After hearing that there were not many immortal beans, Hou Tu finally couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately expressed his intention.

You must know that if it is like what Li Zhenwu said, it is absolutely rare and rare, almost worth the value of Lingbao.

However, Li Zhenwu's face sank, "Do you want me to use fairy beans to save Qiangliang? I'm sorry, this is absolutely impossible, the Wu clan is cruel by nature, and the killing is too heavy. I am your guest at the moment, it is already the greatest tolerance."

After speaking, Li Zhenwu, as if his anger had not subsided, stood up and said forcefully: "Today I have some insights into the Dao, please come back now!"

In a blink of an eye, the order to evict the guests was issued, which was completely unsympathetic and very strong.

This sudden change was a catastrophic psychological blow to Houtu, who had always been aloof.

No, the dark eyes, hazy, completely stagnant in place, overwhelmed, looking very pitiful.

"Aren't you leaving yet?"

Li Zhenwu looked down at the back soil from a high place, with his hands on his back, a blue shirt without wind, and a majestic momentum swept out, like a swaying green lotus in chaos.


Hearing this, Hou Tu was stunned for a moment, then he was firm in his heart, pursed his lips, and lowered his head to be silent.

If he left, what would Qiangliang do?What is the future of the witch tribe?

Since Teacher Hongjun said that it fell on Zhenwu, there must be nothing wrong, as long as you stick to it.

"I want to save Qiangliang, and I also want to save the human race, but my strength is weak, and I can't stop the catastrophe, but I will make it up."

Hou Tu stood up slowly, his eyes showed firmness, and he looked directly at Li Zhenwu, and continued: "Friend Zhenwu, what do you want?"


Li Zhenwu sneered, and said coldly, "If you can forgive the human race, why not send Xiandou to you!"

While speaking, he waved his sleeve robe, rolled up the back soil, and threw it straight towards the foot of the mountain.

Throw it down?

In front of the thatched cottage, Xiaohua and Xiaocao were completely sluggish when they saw it. What kind of rude way to chase away guests?

When the back soil was sent away, Li Zhenwu had a smile on his face, and his eyes shone with light.

"It seems that Hongjun Daozu also has careful thoughts! The opportunity for sanctification, the seventh Hongmeng purple energy, seems to be born in the near future."

After talking to himself, Li Zhenwu sat down with his knees crossed, closed his eyes again, and continued to comprehend the Great Way of Heaven.

In the past, in Xia Li, he could capture the rules of heaven and earth, and thus see countless cause and effect. From the countless cause and effect, he could find the future he wanted to watch, and that was the secret of heaven.


Hou Tu let Li Zhenwu take action and was sent directly to the mountain gate. When she stood firm and landed, she couldn't help but feel like a dream.

"Let the people forgive me, how can it be possible to have a deep hatred in the sea of ​​blood?"

She frowned, not caring about Li Zhenwu's rudeness, and her whole mind was already focused on solving the problem.

In this way, while thinking, I unknowingly came to the place where the human race lived for a hundred miles.

Her temperament is ethereal, and her lotus steps move lightly, like a fairy in a forest.

"Big sister, are you from that tribe?"

Suddenly, a rude voice sounded beside him, awakening Hou Tu who had lost his mind.

She turned her head and looked over, and saw a strong young man asking politely, with doubts in his eyes.

After a moment of hesitation, she shook her head and said, "I don't have a tribe!"

Chapter [-] The Six Paths of Reincarnation! (fourth more)

On Wudang Mountain, Zhenwu Dojo.

Li Zhenwu woke up from the enlightenment of heaven, and his spiritual sense swept down the mountain, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Hidden identity is close to the human race, your sanctification opportunity is probably not far away!"

With a sigh of relief, he ignored it, grabbed Xuanyuan, who lived on the mountainside, and continued to talk about the way of true martial arts.

The loud voice was passed on, causing all the creatures on the mountain to wake up.

In the next moment, all the creatures that have activated their spiritual wisdom came towards the dojo, and the surrounding water was blocked.

After they came, they squatted on the ground and bowed, then fell silent, and listened intently to the sound of the avenue. All living beings were fascinated.

This move made the back soil at the foot of Wudang Mountain feel it, and the beautiful eyes couldn't help showing a strange brilliance.

"This person is fraternity, and he teaches the avenues. He even refuses to come, but he has the heart of tolerance. Why is he still unwilling to forgive the wrongs of the Wu clan?"

You must know that even if the saints preach, they will block all living beings from eavesdropping, and it is impossible to be as casual as Li Zhenwu.

Of course, there are exceptions among the saints, that is, the sect master of Tongtian. Regardless of his background or qualifications, he can worship and listen to the Hongjun Avenue he speaks.

"Stepmother, what are you thinking about?"

Just when Houtu was fascinated, the old woman next to her asked with a worried look on her face.

"I'm fine, I just remembered some old things." Hearing this, Houtu shook his head lightly, his eyes a little more sad.

When the old woman saw this, she thought she was thinking of the Lich Calamity, so she couldn't help but get angry: "Stepmother, don't worry, the human race has the Holy Father Zhenwu, and he will be able to get out of the weak state. By then, all Liches will be reduced to A street rat in the prehistoric desert."

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