You must know that all the spirits in the prehistoric wilderness were born from the heaven and the earth, and only the human race was created by Nuwa.

To put it differently, before Li Zhenwu appeared, everyone thought that this group was just a prop for Nuwa's sanctification.

But now Li Zhenwu was born, and he clearly showed his identity as a human race, but it made many great gods and saints feel strange.

Before Nuwa created people from earth, there was no human race, so how did Li Zhenwu come here?

Thinking of this, everyone thought of the words of the Taoist ancestors, when Zhenwu was born, the human race should be prosperous.

This sentence now seems to have another mystery.

Li Zhenwu raised a smile and said lightly: "I once said that the human race should be the master of the world, and their potential is not instantaneous, so you can't imagine it at all."

As soon as these words came out, Ming He fell into silence, and his eyes flickered uncertainly.

The companion congenital spiritual treasure fell into the opponent's hands. Although the true spirit was not erased, Li Zhenwu's appearance seemed to be able to destroy it.

For a moment, he thought for a moment and asked, "We are all innate creatures, and we may not be able to understand the future of the human race, but only a friend of true martial arts has a word. If you can answer my doubts, about the human race, I'll just retreat, okay?"

"Are you still qualified to negotiate?"

Li Zhenwu's face turned cold, and he became more and more disgusted with this person.

It's like he's being bullied.

"Ancestor, I have already taken a step back, why don't I know what's going on?"

Ming He was furious when he heard the words, but this son was very arrogant. Under the prehistoric times, no one except the saint would dare to yell at him.

"Then have a fight first."

Li Zhenwu was too lazy to talk nonsense, his body swayed, and he shot directly and powerfully, without the slightest emotion at all.

I saw that he was holding two innate spirit swords in both hands, and his speed was extremely fast.

With a bang, the majestic power of true martial arts was poured into the double fists and the spirit sword, and the supreme fist intent erupted.


Seeing this scene, Ming He was frightened and angry, thinking that this son is really rough, and if he grabs someone, he will be divided between life and death.

After all, in the prehistoric world, great supernatural powers seldom fight to the death, unless, like the two lich clans, the battle of luck is involved, they will be so desperate.

Unexpectedly, the human race Zhenwu encountered at this moment, if he really disagreed, he would act. In Ming He's view, it was really incredible.

"Let go!"

However, Ming He couldn't stand and be beaten. Immediately, countless clones of the blood gods flew out of the body, densely packed, and attacked Li Zhenwu.


However, the majestic power of true martial arts, lent out innate spiritual treasures as a medium, surged out like a nine-day long river.

All the filthy things dissipated without a trace, and the frightened Styx turned pale.

"This guy is weird, I'm not an opponent now."

If the battlefield was in the sea of ​​​​blood, Ming He could be arrogant and arrogant, but at this moment, he couldn't.


Between the lightning and flint, Li Zhenwu was extremely ferocious, and he killed the general directly, holding two Lingbao fists, and bombarded Ming He's body violently.


The next moment, Ming He's entire body turned into blood and rolled back out, and condensed again from a distance.

However, when he condensed, the breath on his body was a little weaker.

"I see how many times you can condense." Li Zhenwu sneered and moved again.

In the air burst, in the blink of an eye, he came to Styx, who had just condensed his body, and he swiped his hands, and the innate spiritual treasure was slashed.

Swish two sword qi, vertical and horizontal, slashed down the Styx River in a staggered way, making his body turn into blood in the sky again.

"Li Zhenwu, it's shameless for you to deceive the ancestors."

In the blood-colored torrent of the sky, the roar of Ming He came out, and he was about to be blown up by anger.

"How about bullying you!"

Li Zhenwu smiled sternly, his body swayed, and he rushed over again.


Before Ming He's body was condensed, his fists were like a storm, and he made a strong shot, punching out countless potholes in the bloody ocean.

This place is rioting!

The space is constantly trembling, and such violent and ferocious strength makes the hearts of many great supernatural powers in Honghuang shudder.

If you don't have a saint, you really can't provoke them.

Or if you don't have enough preparations, you can't rashly become an enemy of this son, or you will lose face, but you will never accept it.

"Stop, the human race will pay you back, the ancestors, I swear, I will never interfere with the human race in the slightest, is that all right?"

"Yes, but Yuantu and Abi don't want 2.1 episodes." Li Zhenwu sneered.

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