Although it has reached the level of immortality, the innate soul always has a desire, that is, to be sanctified, to become the top creature in the world.

"Blood sea formation?"

Li Zhenwu stood in the sky, his eyes were raised, and he let the sea of ​​blood transformed by Styx cover the sky, and he stood still, showing arrogant confidence.

But when he saw the sea of ​​blood that the Ming River had turned into, the waves rolled and surrounded him in an instant, blocking the way up and down in all directions.

The boundless sea of ​​blood, red in the eyes, and the world space of hundreds of millions of miles has completely turned into a vast ocean.

"Gaga, ignorant child, you don't even know when you're about to die, do you think that if you have merit and virtue, you can be invincible in the world?"

In the bloody time, the voice of the ancestor Ming He came from all directions.

He is a creature born in the sea of ​​blood, and his soul is fused with the sea of ​​blood. As long as the sea of ​​blood does not dry up, he will not die.

The sea of ​​blood is a veritable little sea of ​​blood.


In the blood-red World 970, there were countless sounds of breaking wind, and in the whistling, they attacked Li Zhenwu.

The monotonous blood-red world is in a daze, and it is impossible to see other things at all.


Li Zhenwu raised his hand and punched it out, and the majestic power exploded, creating a vacuum channel beside him.


The continuous explosion sounded, as if there were countless things bursting, and the momentum was shocking.

"The blood sea array, if I estimate it well, it should be the clone of the blood god child."

The corner of Li Zhenwu's mouth raised a smile, his eyes were calm and calm, and there was no panic at all.

The so-called Blood God Son is nothing more than Styx's clone. As long as he is in the sea of ​​blood, he will face the endless Blood God Child clones of Styx.

However, Li Zhenwu is not afraid, the power of Zhenwu is fierce and domineering, and the blood of Saiyans is extremely strong.

The sinister origin of the sea of ​​blood had almost no effect on him.

"You have some means. If you kill you, it may be detrimental to the virtue of heaven, but if you offend the ancestors, I have to make you look good."

Styx's voice is ethereal and ubiquitous.

As the voice fell, the entire blood-colored world rioted, the boundless blood rolled and roared, and a huge wave was rolled up.


The next moment, there was a loud bang in the heavens and the earth.

I saw endless blood-colored figures condensed from the big formation. They were full of blood-colored long hair, and their facial features were the same as Styx, and they stared at Li Zhenwu with indifference.

When they condensed and formed, they broke free from the shackles of the sea of ​​blood, and immediately swarmed towards Li Zhenwu.

There are too many people, covering the sky and the ground, and there is not even a single crack.

"Blood God Son!"

Ming He let out a loud shout, and every bloody figure contained majestic power.

Ming He was originally a late-stage quasi-sage cultivation base. At this moment, his clone blood god son can also reach half-step quasi-sage, which is very terrifying.

If other great supernatural powers are besieged, facing the endless blood gods, they will definitely be in a state of embarrassment, and they can only passively defend.

However, Li Zhenwu was brave and unparalleled, with no fear on his face, and with a flash of his figure, he went up to meet him.


During this period, Li Zhenwu's body shook violently, the power of Zhenwu was pushed to the limit, and a powerful and unparalleled energy burst out of his body.

In an instant, the dark hair gradually turned golden, the brows also turned golden, and even the pupils of the eyes turned into indifferent golden.

Become a Super Saiyan!

"Then see if your Son of Blood is as inexhaustible as in the legend!"

Li Zhenwu smiled sternly, clenched his fists tightly, did not retreat, and greeted the endless blood god son.


The next moment, the explosion sounded incessantly.

The bloody sea formation in the range of hundreds of millions of miles shook violently, and shocking fluctuations erupted.

"What kind of magical power is this? Why has his power reached the quasi-sacred realm?" Ming He merged into the great formation, and clearly felt that the soaring power made the space of the blood sea great formation vibrate violently.

You must know that although the blood sea array is an acquired array, because of its unique nature, it is actually similar to the innate array.

However, it was completely ineffective for Li Zhenwu.

"Blood God Son, but Er'er!"

He was very brutal, his shots were like lightning, and he never stopped. With one punch, countless blood gods exploded in a row, and the power was terrifying.

Between a punch and a kick, there is absolutely no way to stop him.

Too outrageous power.

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