However, a bean without any spiritual energy is still lacking in convincing in the eyes of everyone.

"You won't play with us, will you? This thing is also called fairy bean?"

Ancestor Wu roared in a low voice, and his expression was extremely cold. No matter how he looked at it, the beans in Li Zhenwu's palm were not as powerful as a weed in the wild world.

Chapter [-] The Heaven-defying Magical Effect of Xiandou! (fifth more)

In the magical stone house, as Li Zhenwu took out the fairy beans, everyone's faces were throbbing, flames were beating in their eyes, and they almost couldn't help but shoot.

How ordinary is this?There is no aura and energy fluctuations, and it is worthy of being called the fairy bean?

"Of course, the magic of this bean, the flesh and bones of life and death are considered ordinary, no matter if the soul is damaged or the vitality is lost, it can have unexpected and miraculous effects."

Li Zhenwu's face was full of confidence, thinking about the effect of fairy beans, how would you know.

Zu Wu Qiangliang lost his vitality, I am afraid that if a fairy bean goes down, it will immediately return to its original state.

However, he still had to put on a pretense, twist his wrist again, and the immortal bean in his palm disappeared: "The twelve drops of Ancestral Witch's blood have been integrated into it, and it should be almost the same."

While speaking, his expression was stern, his sword brows furrowed, as if he was refining something.

After waiting for half an hour, just when the ancestors were about to attack, Li Zhenwu scolded at the right time: "It's done~!"

The voice fell, and he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a green bean turned into a hazy blue light, and flew into Qiangliang's mouth like a dead man in an instant.

"How is Qiangliang?"

"Is it really okay?"

"Although I'm rude, don't lie to me, the bean just now hasn't changed except for the light!"

"If Qiangliang hasn't woken up in half an hour, let's see how we deal with him!"

All the Wu clan were talking about each other, their eyes widened, and their eyes fell on Qiang Liang, who was lying on the high platform.

However, Qiangliang's face was still ashen, and he didn't react at all.

Li Zhenwu calmly smiled and said: "It seems that Zuwu's physique is too strong, and the energy of Xiandou has not had time to fully absorb it."

"What if it still doesn't work? What should I do?" Hou Tu asked curiously.

"One won't work, then two!"

Li Zhenwu was indifferent, and said casually.

As his voice fell, there was a thunderous vibration in the strange space of the quiet stone house.

The sudden change caused everyone to be shocked. They followed the voice and found that the voice came from Qiangliang's body.


The loud noise shook, like the tremors of the mountains, and the shocking sound broke out, which was shocking.


The next moment, Qiangliang, who had closed his eyes tightly, suddenly opened his eyes, and there was lightning in his eyes, which contained an aura of destruction.

The vitality in his body quickly recovered, filled with a powerful momentum, and countless ripples appeared around his body.

Too strong!

From dying to recovery, in just a few breaths, he has returned to his peak state, even stronger than Wuzhuang Guanqian.

"Brother Qiangliang!"

The ancestors were inexplicably surprised and couldn't be more excited.

Today's Qiangliang can be said to be reborn, with thunder and light penetrating through his body, pale and bright, with thunderous lines spreading on the surface of his skin, full of terrifying aura.

"Why am I here?"

Qiang Liang sat up, his face full of doubts. When he saw Li Zhenwu next to him, his face changed drastically, and he roared: "Human child, you dare to appear in front of me."

As his voice fell, he saw a majestic thunder dragon bursting from Qiangliang's body, the dragon's roar echoed, and it rushed towards Li Zhenwu.

too suddenly!

Everyone couldn't react, and the majestic Thunder Dragon had already drowned Li Zhenwu.

"You can't be strong..."

Houtu Su covered his mouth with his hands and exclaimed, but it was too late.

There, the thunder raged, and the aura of destruction caused the surrounding space to vibrate, tearing out dark holes.

At this moment, Xuan Ming's pretty face changed slightly, and he waved his bone sword sharply, blocking Qiang Liang's body, and said coldly, "Stop, that's your savior, don't do that disobedience."

Although the Wu people are cruel by nature, they also know how to be grateful to Dade. Even if they pay a heavy price, when Qiangliang wakes up, everyone dispels their unhappiness.

You must know how much hope they had in the first place that they would be able to save Qiangliang.

It felt beyond imagination and unbelievable.

"Is this the way the Wu clan treats their saviors? Today, I, Li Zhenwu, have opened my eyes."

Li Zhenwu walked out of the thunder light with his hands on his back, unscathed, and a stern smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

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