What a strange method this is, under Qiangliang's rage shot, there is no damage at all.

At the moment, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Qiangliang, Zhenwu Daoist friend is your savior, thank you soon."

Xuan Ming scolded him with a cold face, and told him the cause and effect together.

"Friend Zhenwu Dao, thank you, I owe you my life." Qiangliang gritted his teeth and said.


The prehistoric world was originally silent, but when Qiangliang woke up, the whole prehistoric world exploded.

The secret that originally led Zu Wu Qiangliang was already very weak, but at this moment, the divine light bloomed and radiated bright light.


As soon as this vision appeared, it shocked the saints and the great supernatural powers.

"How is that possible? That guy Qiangliang has already lost his vitality, and there is not much time left to live. Why is it suddenly so strange?"

In the heavenly court, Donghuang Taiyi's expression changed drastically, and he immediately spit out a mouthful of blood essence, which fell on the Donghuang bell, and shook it gently.

Less than half an hour later, he spat out a mouthful of blood, with great hatred on his face.

"Almost, my brother's deadline is approaching, the future is blurred, and I can only sense that the opportunity lies in the east..."


All the saints of the Great Desolate, also with solemn faces, closed their eyes to comprehend the secrets of heaven, unprecedented solemnity.

"What a chaotic secret, I only know that Qiangliang's future lies in the human race."

"A human race again?"

"It is too terrifying to revive the dying ancestor witch, and the luck of the human race."

"The human race has a relationship with my Western Spirit Mountain!"

The thoughts of the saints flashed, their eyes were shocked, and they turned to look at the east, the direction of the East China Sea.

In the whole flood, only one person knew that it was what Li Zhenwu did.

That is the Nuwa who forced Xuanyuan to accept Hongmeng Avenue on Wudang Mountain...

Chapter [-] The Spirit of Zhu Rong!

In the Wu tribe, the news of Zu Wu Qiangliang's sobering up, like a wave, was instantly transmitted.

Immediately, the Wu clan cheered happily, and everyone's emotions were very high.

Even the ancestor witches who had opinions on Li Zhenwu at the moment looked at him with faint respect.

Not because Qiangliang was sober, but because the strength recovered after Qiangliang was sober had reached its peak.

What kind of terrifying fairy beans is this?

Such a miraculous effect made the ancestors and the great witches feel terrified in their hearts, and I am afraid that the saint's shot is just nothing.

"You all go out first."

When everyone was still full of joy, Xuan Ming's pretty face was dignified and he let everyone out, leaving only Houtu and Li Zhenwu.

"Yes, Miss Xuan Ming."

With an answer, everyone looked solemn and retreated silently.

However, before they left, their eyes looked in the direction of Li Zhenwu with anticipation, and their eyes contained strong hopes.

Their reaction fell into Li Zhenwu's eyes, and a trace of doubt emerged in his heart. He immediately turned his head and glanced at Houtu.

But Hou Tu shook his head slightly, and his beautiful eyes were extremely complicated.

"Friend Zhenwu Daoist, I think you must be very confused now, right?" At this time, Xuan Ming opened his mouth, and his cold red lips revealed a bit of coquettishness.

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu looked over, his eyes were clear, and he nodded, thinking that Qiangliang had been rescued, and the rest would be out of his control.

Seeing his doubts, Xuan Ming stretched out his plain hand and pointed to another high platform.

"This is the Falling God Stone of the Wu clan, and it is also the eye of this alien space. It has a magical effect that can reduce the flow of time in the outside world."

"If a spirit fruit that is about to wither can lose its vitality in three days outside, it can last for more than three years in the eyes of the array."

Following Xuan Ming's explanation, Li Zhenwu was surprised, thinking that although this formation was miraculous, it didn't seem to have anything to do with him.

Hou Tu's pretty face changed slightly, looked at Xuan Ming in disbelief, and exclaimed, "Sister, have you really decided?"

"Yes, the physique of Ancestral Witch is transformed by the flesh and blood of Pangu. In the world, there is no genius spirit treasure that can be useful to the real body of Ancestral Witch, but the fairy beans of Zhenwu Daoist friends are beyond my cognition and understanding."

Xuan Ming was wearing a black dress, with a graceful and tall figure, which contained a kind of cold and glamorous charm, her red lips slightly opened, and she continued: "If we continue, I am afraid that it will end up in the end, it is better to let Zhenwu Taoist friends see it. Look, what else is there to do?"

If the two of them were alone, there was no need to suspect Li Zhenwu at all. They were directly discussing a secret of the Wu clan.

"To be honest, if I can help, for the sake of the Houtu girl, and not endangering the human race, I will not stand by." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

Hearing this, Hou Tu and Xuan Ming's beautiful eyes glowed with strange colors.

"Let's talk about it!" Xuan Ming's pale cheeks showed a hint of sadness, which was very subtle, but he couldn't hide it from Li Zhenwu's eyes.

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