"It's...it's amazing."

"If I didn't know he was a human race, I almost thought he was a witch."

"No, although the fighting styles are similar, there are still big differences."

"The Witch Clan pays attention to a strong physique, and he cultivates both inside and outside. Compared with the Witch Clan, he is countless times more amazing."

Numerous spiritual thoughts from the prehistoric wilderness came sweeping, and they were all talking about it.

Even the saints showed a hint of surprise on their faces, never expected that such a powerful strength could erupt under this sub-realm.

You know, realm and strength are generally equivalent.

Unless there is the blessing of foreign objects, such as the Donghuang Bell of the demon clan, it is a congenital treasure, which can enable Donghuang Taiyi to exert the strength that is infinitely close to the saint.

However, with a pair of fists and the bizarre arrogance that erupted in his body, Li Zhenwu was able to have such a miraculous effect.

"The way of true martial arts is really wonderful."

In the Wa Palace, Nu Wa's spiritual sense passed by, and a touch of admiration appeared on the delicate facial features.

Of course, she had forgotten that the way of true martial arts was downgraded a few days ago to be incompetent. At this moment, her beautiful eyes were wide open, and there was only a strong sense of appreciation.

"This way of self-cultivation is really wonderful, but I'm afraid there are some secrets."

Outside the East China Sea, Tongtian Sect Master sat on the Wanxian Square with doubts in his eyes.

Because anyone can sense that arrogance, which comes from Zhenwu's body, is very strange and has a big secret.

Chapter [-] Until the sun reaches the sun, the filth retreats! (fifth more)


In the blood sea great formation, at this moment, the world has been shattered, and countless blood god sons have been shattered, turned into blood, and reintegrated into the great formation.

The crimson light circulated, flashing with dazzling colors, and in a blink of an eye, a sentence of clones was condensed again, and they were thrown into the battle again.

It can be said that as long as the great formation is not destroyed, the Blood God Child clone can be condensed endlessly.

"Haha, child of the human race, in the sea of ​​​​blood formation, you will be consumed to death."

Old Ancestor Ming He was very proud, seeing that Li Zhenwu, although he was unparalleled in his shot, could not resist the swarming of countless blood gods!


"how can that be possible?"

"This can't be true, this boy~ has changed again."

"His strength has increased again, and now at least he has the cultivation level of the middle and late Saints."

"This is incomparably miraculous. If I can get it, I'm afraid it will allow me to break through to the realm of a saint."

When Li Zhenwu was full of blond hair and long sides, his body shape and facial features changed again, and the golden arrogance that came out of his body was almost indistinguishable, and the whole flood was shocked.

Under the saints, all their faces were stunned.

After all, in front of the Wuzhuang Temple, they could not see the original situation because of the obstruction of the innate formation of Hetu Luoshu.

But at this moment, it is different. After all, the Blood Ocean Great Array is different from the innate, and the Great God of Great Desolation can still perceive the situation inside.

"This is……"

Li Zhenwu's change, even Ming He was astonished, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

However, he is not worried. After all, he evolved into a bloody sea formation with unparalleled might.


The number of blood godsons is endless, and at this moment, under the urging, more are differentiated.

"No matter what state you change into, in my bloody formation, you only need to be beaten next to each other."

At this moment, his mind was firmed up again, and he no longer had that wavering thought.

The clone of the Blood God Child, like a locust crossing the border, came towards Li Zhenwu overwhelmingly, like a surging wave, drowning him.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick!"

Li Zhenwu sneered, still incomparably strong, every punch fell, accompanied by the explosion of countless blood godchild clones.

Before those blood gods could approach, they shattered continuously, turned into blood again, and were absorbed back by the great formation.

This fight lasted for three days and three nights.

Li Zhenwu is not in a hurry, nor does he waste his internal strength. As long as the Son of Blood is close, he will deliver a punch.

At other times, it is leisurely and simply ignored.

What does this indicate?

Styx's so-called sea of ​​​​blood formation, in front of him, has no threat at all.

The more he fought, the more frightened Ming He became, which was really amazing.

"No, if I fight again, my deity will be useless before he exhausts his power."

You must know that if it is in the sea of ​​blood, Styx can be called invincible under the saints.

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