The more the Asura tribe was born, the more blue light was emitted from the depths of the void.

When these azure lights submerged into Ming He's body, his cultivation in the middle stage of Quasi-Saint gradually increased, as if it were never ending.

"Humph! What kind of merits and virtues of heaven, even if there is no merit to add to my body, I will be sanctified in Styx."

After ten days and ten nights of creating living beings, Ming He's cultivation level, unknowingly, has reached the realm of quasi-sage.

At this moment, Ming He had a feeling that he had already seen the threshold of the saint.

"This is the realm of the saint. The primordial spirit is entrusted to the void, the space is not destroyed, the way of heaven does not collapse, and the saint is not destroyed."

Styx's old face gradually burst into a smile.

At this moment, he felt the skyrocketing power in his body, and there was an illusion that he would be sanctified at any time.

If the souls of the human race are allowed to come, the cultivation base in Ming He's body will continue to increase, and it will be getting closer and closer to the realm of the saints.


"A little bit, a little bit more, a little more..."

Feeling the surge in cultivation in the body, Styx kept talking, his eyes were full of greed-greed light.

But no matter how the cultivation base increases, it is always a little bit short. The position of a saint is within reach, but it has become far away.

"How could this be? Could it be that there are not enough Shura people?"

As soon as he thought of this, Ming He put out his hands and stroked the vast sea of ​​blood. Suddenly, the calm sea of ​​blood became turbulent.

I saw the sea of ​​​​blood gradually transpiring into a blushing mist, filling the entire space, full of powerful power.

"The formation of the Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood is formed, give me all of them."

At this moment, Ming He's eyes showed madness, and he tried his best to mobilize the real blood sea array.

I saw a blood pool with a radius of ten feet, and countless blood-colored heads rolled and roared.

With the blessing of the blood sea array, between heaven and earth, the endless dead souls of the human race came whistling.

You must know that since the birth of the human race, there have been so many wandering souls, like locusts crossing the border, it is simply overwhelming.


"Well? Why not, it's impossible, there are only hundreds of thousands of Asura people, the soul of the human race, the minimum is millions."

Ming He's eyes widened, looking at the empty sea of ​​blood, he couldn't help but froze in place.

Soul gone?

This means that the opportunity for sanctification within his reach has just passed by.

"Do not……"

The Styx roared in the sky, the sound waves rolled, and the violent aura erupted from his body, causing the sea of ​​blood to roll up huge waves.

When the Shura people in front of Soul Town Hall saw this, they were so frightened that they shivered, and they all fell to the ground.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It seems that it is about to succeed, but suddenly there is no soul. What kind of painful feeling is this?

With two swipes, Yuantu Abi's two innate spiritual treasures were suddenly sacrificed, inspiring the Nine Serenity Sea of ​​Blood formation to the extreme.

Styx's cultivation base has skyrocketed, and he has reached the realm of quasi-sage, and even in his own opinion, has been infinitely close to the realm of a saint.

At this moment, he calculated and comprehended the secrets of heaven, and countless spiritual lights were flowing like a spring.

Suddenly, his face changed drastically, and his eyes contained monstrous anger.

"You witches dare to stop me from becoming a saint?"

As the voice fell, I saw a plain shadow on the edge of the vast sea of ​​blood, graceful and graceful, like a green lotus in the mud, full of holy breath.


Seeing the appearance of Hou Tu, Ming He's blood-colored long hair was curled backwards, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes, as if he had lost his mind, and a monstrous flame erupted.

Chapter [-]: The Sea of ​​Blood

The nine secluded seas of blood are vast and boundless, full of the most evil and evil aura, and it is the gathering place of all the filth between heaven and earth.

At this moment, under the rage of Styx, it resonated with the sea of ​​​​blood, and immediately rolled up a huge wave, which was as terrifying as a wave of destruction.

Since his birth, he has always been very low-key. Even if Hongjun became a saint in Zixiao Palace, he almost always left after listening to it, and rarely left the Jiuyou Xuehai realm.

Because of this, Ming He felt resentment and disdain for the former senior brothers and sisters after they were sanctified, thinking that they were just taking the lead.

At this moment, I have realized the secret, and I saw that I was only a little away from becoming a saint, but I didn't expect it to be stopped by the back soil of the Wu clan. The great hatred in my heart is simply indescribable.

"Junior Sister Houtu, it's a waste of time for us to listen to Teacher Dao, but after all, we are still brothers and sisters. Why do you want to stop me?"

Ming He hates so much that he can't figure it out. You are a witch, and you are destined to be unable to become holy. How can you join the sea of ​​blood?

Houtu's face was holy and infinite, with compassion in his eyes, watching Styx's rage, and sympathy in his heart.

As a congenital soul, the nine secluded blood seas born from occupying the heavens and the earth have great luck, but they cannot be sanctified, which is simply a great hatred in life.

"Senior Ming He, your Dao is not at this time, why do you want to do that cruel thing?" Houtu's red lips slightly opened, and the voiceless voice curled, which purifies the filthy aura of the sea of ​​blood a lot.


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