This time, the two Lich clans suffered considerable losses.

Moreover, they can't take advantage of it at all, because the human race uses their dead lives to light up the road ahead for the living people.


Complete the Human Race crisis mission, reward five hundred years of merit, and maintain the state of the Saiyan God indefinitely.

Hunyuan Avenue merit: 10000000/500.

The voice in his head fell, and there was a burst of heat in the body, and the power of true martial arts revolved on its own, bringing all the endless energy together.

"Super Saiyan God, if I didn't guess, this is the true Saiyan God state."

Feeling the changes in his body, Li Zhenwu was inexplicably surprised.


The golden light flashed through the body, and the merits of Hunyuan Dao were instantly absorbed by the power of true martial arts.

You must know that there are levels of merit. The merits of the Great Desolation make Nu Wa stand holy, and the merits of the Hunyuan Heavenly Dao make Hongjun fit into the Dao of Heaven.

As for the merits of Hunyuan Avenue?

Li Zhenwu had never heard of it anyway, but he didn't have to think about it, he knew that he would definitely leave.

No, when the power of true martial arts absorbs the merits, the body seems to have derived a chaotic universe, full of mysterious mystery, and gradually changes the structure of the body.

"Friend Zhenwu, what are your plans in the future?"

Just when Li Zhenwu was in a trance, Zhen Yuanzi's voice woke him up.

I saw Zhen Yuanzi's beard and hair fluttering in the wind, showing a faint smile, and his eyes were flickering.

"I haven't figured it out yet, I don't know about fellow Daoist Zhenyuan, do you have any suggestions?" Li Zhenwu pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but smile.

"I don't dare to make a proposal, the old Taoist people have good qualifications, and anyone who has a predestined relationship can worship me."

As Zhen Yuanzi's voice fell, the people of the human race in front of Wuzhuang Temple immediately boiled.

You must know that Honghuang's divine passage methods are all in the hands of the powerful, and ordinary people have no direction if they want to practice.

At this moment, Zhenyuanzi said that he could accept the human race as his disciples. For them who were born weak, it was a surprise among surprises!

"If you think you have good qualifications, you can come out!" Li Zhenwu turned his head and shouted to the crowd.

Suddenly, many people couldn't hold back and walked out immediately.

"Shen Nong's aptitude is dull, but he also wants to try. I hope Daxian will not dislike it." The dark man was tall and full of energy.

Zhen Yuanzi didn't say much, and threw out the letter on the ground in front of everyone.

"If you can step on the book on the ground, you will have a relationship with me as a master and apprentice."

After speaking, Shennong took the lead and strode out, and everyone behind him immediately followed.

However, most people, after entering the book of the earth, never came out. Only a few people with good talent could come out.

"Master, please accept Shennong's worship!" Shennong stepped out first and gave a respectful salute.

The rest of the people who walked out of the book, there are three, they are also tall, and their physique does not look weak.

"Master, please accept Bo Ji!"

"Please accept..."

Listening to the names one by one, Li Zhenwu next to him couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

This is to accept the elites of the human race as apprentices.


At this moment, above the nine heavens, a golden light curtain hangs down, like a golden waterfall, shrouding the entire Wuzhuang Temple.

The thirteenth chapter of heaven's merits, shocking the floods! (fifth more)

The prehistoric sky was dyed golden, shining brightly, shining brightly, pouring down from the nine heavens.

This sudden change made those gods who had just recovered their spiritual thoughts explode immediately.

Countless spiritual thoughts swept from all over the world, interweaving violent fluctuations.

It can be sensed from the spiritual sense that the old guys are in a very excited mood at this moment.

"How can the virtues of heaven come?"

"Has anyone been sanctified?"

"Looking at it like this, it seems to be the direction of Wuzhuang Temple. Is it because of the human race that the gods have given merit?"

Countless old monsters from the Great Wilderness were all talking about it, and they couldn't keep calm again.

The heart that had been practicing Taoism for many years was broken in an instant, and the deduction began immediately.


In the Wuzhuang Temple, the merits of the heavenly way suddenly descended, covering both Li Zhenwu and Zhen Yuanzi.

The two were calm and peaceful, bathed in golden light, and looked a little more sacred and solemn.

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