But in the outside world, it can only be maintained by its own mana.

Now that the bloody sea formation is arranged, the consumption of mana is even more terrifying.

"If that's the case, then the ancestors will personally take action and let you, a human child, know what it means to be tall and earthy."

With a sneer from the bottom of his heart, Ming He merged into the Blood God avatar, and two touches of cold light quietly bloomed in the blood-colored world.

Innate Supreme slaying Lingbao, Yuantu and Abi clenched their hands, waiting for the opportunity to find the flaws in the shot.

Suddenly, his eyes froze, and he sensed that the aura on Li Zhenwu's body had changed. He immediately shot, without hesitation, attacked from behind.

"Children of the human race, losing in the hands of the ancestors is not a humiliation to you."

As soon as the cold voice came out, Old Ancestor Ming He had already come to Li Zhenwu's back.

I saw that in the boundless blood-colored world, two bright sword lights suddenly lit up, containing the power to cut everything, and slashed behind Li Zhenwu.

"If you lose in my hands, it doesn't count as humiliating you."

At this moment, Li Zhenwu's faint voice sounded, containing an icy chill.

As his voice fell, the aura on his body suddenly changed here, the golden arrogance erupted violently, and gradually turned into sea blue, surrounded by dense arcs, which was very strange.

At this moment, his appearance changed again.

The originally long golden hair gradually turned into sea blue, and even the eyebrows and pupils turned blue.

"Dragon Fist!"

With a sudden shout, Li Zhenwu suddenly turned around, clenched his hands into fists, and smashed the innate spiritual treasure with great strength.

As the fists fell, the golden dragons with their arms around them flew out together, bursting with mighty will and strength.


Seeing this scene, the prehistoric gods were stunned.

What is this means?

"This is?" Ming He was hidden in the avatar of the Blood God Child, his face full of shock.

The golden dragon is just the most yang, and all the filth is annihilated by touch, not to mention the source of the most yin and evil.


The two collided, and a dull loud noise broke out.

The powerful energy destroyed all the blood gods hundreds of millions of miles away, and turned them into a blood mist all over the sky.

"Break it for me!"

Li Zhenwu screamed in the sky, his arms were like dragons, and the majestic power of Zhenwu poured out like a surging river.

The two innate spiritual treasures, Yuan Tu and Ah Noi, touched by the fists, suddenly vibrated violently, and the unparalleled power was transmitted from the sword body to the ancestor Ming He.

"What, what power is this?"

At this moment, the ancestor Ming He was stunned, his eyes widened, and his face was full of unwillingness.


The next moment, his body burst into pieces, turned into blood in the sky, and rolled back toward the sea of ​​blood.

On the spot, there were two cyan bone swords suspended, it was Yuan Tu and Ah Bi, who possessed the supreme killing power, as if there was no owner, quietly suspended in the void.

"Xiantian Lingbao, it is worthy of the companion of Ming He."

Li Zhenwu's eyes were bright, staring at the two spirit swords, his hands stretched out suddenly, his five fingers were like iron tongs, and he directly caught Yuantu and Ahbi in his hands.


The spirit sword has a spirit, as if knowing Li Zhenwu's actions, the sword body shook violently, and a dazzling sword sound erupted, echoing between heaven and earth.

"Quack, I'll break you if you quarrel again."

Li Zhenwu's eyes were cold, his arms were hard, and killing intent filled his body.

As the voice fell, the two spirit swords shivered and let out a low whine, feeling the real danger.

Chapter [-] Beating Styx

The vast and boundless land, the bloody ocean in the space of hundreds of millions of miles, boiled and roared in an instant, and finally converged into a single figure.

Ming He's blood-red long hair was scattered, his body was shaking violently, and his old face stared at Li Zhenwu incredulously.

Although it is not a real blood sea array, it is amazing enough to be destroyed like this.

"What kind of creature are you? The human race is definitely not as weird as you." Ming He was surprised and couldn't believe it.

You must know that he grabbed thousands of people and collected them into Lingbao. He had already studied it, and he had never seen one-tenth of Li Zhenwu's defying sky.

This is unbelievable, how could the mere human race exist like this?

However, Li Zhenwu held two spirit swords in both hands, his eyes were indifferent, and he said, "How do you know the potential of the human race? Their potential is far beyond the imagination of your innate beings."

"Impossible, the innate spirits have great luck and are naturally tyrannical, but there was a human race that was so fragile, even if other prehistoric creatures had more potential than the human race." Ming He shook his head violently, still no dare to believe.

Not only did he have such thoughts, but other creatures in the prehistoric world had similar thoughts.

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