With the sound of the voice, all the souls of life are stunned, this is something that has never happened before.

Because of the uniqueness of the way of true martial arts, there is no need to retreat at all. Unless you comprehend the secrets of the avenue, you can make progress in the exercise.

"Young master will retreat and practice when he comes back. It's really amazing." Xiao Cao's delicate cheeks showed a hint of disappointment.

For them, as long as they serve the young master, it is the best cultivation.

"I didn't expect that the fairy is the goddess Nuwa. I am afraid that the young master will not travel far for a long time after coming back." Xiaohua said with joy on her face.

Only Xuanyuan, who lived halfway up the mountain, was so frightened that he couldn't recover for a long time.

"That's the goddess Nuwa, I wanted to teach the goddess a lesson!"

He was shivering all over and couldn't help shaking. What a foolish act, he didn't even bother to listen to Na Hongjun Avenue.

Now it seems that it is the mother of Nuwa who doesn't care about herself.


Inside the thatched cottage.

"Time House!"

Li Zhenwu gave a light reprimand, took out the Time House from his backpack, and sat in the center of the room.

The time house, whose architectural style is incompatible with the surrounding, expresses a faint rhythm of true martial arts, covering all investigations.

"Refining the Twelve Capitals Heavenly Primordial Array, the movement will be very terrifying. Only by entering the Time House can you be guaranteed not to be disturbed."

While speaking, Li Zhenwu took one step, and the whole person disappeared from the door.

In the white time house space, the flow of time here is countless times slower than the outside world.

The surrounding is quiet and peaceful, without the slightest noise, very quiet.

"Soul-devouring flags come out!"

With a wave of Li Zhenwu's robe, twelve pitch-black flags flew out of his sleeves.


The flag rose against the storm, and in an instant it became [-] meters tall, suspended in a mysterious position, full of endless gloomy aura.

"The soul-devouring flag is made from the soul of the human race, and now it is the base of the formation, and it can be considered a causal cycle!"

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, and then raised his hand a little in the air.

Immediately, the majestic power of true martial arts surged out from the fingertips, like a chaotic river, splitting into twelve streams and flowing toward the twelve flags.

When the power of true martial arts merged with the soul-devouring flag, in the space of the Time House, there was a sudden gloomy wind, and countless ghosts and wolf howls sounded from the heavens and the earth.

"It's a pity that the six paths of reincarnation have not yet opened, but you cannot be sent to reincarnation, but after ten thousand years, you will be able to join reincarnation."

Li Zhenwu frowned, and the strength of Zhenwu continued to surge away.

The next moment, twelve flags fluttered in the wind, and countless souls, densely packed, were flying around.

Those souls looked sluggish and didn't have the slightest bit of life, because even they didn't know that they were there at the moment.

"Forget it, if the Six Paths are opened, I will disband this formation, so that you can be reincarnated as a human being!"

After all, as a human being, Li Zhenwu couldn't bear it, and finally made a promise.

As his voice fell, the wandering souls seemed to be able to hear them, and immediately turned to leave, submerging into the twelve pitch-black banners.

"Wish Rong come out!"

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhenwu shouted, and Zu Wu Zhenling emerged from the palm of his hand. It was a curled human-shaped energy group.

When the energy group appeared, the twelve flags fluttered wildly, exuding a solemn atmosphere.


Li Zhenwu waved his hand gently, and Zu Wu Zhenling was sent in by him.


Countless true martial powers are constantly being cast out and submerged into the twelve flags, as if they have to be tempered and reborn.

Gradually, the grim ghost wind gradually dissipated.

Instead, it is a vague gas, like a chaotic fog, filled with powerful fluctuations of power.

That is the power of true martial arts, which has been integrated with the merits of Hunyuan Dao, and has a peculiar effect.

I do not know how long it has been……


With a thunderous roar, the entire misty space of the Time House shook violently.

"It's done!"

Li Zhenwu, who was sitting cross-legged on the side, suddenly opened his closed eyes, and his eyes burst into a bright light, full of surprises.

I saw the original Soul Eater banner, now majestic, covering the sky and the sun, and countless hazy mists permeated out.

Twelve flags rose hundreds of thousands of meters against the storm, almost occupying the entire space.

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