I saw that the curled up True Spirit suddenly trembled, as if it were conscious.

This vision is very slight, but everyone in the field can sense the cultivation level immediately, and their faces change drastically.

"It's interesting. Although Zhu Rong Zhenling doesn't have spiritual wisdom, he still has an instinctive reaction. He can hear our words." Li Zhenwu had a smile on his face.

The eyes of Xuan Ming and Hou Tu were full of tears, as if the slight tremor of the true spirit touched the memory deep in their hearts.

"Brother Zhu Rong, do you agree with the alternative rebirth?" Xuan Ming said softly.

Among the twelve ancestral witches, Houtu is the youngest, but Gonggong and Zhu Rong are ranked above Houtu, and they are also the younger brothers of the ancestors.

The two were hot-tempered, and they were often able to fight for little things, but they were also the two most accommodating ancestors.

When Xuan Ming's voice fell, and under the chaotic fog, Zhu Rong Zhenling shook again, as if it was an instinctive response.

Seeing this scene, Hou Tu and Xuan Ming's expressions changed slightly, and their eyes showed a firm look.

"Okay, I believe you!"

Xuan Ming was very decisive, without any hesitation, he immediately agreed.

"Don't worry, he will follow me and won't bury his own advantages." Li Zhenwu raised a smile, then stretched out his hand through the chaotic mist, and directly put Zhu Rongzhenling into the system backpack.

"No, if you can really restore his mind, that's the best creation for him. As for the future, maybe it's the best choice to follow you!"

Xuan Ming sighed, her beautiful eyes dimmed, her face full of loneliness.

The Lich War, for her cultivation level, she could already vaguely sense the future, but she was unwilling, and she had to fight for peace of mind.

"If that's the case, then I'll say goodbye first."

After getting the true spirit of Zhu Rong, Li Zhenwu was so anxious that he couldn't stay any longer. He just wanted to return to Wudang Mountain as soon as possible.

Because, there is still what he needs.

Wu tribe mountain gate.

All ancestor witches and great witches came out to see them off.

They looked at Li Zhenwu's eyes, and there was no more hatred, only heartfelt gratitude, because Li Zhenwu left with the future of Zuwu.

"Zhenwu, the Lich War is over, I will abide by my promise and do everything in the future."

Hou Tu was wearing plain clothes, with bright black hair and a delicate and picturesque face. She stood in front of the mountain gate and spoke softly.

No one knew what she meant, it was just an agreement to reconcile with the Terran.

"I know, there will be a future!"

Without turning his head, Li Zhenwu took a step forward and disappeared from the place in an instant, and a ripple appeared in the space.

This scene made Di Jiang in the Ancestral Witch widen his eyes, and 907's face was incredible.

"It's no wonder that he had no fear at the time. This method was amazing at the time." He sighed with emotion.

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded in agreement. The space had not been broken, and they could teleport away, and the figure could not be seen in the range of hundreds of millions of miles.

This kind of god channel method is simply unimaginable.


Wudang Mountain, Zhenwu Dojo.

At this moment, Nu Wa sits cross-legged in the air, her red lips lightly parted, but she is talking about Hongjun Avenue.

In the dojo below, Xuanyuan and Xiaocao Xiaohua heard their faces full of dementia, as if they were dreaming, with intoxicated smiles on their faces.

"Today's sermon is over, please go away by yourself!"

Suddenly, Nuwa stopped preaching and waved the crowd away.

Xuanyuan and the three of them were full of fears and uneasy in their hearts. They thought that the teacher would come back, and they didn't know how to punish them!

However, after everyone left, Nu Wa stood up, her snow-white dress fluttering, like a fairy in the dust.

"Since you're back, why don't you come out and meet?"

The crisp sound sounded, like a ding dong clear spring flowing, passed into the thatched cottage, and the two doors opened.

"I've seen fellow Daoist Nuwa!"

Li Zhenwu stepped out calmly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, not at all afraid of the saint's natural might.

Chapter [-] Rebuking Nuwa! (third more)

On Wudang Mountain, the atmosphere is subtle and slightly solemn.

Li Zhenwu's words of seeing a fellow Taoist made Nuwa feel sullen, thinking that this person is so rude, but as a human race, she dares to be friends with her peers.

Of course, although Nuwa knew that Li Zhenwu was a human race, she could not figure out Li Zhenwu's origin no matter how she calculated the secrets.

This is a very strange thing.

"I'm here, you know what I want to come here!" Nu Wa said lightly without turning her head.

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu's smile grew stronger, and he shook his head and said, "I don't know, why are you here?"


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