"Fool can be taught, what do you mean?"

Looking at the youth in the green shirt in front of her, Nuwa's beautiful eyes blinked and she asked curiously.

As soon as these words came out, Li Zhenwu was stunned for a moment, then took the flag in her hand and put it away immediately.

"It's nothing, I said it at will."

Of course, it must not be explained, otherwise, it may not necessarily anger the saint.

Chapter [-] Nuwa who knows her mistakes and can correct her! (fourth more)

Li Zhenwu got the Soul Eater flag, and he was not stingy, and threw a fairy bean directly.

"This is a strange thing born in the chaotic void. Under the saint, as long as there is a trace of vitality, there will be unexpected miracles."

That fairy bean, green and dripping, flowing with green luster, is like a natural jade.

Of course, the effect of the appearance is just that Li Zhenwu pretended to be mysterious and evolved with the power of true martial arts.

Otherwise, an ordinary bean will definitely not be convincing.

Nuwa was overjoyed, and immediately thanked her after receiving it: "Fellow Daoist Kuoda, it is Nuwa who is in a dilemma, and this matter will be regarded as Nuwa owes Daoist friend a favor."

As long as Di Jun takes Xiandou, then the cause and effect of recruiting Yaopan will be over.

In this way, the Tao's heart is clear, and Nu Wa is also at ease.

"Since Daoist Nuwa is here, why not watch the progress of the human race, so that the human race will know that the Virgin is still thinking of them."

Seeing that Nuwa wanted to leave, Li Zhenwu immediately took a step and made that gesture of retention.

Now that you are here, how can you deal with the name of the Virgin of the Human Race if you don't have a good relationship?

Hearing this, Nu Wa's raised lotus step was immediately retracted, and the face of Qingcheng showed a radiant and loving smile.

"What Zhenwu did, Nuwa already understood 780 in her heart, but she didn't understand in her heart, why is the life of the human race so simple?"

"Humans are born ordinary, and the process of natural life is also ordinary, unless you get the fate of immortals, walk against the sky, and cultivate into a free and happy immortal."

Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, raised his finger to Xuanyuan in the stone house on the mountainside, and continued: "Their extraordinary is progress, they will not remain complacent, and through their own efforts and absorbing the experience of all living beings, they will become stronger."

"The same is true of the way of true martial arts. The emphasis is on progress, not sticking to one pattern, and the way of the human race has the same goal in different ways."

With the sound of Li Zhenwu's words, Nuwa stood still on the spot again.

A few days ago, she had asserted that the way of true martial arts was not popular, but now it seems that she has made a false statement.

Thinking back to the past days of preaching Xuanyuan, as Li Zhenwu said, he is not complacent. As long as it suits him, it can be transformed into a path that suits him.

"The words of Zhenwu, a word that awakens the dreamer, but what Nuwa said that day was wrong."

Nu Wa's pretty face showed a blush, and she was not arrogant. She was honest and admitted her mistake.

If it were other saints, I would not dare to imagine it.

"It's okay, Nuwa's aptitude is above all living beings, and Zhenwu's remarks are a bit false." Li Zhenwu put his hands on his back and smiled lightly.

Then, he invited Nu Wa to comprehend the life of the human race and integrate it into the atmosphere of the environment.

Coming down from Wudang Mountain, it appeared directly in the place where the human race lived.

"It's amazing, why do they want to live barbecue?"

"It's interesting to cultivate and weave like this."

"This thing is ordinary and unremarkable, but it can make the fish in the water unable to get in and out. It's amazing."

The two walked side by side, Nuwa screamed repeatedly on the way, and she was like a curious baby about everything.

The corners of Li Zhenwu's eyes twitched, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

It was only then that he realized that when the human race lived near the Wa Palace, it was not because Nu Wa couldn't be taught, but because she didn't understand it at all.

After all, he was born noble, even if he comprehends the Hongjun Dao and lives and lives, he doesn't know anything about it, so he has to be served by a special maid!

"The company of Zhenwu this time makes Nuwa feel ashamed. With all these things, Nuwa still doesn't do enough for the human race."

I don't know how long it took, Nuwa's pretty face showed a hint of shame, and she was grateful to Li Zhenwu from the bottom of her heart.

If it weren't for this, she didn't know that the creatures she created would be such a great race.

"Knowing mistakes can improve a lot, and it is the blessing of the human race that Nuwa can come to her senses." Li Zhenwu said with a faint smile.

"Also, since I saw the greatness of the human race today, Nuwa has an understanding, so I will give them blessings this time, so that they can go further."

While speaking, Nu Wa and Li Zhenwu walked side by side, came to the sky above the two statues in the square, and danced in the air.

Nu Wa is dressed in a snow-white dress and has a dusty temperament, like the fairy Lingbo walking out of the picture, which contains an indescribable rhyme.

Beside her, Li Zhenwu was in a blue shirt and black hair, with a calm temperament, raising his hands and feet, he was the center of the world, and people couldn't help but give birth to the meaning of worship.

"Fu Ze is forever!"

I saw Nu Wa pointed out the void, and the mantra of the avenue came, causing the statue below to emit a misty brilliance, which was beautiful.

With this vision, all the human beings below were stunned.

Immediately afterwards, they turned their heads and looked over, only to see the Virgin Mary and the Holy Father standing in the sky above the statue, looking at them with a faint smile.

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