"Forget it, the human race is not a slave, each is an independent individual. Everyone's ideas cannot be generalized. When the next time someone comes from Lingshan, I will let you choose by yourself."

Li Zhenwu's eyes were clear, and he thought silently in his heart, not disappointed.

In terms of preaching, his way of true martial arts has already been turned into seeds in the hearts of all human beings, and the rest depends on what their seeds germinate.

After they left, the vast land became quiet again.

"My Tao is not in the human race, and if I can learn from the human race, what is it?"

Styx floated in the void, his face stunned, and Li Zhenwu's words were silently recited in his heart.

You know, Li Zhenwu's few words seemed to be insignificant, but when he fell into Ming He's ears, he touched the first-line secret, which made him think a little more.

However, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of the key.

"The way of the sea of ​​blood, but I have never felt it, is there something else hidden in it?"

Unknowingly, Styx returned to the sea of ​​blood, and immediately flew into the endless bloody ocean, as if returning to a warm embrace. The source of the damage caused by the battle was restored in an instant.


He rose from the sea of ​​blood to the sky, looking at the boundless ocean, his eyes were dull, and suddenly a bit of loneliness was born.

So lonely!

The sea of ​​blood gave birth to Styx, which gave him wisdom, but he felt boundless loneliness and loneliness.

In the filthy place of heaven and earth, all living beings in the prehistoric era are far away from him, and they are even more dismissive of him, and there is not even a single living being under the door.

Chapter [-]: Asura Dao Chengcheng!The merit drops again! (third more)

The prehistoric beings in the prehistoric world were born with a sense of superiority, and they felt disdain for all beings in the world.

Only Styx, he said that although he was arrogant, he was worthy of his words to weak creatures, but in his heart, he was very eager to be recognized by all living beings.

You must know that the light in other parts of the prehistoric world, the sea of ​​blood is darkness, and it seems out of tune with other creatures.

This is also the reason why Styx, since birth, has not had half a friend.

"Humph! Since Zhenwu has something to say, he will never lie to my ancestors, but I always feel that I am almost there. Where is my way?"

While thinking hard, Styx's frowning face was so sad that he was about to go crazy.

If he didn't know his own way at the beginning, it might not be like this, but now that he has touched a little bit of mystery, but it is blurred, this kind of mood can definitely torture people.

It's as if you knew there was a treasure mountain in front of you, but it was covered by a large forest, and you tried to move forward, only to find that you were spinning in circles all the time.

"By the way, Zhenwu also said that although the human race is not the way of my ancestors, it can give me a reference."

Thinking of this, Styx's heart was faintly touched, and his eyes were looking at the bank of the East China Sea, his heart was full of kindness.

If other people 957 knew about it, they would definitely be shocked.

Unexpectedly, Ming He, who has always been selfish, has a compassionate side, which is definitely big news in the prehistoric world.

Ming He focused on creating his own way, and turned his eyes to the East China Sea, but he saw a side that he couldn't see at the beginning.

I saw that the life of the human race contained certain laws in the dullness, which touched his heart greatly.

Human beings, when they get up every day, will pay homage in the direction of Wudang Mountain to express their respect in their hearts.


But he said that Li Zhenwu brought thousands of people and soon returned to the foot of Wudang Mountain, which shocked everyone.

"Father, where have you been, have you been taken away by the demon?"

"Son, daughter-in-law, it's fine if you're all right, then Styx didn't embarrass you, right?"

When thousands of human races were released, all their relatives disappeared in a radius of [-] miles, and they all ran over.

Soon, the reunion of relatives, the warmth that is not spoken, and the sadness of parting are all diluted at this moment.

Li Zhenwu floated in the void, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly to himself: "You are born as human beings, but they are aliens in the wild. They are different from other creatures. It is really interesting."

The faint words did not spread.

However, this remark was heard by Ming He, who was far away in the sea of ​​​​blood, and he was immediately sluggish.


For a split second, lightning flashed across his mind, and the mystery covered by the mist became much clearer in an instant.

"It turns out that I am the ancestor of Minghe, but I don't have any followers, so I should be an alternative."

At this moment, the Styx floated in the sky above the sea of ​​blood, and the whole person was immersed in the realization of the Dao.

On the banks of the East China Sea, when Ming He realized something, Li Zhenwu felt relieved, thinking that this is not stupid, since he realized his own way so quickly.

"Forget it, it's all due to the cause and effect of heaven and earth. Being able to become a disciple of Minghe is also a place for the human race."

As if feeling something, Li Zhenwu twitched the corners of his eyes and sighed in his heart, so he didn't say more, turned around and returned to the thatched hut in Wudang Mountain, waiting for the arrival of the virtues of heaven.


The sea of ​​​​blood was the beginning of chaos, and the great god Pangu opened up the great wasteland, and all the silent evil turbidity finally turned into the sea of ​​​​blood.

When Styx felt something, the entire sea of ​​blood exuded boundless fluctuations.

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