"Wait, we'll call Senior Brother to come here."

However, the two of them were decisive, got up from the ground, turned around and drove away without saying a word.

Xuanyuan was practicing in the stone house on the mountainside. Xiaohua and Xiaocao came and told him what happened on the dojo, which immediately ignited the anger of the young man.

"The bullying is too much, the teacher is not there, and someone is bullying the door, go, I will take you back to the place."

Not knowing who to learn from, Xuanyuan rolled up his sleeves and rushed up with the two of them.

Chapter [-] A friend from afar

On Wudang Mountain, Zhenwu Dojo.

The result was obvious, the three of them were imprisoned in the air before half a meeting, unable to move on the spot.

Nuwa watched the actions of the three, and she could hardly hide her disdain in her heart, "In the future of the human race, you will be taught the fists and feet of Yamano, the way of true martial arts, which is really not popular."

Without the slightest hesitation, he was very decisive to characterize the path that Li Zhenwu took as not being in the stream.

Next, regardless of whether the three of them wanted to, she opened her lips slightly, and a voiceless voice emerged, like the sound of Dao Tianyin, but it was the real Hongmeng Dao.

"I don't listen, the teacher's way is the real way..."

The three originally wanted to resist, but when Nuwa's Hongmeng Avenue exits, they are stunned on the spot, and the whole person is completely sluggish.

You must know that in the prehistoric world, the way of true martial arts is a little out of place for people in this world.

But Hongmeng Avenue is different. As long as the prehistoric creatures hear it, they are almost irresistible. It is the purest true meaning of heaven, and they can understand it as soon as they hear it.


When Nuwa's heavenly sound rang, she was also like Li Zhenwu, and there was no need to suspect, the clear voice like spring water resounded through Wudang Mountain.

Countless creatures were awakened immediately, and ran towards the Zhenwu Dojo.


Li Zhenwu and Houtu walked hand in hand in the great wasteland, and they were not in a hurry to return to the Wu clan immediately.

Li Zhenwu naturally did not know what happened on Wudang Mountain, and even if he knew, he would not stop it.

After all, the way of true martial arts can be combined with all the ways, so as to derive the most suitable way for oneself. Nuwa preaching Xuanyuan and the others, for Li Zhenwu, the more the better.

"Friend Zhenwu Dao, do you think the cause and effect of the world has already been determined?"

On the way, Hou Tu was very eager to learn, because the ancestors were lacking in primordial spirit and could not comprehend the secrets of heaven, so he was very yearning.

Li Zhenwu, dressed in a green shirt, accompanies him around the back soil. The man is handsome, and the woman is alluring, like a pair of immortals. The unknowing creatures in the prehistoric wilderness are very envious when they see it.

"Yes and no!"

Li Zhenwu knew everything about Houtu's problem, but it surprised Houtu very much.

Unexpectedly, although this person looks indifferent and ruthless, in fact, he is fraternity in his heart, and he does not hide anything from her, a person from the Wu clan.

At this moment, Hou Tu felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Could it be that there are other opportunities?" She asked aloud, like a young girl, beautiful and curious.

Li Zhenwu said with a faint smile, "The way of heaven is fifty, and one of them is forty-nine. That one is vitality. Everything has its two sides and cannot be generalized."

In this way, the two of them chatted and laughed with each other, and expressed their understanding without reservation, just like a pair of old friends who have known each other for many years.

this day...

The Wu tribe was already in front of them, but Houtu stood still, looking at the magnificent mountains in the distance, and couldn't help being dazed.

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu also stopped and stood beside her, looking at the tribe in the distance.

There the mountains lie prone, the lowest peaks are also tens of thousands of meters high, towering ancient trees, towering cloud tops, and the scenery is magnificent.

With their keen senses and eyesight, they can clearly see everything of the Wu clan in the distance.

"Returning to the Wu clan, I always have the feeling of being a human being for two generations. My clansmen, they live in this prehistoric wasteland, so peaceful, why are they fighting for your life and death?"

The back soil was full of loneliness, and for a long time, she couldn't figure out why the lich was born to fight, always dreaming of being a vain overlord.

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu was thoughtful, and he could see that in the Wu tribe, like the human race, they lived in groups.

Similarly, there are stone houses, children running around, young men out hunting beasts, and women farming and weaving.


The child ran and turned into the body of a witch, a full kilometer tall, while laughing and laughing, the mountains and forests shook, the mountains swayed, countless trees were cut off, and the leaves rustled.

This scene is simply unimaginable in the human race.

You know, those children are still very young, but they are born with divine power, and they can easily cause unimaginable damage to the Great Wilderness...

Not to mention those young and strong men, who are [-] meters tall, holding a beast in their hands, as if holding an ant, they are very terrifying.

As for women ploughing and weaving, that's just a statement. The body of the beast, which is several hundred meters long, is like a toy in front of them, being manipulated arbitrarily.

Li Zhenwu sighed in his heart: It's not that the prehistoric world can't accommodate the Wu clan, but the Wu clan is too powerful, and the heavens are balanced, how can they tolerate the wanton destruction of this existence?

However, he was very calm on the surface and said, "This is a natural will that cannot be resolved. Unless there is a major change in the Great Wilderness, the two lich clans will only be able to perish in the struggle for hegemony."

Hearing this, Houtu gave a wry smile, no longer bothered about this topic, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go, you are the first alien guest of our Wu tribe."

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