In the center of the flag, the fire was burning, and a flame giant was born from the chaotic fog, bursting out with the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

"Who am I? Why am I here?"

The giant is hundreds of thousands of meters tall, and the flames are surging, bursting with dazzling light, dyeing the main piece of the sky red.

The rumbling sound was transmitted from the flame giant's body, resounding all around, echoing endlessly.

"You are Zhu Rong, you were born to control fire, and now your true spirit has recovered, then let's gather your true body and restore your mind!"

Li Zhenwu took a step forward, came to the flame giant, and spoke lightly.

Immediately afterwards, with a flick of his finger, a drop of Ancestral Witch Essence flew in instantly and merged into the body of the 1.6 flame giant.


The power of blood essence and blood beside him melted in an instant, and strands of flesh and blood came out from the flame giant's body, which soon filled the whole body.

"It's not enough, go ahead!"

Li Zhenwu frowned and popped out a blood of Ancestral Witch again.

However, it is still not enough. The giant's body is transparent, burning with raging flames, and it is extremely illusory.

One drop, two drops, three drops... Twelve drops of Ancestral Witch's blood essence, all submerged into the flame giant's body, and the entire great formation suddenly rioted.


Twelve pitch-black flags turned into twelve streams of light and submerged into the giant's body.

The next moment, there was a man with a dark body, a million meters tall, and there was a faint red light flowing under his skin.

Chapter [-] Styx to rob people? (Second more)

In the time house, the boundless misty space, there was a big shock at this moment.

In his eyes, the pitch-black giant stands on the ground, and everything in the world is as small as dust.

His body was dark and dull, and his skin was engraved with countless lines. Under the skin, there was a faint light flowing through it, like a magma stream, flashing with a dark red light.

"who am I?"

The giant spoke, the sound was like a thunderous bang, and the entire space that vibrated was trembling.

It is too huge. A star in front of him is probably not the size of his fist. It is simply a supreme giant.

"By the way, I'm Zhu Rong, but why are you here?"

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and he looked puzzled, with a hint of certainty.

Wu Zhu Rong, born to control fire, is the god of fire, in charge of all fires in the world, his strength is tyrannical and terrifying, and he has never feared anyone under the saints.

However, because of the Lich War, he was surrounded and killed by Zhou Tianxing Dou at the foot of Buzhou Mountain. twenty one

At that time, Gonggong was in the distance and was besieged by experts from the demon clan.

The death of the two was almost a fatal blow to the Wu clan at the time, and the entire clan was almost dispatched to take revenge.

Later, Di Jiang found the blood of the ancestors of the two from a different space, and also found the true spirit of Zhu Rong, and brought everything back to the Wu clan. I hope that one day, Zhu Rong will have a chance to be resurrected.

At this moment, he was resurrected, but he was no longer a witch, but a new life physique.

"It seems that you have experienced life and death, and your character has become stable."

At this moment, Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back, strode in the sky, and said with a light smile.

With the sound of his words, Zhu Rong, who was originally sluggish, suddenly woke up, and all the causes and consequences were clear in his heart.


With a bang, Zhu Rong's body shrunk, turning into a nine-foot black man, like an iron tower, kneeling on one knee in front of Li Zhenwu.

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu laughed and shook his head: "You really can beat a snake with a stick!"

"The teacher's kindness of re-creation cannot be repaid. Zhu Rong only hopes to serve the left and right, but he has kindness in his heart."

For Li Zhenwu's words, Zhu Rong accepted it calmly and did not feel ashamed.

After life and death, he naturally knows how to live. At this moment, he has golden thighs on his shoulders. If he doesn't hold them tightly, he may not be able to die peacefully.

You must know that in the prehistoric world, if you are not careful, the saint may take action. At that time, there is no place to cry.

And Zhu Rong knows very well that he can recreate himself with such a unique method, which is definitely comparable to the golden thigh of a saint.

If you don't hold it now, when will you wait?

"Okay, since you already know the cause and effect, I won't say more. From now on, help me protect the mountain gate."

Li Zhenwu said lightly, "As for the issue of spirituality, I will leave it to the opening of the Six Paths. I have my own discretion."

After all, Zhu Rong can now restore his mind, which is very useful. It is the effect of the human soul. If the six paths are opened and the soul is reincarnated, he will fall into a deep sleep again.

However, Li Zhenwu will have other solutions at that time.



Wudang Mountain, originally ten thousand miles of clear sky, suddenly sounded a loud noise.

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