"From today, Wudang Mountain will open the mountain gate. If anyone wants to leave, they will leave on their own, but from now on, Wudang has nothing to do with it."

Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, then waved his hand, and the power of true martial arts spread out, covering the entire mountain.

There were a few slight sounds of breaking wind, and illusory figures walked out from all over the mountain and quietly hid.

"It's time to evolve the three thousand avenues to reach the quasi-saint realm."

After closing the door of the thatched cottage, Li Zhenwu stepped into the Time House, ignoring everything on the mountain.

Combining the merits of Hunyuan Dao and Hunyuan Tiandao, the power of true martial arts is as majestic as the ocean, condensing into a chaotic vortex in the body, resulting in countless changes.

At this moment, he will evolve all these changes, so that the actual combat ability will be raised to a new height again.

And on the other side.

The back soil held twelve Hunyuan flags and performed the art of soil movement, directly penetrating the ground, and heading towards the Jiuyou Blood Sea Earth Realm.

Along the way, she saw countless souls converging somewhere, cheering and jumping like a school of fish.

"Strange, what kind of energy is in the blood sea that attracts these human souls?"

Houtu was very puzzled, and his heart became more and more curious, and his speed increased a lot.


The twelve pitch-black flags suddenly vibrated, as if they were about to break away from the hands of Houtu and flew out on their own.

"Brother Zhu Rongda 917, what do you want to do?" Out of curiosity, Houtu let go and let him act.

"The teacher asked me to follow my sister because these twelve flags were originally soul-devouring flags, which could devour the souls of the human race. In this way, these souls could be prevented from reaching the sea of ​​blood."

"So it is, but what happened to the sea of ​​​​blood, we always have to check it out. However, when the big brother stops the sea of ​​​​blood and prevents the souls of the human race from entering, I will go in and have a look at that time, so as to know how Styx behaves !"

Houtu's brows furrowed, if not for this, she would not be so anxious.

At the moment, he soon came to the blood-colored world, and the front was filled with endless filthy aura, which made any living creature feel strange.

But that filthy aura seems to make the energy of the soul state like it, and it still keeps going.

"Get up!"

After seeing this, Houtu no longer hesitated, and immediately sacrificed the Twelve Capital Heaven Hunyuan Great Array, covering the world of nine secluded billions of miles, directly blocking the gate of the sea of ​​​​blood.


Countless souls came from the front, without consciousness at all, they crashed into the large formation, and were immediately swallowed up by the soul-devouring flag.

(The next one will be in the afternoon)

Chapter [-] Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood Array (Third)

Twelve dark soul-devouring flags detached from Hou Tusu's hands, rose in the face of the storm, enveloped all directions, and turned into a hazy formation.

At this moment, the entrance to the Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood is completely occupied by the Great God of Hunyuan of the Twelve Capitals, making it impossible for all living beings to enter and exit.


In the center of the great formation, a vague chaotic qi grew, and Zhu Rong's million-meter-high body emerged from the chaotic qi.

His whole body was as black as ink, strong and powerful, and the surface of his skin was covered with mysterious lines, and in the center of the lines, there was a dark red light flowing.

"Haha, don't worry, Houtu girl. With my brother guarding here, I will definitely not let a soul enter."

Zhu Rongyang laughed loudly, grabbed tens of thousands of souls with a big hand, and threw them into the twelve soul-devouring flags.

You must know that Li Zhenwu was definitely an unprecedented evildoer when he was added to the merits of Hunyuan Dao.

Beneath the Dao is the Dao of Heaven, and the heavenly secrets understood from the merits of the Dao of Hunyuan can be seen more clearly than anyone else.

No, since the Wuzhuangguan Incident, every step Li Zhenwu has taken has been carefully calculated, so that the human race can go further.

The Soul Eater Banner was originally made by the demon clan. Due to the life and death of Emperor Jun, it was taken back by Nu Wa and finally fell into the hands of Li Zhenwu.

As for Li Zhenwu's trip to the witch family, he obtained the blood of the ancestral witch, and unexpectedly obtained the true spirit of Zhu Rong, all of which were refined into twelve banners.

All cause and effect have a certain number.

This time, the Hou Tu brought the Twelve Capital Heaven Primordial Formation to come, and the same is true. One drink and one peck are all the karma that was planted at the beginning.

"Brother, don't worry, Ming He is also a teacher and disciple, and he will listen to the advice of the little sister if he wants to come."

Hearing Zhu Rong's words, Hou Tu nodded in reply, his eyes filled with determination.

"Go, since the teacher asked me to come, naturally I won't let anyone hurt you." Zhu Rong grinned, full of invincible aura.

In Zhu Rong's state at the moment, he is confident that he can collide head-on with the two great innate formations of Honghuang.

After all, the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array and the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods and Demons Great Array all need to be controlled by the strong, and the Twelve Capital Heavenly Hunyuan Great Array, the true spirit of Zhu Rong, is the center of the entire Great Array.

If the great formation is not destroyed, he will not die.


In the Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood, in front of Soul Town Hall.

Styx floated in the void, with a grim expression, staring at the movement of the blood pool below, watching the creatures constantly coming out of the blood pool, the originally gloomy mood gradually eased.

call out!

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