At this moment, the ethereal voice sounded between heaven and earth, and it was clearly transmitted to the minds of the prehistoric spirits.

The prehistoric saints immediately got up and bowed to the outside world: "Abide by the teacher's decree!"

All living beings, no matter what they are doing, even if they are fighting, they immediately stop everything and crawl to the ground.

"Welcome to Daozu's manifestation!"

Five Village Views.

The two lich clans were originally murderous, but when they heard the voice above the Nine Heavens, their anger dissipated in an instant.

Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun, who had just woken up, hurriedly bowed: "Abide by the teacher's decree!"

"Abide by the decree of the Taoist ancestors!" Although the Wu people complained, they still bowed to take orders.

"Follow the teacher's decree!" Only the Ancestral Witch Houtu, for everyone in the Witch Clan, has a slightly different name.

Even Zhen Yuanzi put away the book, bowed and called out to the teacher.

this moment!

All the creatures in the prehistoric world, no matter the saints above, or the powerful ancient gods, have their heads down.

In the face of Tiandao Hongjun, everyone's face contains respect from the heart.

"Follow the decree of the Taoist ancestors!"

Li Zhenwu hesitated a little, and then sang sincerely.

Not for anything else, just because it is Heavenly Dao Hongjun, will not make any favoritism, and is also full of compassion for all sentient beings.

Chapter [-] Zhen Yuanzi accepts apprentices! (fourth more)

The final battle of the Lich in the Great Desolation Tribulation did not come ahead of time because everything stopped because of Hongjun's words.

In front of Wuzhuangguan Gate, more than [-] people were overjoyed and couldn't believe it.

Since the Wa Palace was chased and killed all the way up to now, there has been no help, only the demon god Fuxi couldn't bear it, and deduced from the gossip to calculate the hope of the human race, which may fall in Wuzhuang~guan.

From the beginning, the human race was dubious. When they were chased and killed by the lich on the road, they were desperate. They felt that Fuxi, as a demon race, probably didn't really care about them.

Even after they came to Wuzhuangguan and were rescued by Zhen Yuanzi, they were still uneasy.

Because the two Lich clans are too strong, maybe even Zhen Yuanzi can't bear the pressure and will ignore them.

In the end, Li Zhenwu appeared, but the two lich clans were equally powerful, and the future of the human clan was still vague.

Now, Hongjun Daozu has issued a decree, and the essential meaning is greatly different.

"Congratulations to the human race!"

Zhen Yuanzi was the first to react, and immediately handed over his congratulations.

"Thank you fellow Daoist for your help!" Li Zhenwu said in return.

The two of them were as if no one else was there, and the two Lich clans in the sky simply burst into flames.

Zu Wu Qiangliang was crippled, and the whole person was almost crippled, and the demon emperor Jun was even more half-dead. At this moment, he was holding a sigh of relief so that he would not fall down.

"Hetu Luoshu!"

Suddenly, Di Jun exclaimed, his face pale.

I saw the Haitu Luoshu in the distance, turned into a scroll and a book floating to the ground, and the spiritual energy disappeared nine times out of ten.


Seeing this scene, Di Jun spat out a mouthful of blood again. It was his avatar, and it was damaged at the moment, which would cause considerable damage to his true spirit.


Haitu Luoshu was suspended from the ground and flew back to Di Jun's hands, his face full of pain.

Even Dong Huangtai, who was next to him, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes when he saw this. This is the foundation of the heaven, and it will definitely hurt if it is damaged.

"Brother Qiangliang!"

On the Wu clan's side, everyone cried out in grief, only to see that Qiang Liang had passed out of a coma, his anger was like a gossamer thread, and it was extremely miserable.

"I am going to kill you!"

The corpse roared loudly, staring at Li Zhenwu, and he was about to rush over desperately.

"Life and death have fate, and the human race has been slaughtered by us countless times. This time is our lesson." Xuan Ming took the corpse and spoke coldly.

You must know that no one dares to disobey the decree of the Taoist ancestor, because it is the natural rule of heaven, and the saints cannot stop it.

If anyone forcibly intervenes, it will only cause karma and cause a catastrophe.

"Let's go!"

In the end, the Wu clan left, very lost and full of sadness.

Before leaving, they glared at Li Zhenwu, the smell of hatred almost breaking through the sky.

"Let's go too!"

Under the leadership of Donghuang Taiyi, the demon clan rode the dark clouds and turned to leave, not wanting to stay in this broken place.

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