However, the next moment, everyone's eyes widened.


I saw a dazzling ball of light, dragging its long tail, pushing Zu Wuqiang and rushing in from outside the formation. By chance, Di Jun, who had fallen into a dead end, flew out.

The two lichs were pushed away with a rumbling sound, brushing past the fist of Pangu's real body.


When the Wu people saw this, they were immediately stunned.

Unexpectedly, the final outcome will be like this, Qiangliang will suddenly appear, so that Di Jun can take back Half-Life.

But Zu Wu Qiangliang's situation was not much better, his body shattered and he was on the verge of dying.

"Break it for me!"

It was also at this moment that Donghuang Taiyi carried the Donghuang Bell and dominated the Zhou Tianxing Dou Great Array, and suddenly bombarded.



Under the violent impact of the two congenital formations, everyone vomited blood.

Then, boom!

The Great Array of Gods and Demons of the Twelve Capitals and the Great Array of Zhou Tianxingdou shattered at the same time, and the chaotic aura that filled hundreds of millions of miles in the Great Desolation suddenly disappeared.


Donghuang Taiyi was attacked by Donghuang Bell because of his strong force. He was also seriously injured and flew out backwards.

At this moment, the sky is clear and the sky is cloudless.


Li Zhenwu changed his body, his expression was gray, and just after leaving the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array, he was caught by a large khaki hand on the ground.

"Friends of true martial arts, don't resist!"

This was Zhen Yuanzi's voice, and Li Zhenwu was relieved, so he let the innate treasure book absorb it.

The countless mountains and rivers in front of Wuzhuang Temple have been beaten and collapsed. They have long since ceased to exist, and hundreds of millions of miles have become ruins. It is truly terrifying to the extreme.

"elder brother!"

The East Emperor Taiyi exclaimed, seeing Di Jun falling from the sky, he immediately endured the injury and shrouded him with the East Emperor Bell.

"Brother Qiangliang!"

Zu Wu Emperor Jiang also roared, his hands tore the void, took one step, picked Zu Wu Qiangliang up, and flew back to the Wu people.

this moment!

Heaven and earth were silent, and all living beings in the great wilderness were trembling.

too frightening.

It is comparable to the World Destruction War, with countless lives and wounds. Compared with millions of people, it is far from being comparable.

The divine thoughts of the saints swept over, all showing surprise.

"Friend of true martial arts, is there any damage?"

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi released Li Zhenwu from the ground book, stood side by side with him, and immediately asked aloud.

Li Zhenwu's face was gray and ugly, and the strength he forcibly improved greatly damaged his vitality.


He took out a bean from the system backpack. It looked very ordinary, but when he took it, the momentum in his body skyrocketed and he recovered instantly.


Everyone from the two lich clans turned their heads and looked over, with hatred that broke through the sky.

"Li Zhenwu, right?" Donghuang Taiyi's expression was stern, there was blood on the corner of his mouth, and he was extremely embarrassed.

The Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array collapsed, and more than half of the hundreds of big demons were killed or injured, which can be described as very miserable.

"You dare to hurt my brother?"

The Wu people, with red eyes, stared at Li Zhenwu, full of violent aura.

"The two lich clans are pretentious, ravaging the living beings in the world, they should be punished!"

In response, Li Zhenwu raised his head and looked at the people of the two races, without any fear, fighting against each other.

The voice fell!


Heaven and earth rioted again, and a majestic force erupted.

Donghuang Taiyi and the nine great ancestors were so angry that they were about to take action immediately and kill Li Zhenwu here.

"When Zhenwu is born, the human race will be prosperous. Today's events will be revealed!"

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