Houtu left from Zixiao Palace, thoughtfully along the way, repeating the words of Daozu Hongjun repeatedly, completely forgetting the direction.

When she came to her senses, she had already come to the shore of the East China Sea. A hundred miles ahead, smoke curled up from cooking, and houses were lined up, filled with an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

"This is the place where the human race lives? Yes, after the Zhenwu alien took the human race, I didn't expect to settle here."

She is slender, with icy muscles and jade bones, and her eyebrows are picturesque. She looks like a fairy in the mountains.

After thinking for a while, Houtu took another step, with a look of inquiry in his eyes, and carefully observed the daily life and diet of the human race.

Some men hunt tigers and leopards, hold them on their shoulders, and walk like flying.

"They... um, their lives are so interesting, they have never been seen within the Wu clan!"

Feeling the surrounding atmosphere, Houtumei's eyes became clearer and brighter, and if she felt something in her heart, she couldn't figure out the key.

Before she knew it, the distance of a hundred miles was quickly passed. When she came to the gate of Wudang Mountain, she still felt unfulfilled.

The daily life of the human race, although ordinary, is very interesting and full of an unspeakable feeling.

It's like, the human race ploughing and weaving, lighting the fire and roasting meat, these things, compared to the witch race, can be done with a wave of hands.

"That must be the true meaning of life." 593

After thinking for a long time, Houtu sighed in his heart and could only sigh.

At this moment, two little girls came up from the mountain gate, one in green and the other in red, just like porcelain dolls, blinking their big eyes.

"But Houtu Daxian is visiting?"

Xiaohua and Xiaocao had curious eyes and smiling faces as they looked at the beautiful fairy-like woman in front of them.

If they didn't know, they wouldn't dare to imagine that the ferocious Ancestral Witch in the wild legends was so beautiful.

"You are?"

Hou Tu woke up from his absence, with a little shyness on his white cheeks.

"Young master told us about the visitor from the mountains, and ordered me to wait here, please come with me!"

Xiaohua and Xiaocao spoke at the same time, which was quite interesting, and Tudu smiled after hearing it.

"That's the trouble for the two little fairies." Houtu Yanran smiled, her heart was peaceful and quiet, as if she had forgotten her identity.

The title of Little Fairy made Xiaocao and Xiaohua burst into bright smiles and chanted.

From the daily anecdotes of Li Zhenwu, to the daily life of living beings in Wudang Mountain, to the magical inventions of the human race, they were all told by them.

Chapter [-] The future of the human race, an opportunity for sanctification! (third more)

Wudang Mountain, at the end of Zhenwu Dojo, is a quaint thatched cottage with the door open.

"The Great Immortal Houtu, please come in, my son has been waiting inside for a long time."

When they came to the door of the thatched hut, Xiaocao and Xiaohua were very sensible. They stepped aside and reached out to invite the guests in.

This politeness was indeed taught by Li Zhenwu.

Hou Tu nodded, the lotus steps moved slightly, and the plain long skirts swayed with the footsteps, and the models came.

"True Martial Fellow!"

Crossing the threshold, she saw a young man sitting cross-legged on the futon of the thatched hut, with a blue shirt and black hair, looking over with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The young man looked seventeen or eighteen years old, with long hair and white facial features. He looked very comfortable, like the young man next door, which made life not a little malicious.

"Please sit down!"

Li Zhenwu stretched his finger to the futon in front of him and said lightly.

The two sat opposite each other, looking directly at each other, not avoiding suspicion, very direct, and they looked at each other silently.

Hou Tu was wearing a plain dress, with generous styles, fair skin as snow, dark eyebrows curving, illuminating a pair of clear eyes.

The room was silent, very quiet, and the needle drop could be heard.

After half a sound, Hou Tu pursed his lips, his red lips slightly opened, and the sound was soft and crisp, like a pearl falling on a jade plate, and the ding-dong sounded, like a clear spring flowing.

"Zhenwu Daoist friend, before the Wuzhuang Temple that day, I saw that your vitality was greatly damaged, but after taking the medicine pill, you immediately recovered as before. It's really amazing."

After pondering for a long time, she was still a woman after all, and she tentatively spoke out, not daring to be too direct.

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu raised the corners of his mouth and his smile became even stronger. He looked at Houtu leisurely, and said lightly, "That's Xiandou. Any injury or vitality damage can be recovered by taking one."

As his voice fell, Houtu Meizhi was shocked, causing a huge wave. Li Zhenwu's words had a lot of lethal power to him.

"Really so wonderful?" she exclaimed, almost asking for what she wanted.

"Of course, it is said that growth and chaos have not yet opened, and the saints have magical effects against the sky." Li Zhenwu said a few nonsense, and his smile became more intense.

He had already figured out the secret of the future, but because of cause and effect, he couldn't give it to the other party immediately.

After all, for the human race, there is still a bigger cause and effect that has not yet been completed. What Li Zhenwu has to do is to let the latter understand his mission.

Li Zhenwu continued: "However, the number of fairy beans is very small. Only one is born in hundreds of millions of years. I am afraid that there are no five in the entire prehistoric period!"

Hearing this, Hou Tu's pretty face froze slightly, and a look of worry appeared in his eyes.

"Such a valuable thing, I don't know if a true martial artist may trade one. Of course, our Wu clan will never take advantage of you. As long as we can find it, we will not hesitate."

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