Hou Tuyin clenched his teeth tightly, stood up, and his beautiful eyes showed firmness. He lifted his footsteps and went straight to the east.

You must know that the Witch Clan has been added to her due to various reasons, and she alone has already taken on the rise and fall of the Witch Clan. Only by being sanctified can the Witch Clan gain a trace of vitality from the robbery.

But now she is restless, and 2.6 has a vague feeling that someone is destroying her chance of sanctification.

This is absolutely intolerable for Houtu.

Wudang Mountain, the real martial arts field!

"Today's sermon is over, you will go back to Haosheng to practice, the world is about to change, I'm afraid you won't be able to take care of it comprehensively."

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu opened his eyes, waved his hand to screen everyone away, then turned his head and looked in the direction of the Wu clan.

At this moment, in the Wu tribe, Hou Tu, wearing a plain-colored dress, came alone.

"It's finally here. Fortunately, I have broken through to the quasi-sage, otherwise it will be a little troublesome."

In the bottom of his heart, he said silently, Li Zhenwu looked solemn, stood up, and in his stride, he had already come to the front of the mountain gate.

Chapter [-]: The Soul Eater Flag Shows Its Power! (Second update)

Wudang Mountain.

After the land floated up, the pretty face was full of worry, which could not be concealed at all.

"True Martial Fellow!"

Before she came to the mountain gate, she saw Li Zhenwu's figure, and she couldn't help but speak softly, with deep worries.

Li Zhenwu was dressed in a green shirt, with his hands on his back, and his expression was calm. He seemed to have already known his arrival, but nodded slightly.

"Come up first and talk about it!"

While speaking, there was a wave of fluctuations from Wudang Mountain, which filled the surroundings, as if a sleeping beast was gradually recovering.

The two walked side by side and returned to the top of the mountain.

"Lady girl."

A dull sound, like thunder, exploded in the void.

Hearing this, Hou Tu sat in the thatched hut, his delicate body trembled slightly, his eyebrows frowned, and finally he sighed.

"Teacher Zhenwu already knows your purpose, but he can't help you either."

After being refined by Li Zhenwu into the Twelve Capital Heaven Hunyuan Great Array, Zhu Rong took the initiative to reveal his identity for the first 21 times.

This sudden change completely stunned Hou Tu, who was an Ancestral Witch.

"That's right, Styx in the Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood has been instructed by me to act like this, but this is a causal relationship, not manpower."

Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged on the futon, his eyes were deep, and he said lightly.

He didn't take Zhu Rong's actions seriously. After all, from now on, it was also the moment when Zhu Rong was born again.

When Houtu heard this, his heart trembled slightly and asked, "Is there a way for Zhenwu? If Ming He is allowed to act indiscriminately, the soul of the human race after death will probably be purified."

You must know that in the sea of ​​​​nine secluded blood, Ming He has already become ruthless, and sacrificed two innate spiritual treasures to stimulate the blood pool with all his strength.

If you don't stop it, I am afraid it will not take ten years, the prehistoric world, all the souls of the people after death will all be transformed into the Shura people.

If this is the case, then the reincarnation of the six realms will be opened, and I am afraid that there will not be enough merit to become sanctified.

The Houtu is so anxious, and it is precisely because of this, that if you cannot become a saint, the six paths of reincarnation cannot be opened, and the fate of the Wu clan cannot be guaranteed.

Back then, when Houtu came to find Li Zhenwu, all his fate was already doomed.

The luck of the Wu clan was completely tied to the human clan, which made Houtu pay such attention to the situation.

However, Li Zhenwu's expression was still, his eyes were as deep as a chaotic starry sky, he glanced at the west lightly, and said softly.

"I can't make a move before the time comes."

After speaking, he fell silent.

The pretty face in the back turned pale, knowing that Li Zhenwu had said this, and when he would not speak again, he got up and said goodbye when he was sad.

The delicate body is full of enormous pressure, and the back looks weak.

"Let's go, within a hundred years, everything will have its own conclusion."

With the sound of Li Zhenwu's words, the void around Wudang Mountain radiated a wave of ripples.

Immediately afterwards, twelve pitch-black flags emerged from all directions, flying straight towards the back soil.

"This is, will Brother Zhu Rong follow me?"

A strange light flashed in Houtumei's eyes, and she quickly stretched out her hands to catch the twelve flags, and a strange emotion appeared in her heart again.

Twelve black flags circulated with inexplicable rhythms, as if they could block the world, and contained a powerful aura.

"Sister Houtu, let's go, since the teacher has spoken, everything will be clear."

Inside the pitch-black banner, Zhu Rong's deep voice came out, full of enthusiasm for Li Zhenwu.

Hearing this, Hou Tu also felt reasonable, and immediately turned around and gave a slight blessing to the thatched cottage, then left Wudang Mountain and walked all the way to Jiuyou Land.

When they left, Wudang Mountain recovered its tranquility, flowing with a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

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