
Li Zhenwu looked at the woman in front of him with clear eyes, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Hearing this, for some unknown reason, Nuwa felt a loneliness in her heart. Although she spent time together, she lacked a unique sense of closeness to Li Zhenwu.

"Well, about the human race, I still need to trouble Zhenwu."

The voice fell, she turned and left, and the lotus step moved slightly, moving towards the distance.

From beginning to end, Li Zhenwu's eyes were very calm, and he could not see the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

call out!

Suddenly, a ray of red light rushed towards Tai Tai from a distance, like a red flower, falling towards the top of Li Zhenwu's head.

"This is?"

Li Zhenwu's eyes flashed, and he stretched out his hands. The red light fluttered in his palm, but it was a hydrangea.

It is one of Nuwa's congenital spiritual treasures, and it has peculiar effects.

"Zhenwu enlightens Nuwa, and this thing can be regarded as Nuwa's favor."

From a distance, Nuwa's cold voice came, which contained a faint hint of innocence, but Li Zhenwu was stunned on the spot.

I do not know how long it has been……

Li Zhenwu looked down at the hydrangea in his hand and grinned, "In a certain era, a woman threw a hydrangea to a man as a sign of love. It seems that Nuwa has love for me."

The voice was very soft, as if talking to himself, only he could hear it.

But Nuwa, who was about to return to the Wa Palace, suddenly felt something. When she heard Li Zhenwu's words, she almost stumbled.

"You son of a bitch, this matter is not over with you."

Her face was flushed, her heart was numb, and her beautiful eyes shone with a strange light.

With a huff, her figure disappeared from the spot, but she was very embarrassed and returned to the Wa Palace as if she had fled.


At the same moment, the entire prehistoric world had woken up from the shock.

"What kind of luck is the human race, how can it drop the golden light of merit again and again?"

"Such a majestic golden light of merit, if it can be poured into me, there is hope for sanctification!"

"The world has changed, and all kinds of balances will be broken."

Many great gods of the Great Desolation were shocked at this moment, and a huge wave was set off in their hearts.

If something goes wrong, it will be a demon!

Once the golden light of merit and virtue is sent from the sky, it may be blessed by the heaven, but two or three times?

It's so abnormal, it can be said to be a grand event that has never happened in the history of the Great Desolation.

All the saints were awakened, looked towards the direction of Wudang Mountain, and immediately stepped out.

"Wudang Zhenwu is related to my Western Spirit Mountain."

This is Jie Yin and Zhun Ti, driving the auspicious clouds, traveling through the Great Wilderness, all the way to the East China Sea.

Shouyang Mountain Dousi Palace...

"This son can't see clearly, I'll make a decision when they walk around!" Laozi stroked his long beard and said lightly.

Kunlun Jade Palace...

"I can't see where I was born, so I'm still waiting, let them walk around and take a look." Yuanshi Tianzun sat cross-legged, and immediately closed his eyes to realize the secret of heaven.

Jinao Island in the East China Sea...

In the Wanxian Square, the Tongtian Sect Master woke up from the avenue, and immediately pinched his fingers, his brows furrowed.

"Despicable villain, ashamed to be in your company."

At the beginning of the flood, the sea of ​​blood born from heaven and earth.

"The fate of the human race is really against the sky, is there an opportunity for me to be sanctified?" Ming He's face was distressed and he was uncertain.

All the saints and gods, each with their own thoughts, all looked in the direction of Wudang Mountain.

It's not what they wanted, but the golden light of merit is too heaven-defying, completely confusing everyone, and it can only fall on the people of the human race.

Chapter [-] Refining the Great Array! (first update)

Back on Wudang Mountain, Li Zhenwu felt a sense of it, and glanced at the west, and the direction of the sea of ​​blood.

"The troubled autumn is coming, I hope you will be more interesting and don't make me angry."

With a light whisper, he turned around and returned to the thatched hut.

The fate of the human race is too bad, and it will naturally make others jealous. No matter the saints or the various races, there will be arrogant people who want to get some benefits from it.

"From today onwards, the sermons will be suspended, and while you wait for Haosheng to practice, I will retreat."

Li Zhenwu's voice conveyed in the minds of all beings in Wudang Mountain.

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