
In an instant, the entire place where the human race lived was blown up, as if the chaotic wind swept through, and everyone was shocked wherever they passed.

"The Virgin Appeared, the Holy Father Appeared!"

As soon as this news came out, countless people, no matter what they were doing, threw away their work and rushed towards the square.

After several years of recuperation, the human beings, from more than [-] people at the beginning, have now reached [-] people.

Women with babies, strong men with young children, young men with old people on their backs, gathered from all directions.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the entire square was surrounded by humans.

They looked up, their eyes filled with respect and admiration, without saying a word, with the most sincere hearts.

"I am the Virgin, when the people of Fuze will be healthy forever."

Nu Wa squeezed the lotus flower in her hand, her beautiful eyes contained great love, and she spoke softly.

The voice fell, and there were invisible fluctuations, falling from the nine days, like a misty drizzle, falling on everyone.

At the moment, everyone felt that the fatigue in the body was swept away, and the people who were afflicted with disease were suddenly free from disaster and pain, and could kill a cow with one punch.

"Welcome to the Apparition of Our Lady!"

The next moment, all human beings, with their waists straight, shouted in unison.

Hundreds of thousands of people spoke, and the sound spread hundreds of miles, and the power was overwhelming.

Some even burst into tears and chanted the Virgin Mary's love, never forgetting the human race and boundless love.

Since the birth of the human race, this is the first time that Nu Wa has manifested a spirit, and blessings are forever, which has touched many people's hearts, and has a kind of relief.

Mother of God, has never forgotten us!

Chapter [-] Massive golden light merits! (fifth more)

The place where the human race lives, the scene is earth-shattering, Rao is Nu Wa's heart is indifferent after her sanctification, and her beautiful eyes are still rippling and misty.

"They don't blame me!" She whispered, her heart clearer than ever.

Making people from earth is a gift of life, and the human race has the deepest feelings for Nuwa.

From the beginning to the end, Li Zhenwu watched silently beside him, a smile flashed in his eyes, thinking about the cause and effect of Nuwa, and finally fell.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his lips slightly, opened his mouth lightly, and his Lang-Lang voice conveyed thousands of miles.

"I am the Holy Father, and I will protect the peace of the human race!"

As soon as these words came out, the heaven and the earth shook, invisible fluctuations descended, and the supreme power was derived, which forcibly raised the cultivation base of the human race supernatural powers by a level.

The power of true martial arts, evolve the rules of heaven and earth, and teach true martial arts morality.

"This is? Your way, it's interesting." Nuwa smiled lightly, and could only comment like this.

The people of the human race below had not yet reacted, and the next moment, the entire flood was shaken.


Above the nine heavens, the rich and dazzling golden light came from the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and descended directly on the Human Race Square.

Li Zhenwu and Nuwa were immediately submerged by the golden light, as if bathed in the avenue, warm and peaceful.

The golden light of merit and virtue came again abnormally, causing the whole flood to shake a lot.

Moreover, the golden light of merit this time seems to be endless, like the chaotic river water in the nine heavens, pouring out, reflecting the dazzling light there.

I don't know how long it took, when the light dissipated, revealing the two figures.


Congratulations to the host, for accumulating supreme blessings for the human race, the system will reward the merits of Hunyuan Dao for a thousand years.

Hunyuan Avenue merit: 100000000/2500.


There was a loud noise in the body, and the dazzling golden light came out through the body, like a golden god of war, majestic.

"It has already reached the peak, and we need to find a time to break through to the quasi-saint realm."

Li Zhenwu's heart was filled with joy, and he couldn't imagine that the merits of Hunyuan Dao this time were so profound.

Now his normal strength can almost reach the early stage of Quasi-Saint, only the last piece of paper is broken.

"Friends of true martial arts, this time there is a chance for merit and virtue, and Nuwa still needs to thank you."

At this time, Nu Wa turned her head to look at Li Zhenwu, the smile in her eyes could not be concealed, and the joy was inexplicable.

"Haha, this is because Nuwa is sensible, so she accepted this great fate." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

The words of the two were not passed on, so no creature could hear it.

However, this natural feeling of intimacy shocked countless human beings below, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

"The merit is added to the body, but Nuwa has some insights, so she will leave first this time."

Nu Wa's snow-white dress sets off her graceful figure as holy as a snow lotus, making it impossible for people to imagine the slightest reverie.

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