Nu Wa turned around, her pretty face was cold, and she scolded: "You really don't know, or pretend you don't know, this sage came here, naturally to find you to resolve the life and death of Emperor Jun."

Her face is cold, delicate and picturesque, her dark eyebrows are raised, with a little sullenness, and her beautiful eyes contain anger.

The face of the world, in front of Nu Wa, is nothing but the same.

Compared with the slightly shy personality of the Houtu, Nuwa, because of her innate dignity, shows arrogance in front of other creatures unconsciously.

Unfortunately, it has no effect on Li Zhenwu.

He smiled lightly, "Fellow Daoist Nuwa, Di Jun is the enemy of the human race. What does his life and death have to do with Zhenwu?"

The voice fell, and the atmosphere in the field became more solemn.

The saint's request was turned down?

What an arrogant attitude this is, if it is known by other prehistoric creatures, they will definitely pay homage to Li Zhenwu and call him his idol.

"It has nothing to do with you, but how do you explain the matter of the Wu clan?"

In the end, it was not long before he was sanctified. Although he calculated all beings in the world, he still did not have much scheming, especially in front of Li Zhenwu.

No, as soon as he exits, his simple character is revealed.

"The prehistoric creatures are really amazing, their strength is unparalleled, but their minds are so naive, it's really strange."

Li Zhenwu meditated silently in his heart, but on the surface he was very indifferent, his eyes were calm, and he looked at Nuwa.

In the matter of the Wu clan, there is the love of Houtu, as well as the blood of the ancestors. Otherwise, how could Li Zhenwu come to the rescue?

But now Nu Wa is simple, this obvious truth, but it is still stupid and cute to ask, it makes people speechless.

"What do you mean? Don't you take it seriously when this saint speaks?"

Li Zhenwu's gaze, in Nuwa's feelings, was quite aggressive, which made her very annoyed.

After pondering for a while, Li Zhenwu smiled bitterly, spread his hands and said: "What the Taoist said is reasonable, and the matter of Emperor Jun, it's okay to save him, but the human race's lich catastrophe has never passed, and my thoughts are naturally incomprehensible."

"The matter of Emperor Jun, the exchange of soul-devouring flags, which is transformed by the soul of the human race, is of great use to me."

While speaking, Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back, his eyes were piercing, and he was directly on the surface.

If you want to save Dijun, you can, but you need to exchange things.

Hearing this, Nuwa was stunned for a moment, her beautiful eyes widened, she couldn't believe it, how dare this son of Zhenwu even dare to bargain with the saint?

What kind of arrogant guy is this?

"Fellow Daoist, don't refuse, the human race respects you as a virgin, but you have ever had kindness. In my opinion, the human race is just a tool to help you sanctify."

"To act like this is to be a virgin!"

"What saints are just thieves. In front of my Zhenwu, they are not as good as human beings? Under heaven, all living beings are equal, and monsters are not nobler than humans."

Li Zhenwu's expression was calm, and the light words were conveyed word by word.

Such rebellious words were like beating a drum, hitting Nuwa's heart severely, making her stand on the spot.

These remarks have powerful lethal power for the sage Nuwa who has always been aloof, but for a while, he forgot to refute them.

"I am an alien, so why should I be afraid of saints? As for the matter of Emperor Jun, don't mention it again."

After speaking, Li Zhenwu turned around and returned to the thatched hut, simply too lazy to pay attention to the girl Nuwa.

He dared to act like this, naturally he knew Nu Wa's heart.

For all the saints in the wild, Nuwa is the kindest one, and her mind is extremely simple.

Otherwise, in the Journey to the West in later generations, you will not be fooled by the Western Spirit Mountain, and let the monkeys participate in the so-called Buddhist scriptures.

Similarly, Nuwa is quite aware of good and evil. Otherwise, if the Lich is fighting for hegemony, if she makes a move, the witch clan will probably be wiped out long ago.

It is precisely because of this disposition that when Li Zhenwu's remarks came out, she was not angry at first, but felt it carefully, and suddenly felt that it made some sense.

However, the sage is sovereign, but she can't do things like admitting mistakes for a while.

"Come on, hurry up and admit your mistake, then I can refine the Twelve Capital Heavenly Primordial Formation."

Inside the thatched hut, Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged, but he muttered silently in his heart, vaguely anxious.

However, he was still very calm on the surface, at least Nu Wa couldn't see the anxiety in his heart.

But she said Nuwa stood there for half an hour before she woke up, her beautiful eyes glowing with brilliance.

"Although this son is rude, his ideas are also somewhat reasonable. Since the monsters made mistakes first, and the difficulties of the human race, I also have some responsibility, and this should be the karmic retribution."

With a sigh in her heart, Nu Wa immediately turned around, moved her lotus steps slightly, and came to the outside of the thatched cottage.

"Friend Zhenwu Daoist, what you said is indeed reasonable, but it is not entirely correct. Of course, this soul-devouring banner, let's take it!"

When he flipped his hand over, there were twelve more dark flags in the crystal white palm, which contained majestic soul power.

That was the soul absorbed by the demon clan when they slaughtered the human clan. They wanted to refine the killing sword and use it to kill the ancestral witch.

Later, Daozu Hongjun made a statement and was taken over by Nuwa, but this time it was the end of the original cause and effect.

"Great kindness, fools can be taught!"

Inside the thatched hut, Li Zhenwu had a strong smile on his face, got up immediately, and walked out slowly.

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