we can't be unknown."

"It's a pity that our witch clan lacks primordial spirit, otherwise why would we let those little monsters be arrogant!"

"Our physique is strong, and it can be regarded as a lack of primordial spirit."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and some of them were hot-tempered. They were already gearing up for it, and there was no fear.

However, there are also calm people who see the general trend of the prehistoric era and do not agree to go to war immediately.

"Brothers, you are enough, the human race and our witch race have always been in peace, so why are you killing them all?"

In the noisy hall, a cold voice suddenly sounded, like the sound of a violin, circling the beam endlessly.

For a moment, the sacrificial hall fell silent.

Everyone turned their heads in unison and looked over in confusion.

I saw Zu Wu Houtu in plain clothes, long black hair scattered at will, dark eyebrows and crescent moon, delicate and picturesque facial features, like a fairy in the dust, not like the tyrannical momentum that the Wu clan should have, but it has a bit of a fairy family atmosphere. .

"The Houtu girl is right. The human race did not provoke us. Now millions of casualties are enough, and there is no need to continue the killing."

As Hou Tu's voice fell, beside her, the Profound Underworld Ancestral Witch, dressed in black as ink and shrouded in a graceful figure, spoke incomparably cold and indifferent.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked!

Xuan Ming manipulated the rain water, and among the twelve ancestor witches, he was the one with the highest cultivation base, and could fight alone against the demon emperor who pinched the Eastern Emperor Bell without falling behind.

"That's good, the Houtu sister and the Xuanming eldest sister have both spoken, and that's it for the human race!"

Immediately, everyone nodded, expressing that they had no opinion.

"When Qiangliang comes back, we will discuss the war again... The despicable demon clan, how dare to do this despicable method!"

Di Jiang spoke lightly, and suddenly his face changed drastically, and he was just angry.


In front of the Wuzhuang Temple, the mountains and rivers of Wanli were shrouded in the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array, and it was hazy.

"Gaga, the children of the human race and the reckless man of the Wu race, since you like to fight, this emperor will let you fight once and for all."

The demon emperor Jun stood in the sky and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"The Emperor of Heaven uses some tricks to let them kill each other, so these races have no brains." Kunpeng demon master turned into a human figure and couldn't help but laugh.

The Hunyuan Heluo Great Array is a congenital great array arranged by the congenital Lingbao Hai Tuluo Shu to suppress the eyes of the array.

Although it is slightly inferior to the Book of Earth in terms of defense, it has its own space inside, and the cultivation base is insufficient, and it is easy to get lost in it.

The sea map is transformed into mountains and rivers, the Luoshu is transformed into geography, and the appearance is undoubtedly the outside world.

"Roar, despicable little demon, dare to plot against Lao Tzu."

When the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array was formed, Zu Wu Qiangliang sensed it instantly and couldn't help roaring again and again.

Li Zhenwu felt that the power of Zhenwu in his body suddenly stagnated, and he was shocked and angry.

"It's really eye-opening for the Demon Race Heavenly Emperor to act!" He said lightly, his eyes sparkling with divine light.

The invisible magnetic field diffused out, covering all directions, and there was not much panic.


And Zu Wu Qiangliang was already furious, constantly bombarding the formation, trying to break the shroud of the formation.

However, it is easier said than done to break the great formation formed by the Innate Spirit Treasures.

"If that's the case, then solve you first and avenge the dead human race."

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu smiled sternly, his eyes fell on Qiangliang, full of endless murderous intent.

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