"I swear by Styx that I will never take a step in the sea of ​​blood for ten thousand years, or the world will be destroyed."

This time, Ming He was in a hurry. If he continued to fight, his source aura would definitely be damaged.

Although even if he died at this moment, he could still be reborn from the sea of ​​​​blood, but when his cultivation base fell sharply, what else could he talk about, and he was afraid that he would be disliked by other great supernatural powers.

(The next update will be nine o’clock. Recently, I have suffered from otitis media. I went to the hospital to check and found that it was a perforated eardrum, and it was a serious perforation of the eardrum. It's no wonder that my hearing has been severely weakened recently. It will be difficult to stay up late in the future, and I have to take care of my body to prepare for surgery. Please forgive me if there is a decrease in the update... Finally, I ask for a subscription, it is best to set it to automatic subscription...)

Chapter [-] Styx's Obsession! (Second more)

As soon as the oath of the ancestor Ming He came out, Heavenly Dao gave birth to a sense, and invisible fluctuations shrouded down, emitting abnormal energy fluctuations.

In a desperate situation, the Styx River, which has been in the wild for countless years, was forced to be so embarrassed, which really left everyone speechless.


Feeling the coming of the law of heaven and earth, Li Zhenwu stopped, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, since he discovered that Styx had taken action to snatch the human race, he had already known it for a long time.

To deal with this kind of congenital beings, you can't just give in, you must be strong to make them succumb.

This is the case with the two Lich clans, and so is the Styx now.

Of course, although Li Zhenwu is full of murderous aura, he will not really suppress it. After all, this involves the fate of the human race. He is not afraid of the fate of the human race, but he is afraid that it will affect the future of the human race.


"Triggering the task, Ming He's obsession: Proving Taoism and sanctification is the pursuit of the prehistoric creatures. This time, I will enlighten the Ming River and save the race from unprovoked disasters."

Reward: Five hundred years of merits and virtues of Hunyuan Avenue.

A cold voice sounded in his mind, which made Li Zhenwu stunned for a moment.

"Very good, since you have vowed first, then release the human race first, and I will let you retreat." Then, he opened his mouth coldly, but his eyes flashed with dazzling light.

What is Styx's obsession?

You don't have to think about it, you know that, like other great supernatural powers, they are all pursuing sermons and sanctification.

This kind of innate creature has already stood at the top of the prehistoric biological chain, and the only pursuit is the top creature under the heaven, and that is what they desire.

The second emperor of the demon clan and the congenital souls like Ming He, the obsession with sanctification is completely incomprehensible to others.

Even if Zhen Yuanzi, who is recognized as a good old man in Honghuang, although his mentality is unrestrained, it is because of the fall of his friend Hongyun, and he is tired of the fighting in Honghuang.

If there is an opportunity for sanctification, he will definitely fight his life to get it.


Ming He didn't dare to say more. With a wave of his hand, thousands of human races appeared out of thin air in the vast land below.

"Those two spirit treasures, can you..." He was extremely embarrassed. When he came out this time, he almost lost his life, not to mention his face.

However, after ten thousand years of tight closure, for the infinite years, it can be passed by just one comprehension of the heavenly secret.

"You know what you're interested in." Li Zhenwu said lightly, his hands loosened, and the two innate spiritual treasures trembled in fright, as if he had escaped from hell, and fled back to Ming He's arms with a bang.

That appearance is more spiritual than living beings.

At this time, the humans below had woken up, and their faces were blank.

"What's the matter? Didn't we get accepted as disciples by our ancestors? Why did we appear here again?"

"Yeah, but there is the way of Zhenwu Holy Father, the kindness of the ancestors, but we can't accept it."

"Although the ancestors are good, compared to the way of the Holy Father, it is more suitable for our human race."

"Don't be afraid, the ancestor is not a very evil person. If we tell us honestly, we will definitely let us go back."

The thousands of people who were released were all talking about it, and the two people in the sky seemed to turn a blind eye in their eyes.

"Although I was born from the filth of the heaven and the earth, I am not a murderous person. This time, the robbery of the human race is just a chance for sanctification."

What everyone said below was transmitted to the sky, making Ming He extremely proud.

Not only that, but the human race was extremely happy, and was given a spiritual treasure by him, almost treating it as a disciple.

However, this is also what troubles Ming He. He exhausted all his thoughts, but the merits of heaven are still hopeless, so he wants to grab the sea of ​​​​blood and study it carefully.

"As I said, your Tao is not in the human race. As for sanctification, it depends on your own chances." Li Zhenwu said inexplicably with his hands on his back.

"If you don't become a saint, what's the point? Could it be that there are other people who can't make it?" Ming He was about to frown at Li Zhenwu's words.

"As for how to view my own Dao, that's out of my control, but I can say that your Dao is in the sea of ​​blood, not in the human race."

Li Zhenwu said lightly, and continued: "However, although the human race is not your way, it can give you some directions, and the rest, you can comprehend it yourself."

After he finished speaking, he didn't say more, then turned around and used the universe in his sleeve to cover thousands of people.

"You were looted by the Styx River, and when your relatives are sad, I will take you back here."

The faint voice fell in the ears of the human beings, and immediately calmed their restless hearts.

It is the Holy Father who has come to take us back!

When thinking of this, most people are very happy, but there are also a small number of people who frown, not much joy.

Li Zhenwu was very clear about the appearance of all beings in clothes and robes, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

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