
Nu Wa Su's hand turned over, and the crystal-like jade-like palm revealed a red flag with all spirits and beasts engraved on its surface, which was extremely miraculous.

"Since Taiyi has returned Zhao Yaopan to me, the matter of Emperor Jun still needs to go on a trip!"

After all, this is about the coefficient of causation. If Nuwa takes this thing, but does not do anything, all kinds of causality will add to her body, and there will always be invisible troubles for comprehending the secret of heaven.

As soon as she thought of this, she put away Zhao Yaopan, then took a step forward and left Wa Palace.

The sage's primordial spirit entrusted the void and walked in the great wilderness, and in a short while, he came to the bank of the East China Sea.

At the foot of Wudang Mountain, Nuwa stood in the sky, dressed in snow-white clothes, fluttering in the wind, and all the people below seemed to be invisible.

"Well, Li Zhenwu, you dare to take advantage of the saint. This matter will definitely have to be dealt with with you in the future."

Looking at the square where the human race lived, the two [-]-meter statues stood side by side, Nuwa's face was very ugly, her eyes were full of reproach, and she didn't have much affection for the wild and alien in her heart.

You must know that of those two statues, the statue of Nuwa is naturally not mentioned, and the statue of Li Zhenwu is equally handsome.

It is precisely because of this that on the day the human race established the Holy Father, Nuwa did not manifest her spirit, because she was still sulking in the Wa Palace.

However, when she felt the life atmosphere of the human race below, she immediately gave birth to a strange feeling, which was exactly the same as the feeling when she saw it.

"Is this the human race? They live peacefully, and I'm relieved." Nu Wa sighed lightly.

After all, it was the race she created. Although the Lich catastrophe was destined for the number of days, she still couldn't help but feel sad.

Fortunately, Zhen Yuanzi came to rescue him that day, and Li Zhenwu, an alien from the wild, made a strong move, almost triggering the Lich War to come ahead of schedule.

In the end, Daozu Hongjun couldn't see it, and he adhered to the nature of heaven and spoke out to prevent the catastrophe from expanding.

"Forget it, since you are a human race, this matter will be revealed!"

Nu Wa's voice fell, and Heavenly Dao sensed it, as if a layer of shackles had been removed from her body, and her body and mind were a little freed invisibly.


She descended from the sky and landed on the Zhenwu Daochang on the peak of Wudang Mountain, dressed in elegant white clothes, as if a fairy was in the dust, illusory.

"Hey, who is coming, and why did you break into Wudang Mountain without authorization?"

Xiaohua and Xiaocao, who had been meditating cross-legged in the dojo, were awakened immediately and hurriedly scold.

The flowers and grasses are carved in jade, as cute as porcelain dolls.

However, they didn't know it. Nuwa deliberately let them know. If it wasn't so, even standing in front of them, they couldn't sense anything.

Seeing this, Nu Wa couldn't help but smile and asked, "Is Li Zhenwu here? Let him come out to see me."

Although the two little girls were very interesting, she also knew the purpose, so she simply asked directly, not wanting to delay time.

"Young master is not here, and I have been away from Daxian Houtu for a few days." Xiaocao replied, her big eyes filled with warning.

Hearing this, Nuwa frowned slightly, and there was a hint of anger in her heart, thinking that the servant must know that he was coming, but he left with Houtu, and he must have deliberately made her lose face.

You must know that in the prehistoric world, in addition to the way of heaven, saints are already the top creatures.

They didn't want anything, but they paid great attention to their face. Li Zhenwu's actions made Nuwa really angry.

"I ask you, what are you doing here, trespassing on the mountain gate, but it's disrespectful." Xiaohua asked angrily with her hands on her waist.

Hearing this, Nuwa, who was already angry, was even more angry, and the woman's heart attacked immediately.

"I think this mountain has a lot of spiritual energy, but it is suitable to be my dojo. Since the dojo owner is not here, I'm welcome."

Nu Wa pretended to laugh and looked around, as if she was looking at the scenery, like a master.

Of course, she already had an opinion on Li Zhenwu, but being fooled by her this time, she had the intention to play tricks in her heart.

After all, saints are also human beings, so they will always be careful.

"Hey, do you really think there is no one in Wudang Mountain?"

Xiaohua and Xiaocao's newborn calves were not afraid of tigers, so they couldn't help but take action immediately.

With a bang, invisible energy erupted from the body, and the small body contained enormous power.

"Huh? Is this the way of true martial arts of that alien? It's interesting."

Feeling the alternative power of Xiaohua Xiaocao, Nu Wa was surprised, and was suddenly aroused by curiosity.

"Look at the fist!"

I saw the two little girls let out a coquettish cry, and when their bodies galloped, they transformed into an afterimage, and rushed over in an instant.

However, if Li Zhenwu was here, he would definitely smile bitterly.

When there is a shot, it is necessary to remind the enemy to watch the fist, which is really dumbfounding.

"There is no divine passage method, and it seems that the way of true martial arts is nothing more than that."

Seeing this, Nuwa was immediately full of contempt for the way Li Zhenwu had never met before.


I saw her waving her hand gently, and the gentle power was like a stream of water, and it suddenly filled out, and instantly drowned the two of Xiaohua and Xiaocao.

The next moment, the two of them had no power to fight back, they were pushed away by the force, and they rolled around in confusion on the ground for a few times.

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