Hearing this, Ming He was almost mad with hatred, and his eyes showed ridicule: "The soul of the human race has no place to live, senior brother, I have compassion in my heart, and let them be reborn with the secret method of the sea of ​​blood, why is it cruel? If you say cruel, Wouldn't it be even more cruel that the two lich clans slaughtered countless human races?"

"Moreover, most of these human souls died at the hands of the two lich clans. Brother, I uphold God's will to regenerate them into the Shura clan. This is the mercy of creation."

Ming He's face was full of ridicule. In fact, he was also aware of this, so he would be reckless and attract all the souls of the human race.

Because in his heart, the souls of the human race stray from the heavens and the earth. Rather than being swallowed up by monsters, it is better to let them be reborn and become new life forms.

"Senior brother, why are you so confused? Human souls have their own place to go, and the roots of the Asura clan are not in the human race!" Hou Tu sighed, and finally couldn't bear to scold.

"Hahaha, since Junior Sister has something to say, why should I ask you, where is the soul of the human race? Where is the root of my Asura clan?"

Ming He sneered, although his heart was full of anger, but he was used to acting in a low-key manner, so he restrained himself.

The appearance of Houtu at this moment is a bad premonition for Styx.

If he takes a tough shot, it may cause some people's dissatisfaction and interrupt his sanctification plan.

Since you want to reason, then I Styx will reason with you, and see what you have to say, those who hate you.

"Where the human race goes, the way of heaven has its own conclusion, and the younger sister does not dare to reveal the secret." Hou Tu said: "As for the Shura family, it can only be said that the opportunity has not come, the way of heaven is orderly, and one day I will give my senior brother an explanation."

This is about the opportunity for sanctification, and it is impossible to speak at all. As for the root of the Shura clan, it has a great relationship with her, but the secret is vague, but I can't say much.

However, Houtu's words completely angered Ming He.

He was furious, pointed at the back soil and shouted: "It's too deceiving. If there is no good way to say it, I will never stop Styx. How can you let me lose my chance because of your few words?"

It has to be said that when the opportunity for sanctification is right in front of us, no one can calm down.

At this moment, Ming He was furious, and he didn't take action immediately. He already had a strong control. If it were someone else, he would have already taken action in the last battle.

"Senior brother, don't speak bluntly, the way of heaven is orderly, and there are some things that junior sister can't tell you, but I can guarantee that when the soul of the human race settles down, the Shura family will also have a good place to go."

Seeing that Ming He couldn't listen at all, Houtu stomped his feet in a hurry. If the talk collapsed, he would have to go through it.

"The way of heaven is orderly, I, Ming He, have learned the way of the sea of ​​blood, and the Shura people are my way. If the Shura people want to come out, only the soul of the human race can be created. You can't lie to me."

In the end, the negotiation broke down. The two discussed the matter, but they could not be unified, so they could only go to one game and talk about it.

Ming He wanted to be sanctified, thinking that the Shura tribe was his way of sanctification.Houtu also has to uphold the way of heaven and become sanctified, but her sanctification is the soul of the human race, but she is sad in her heart, thinking that maybe she is the most miserable opportunity for sanctification in the world!


Styx holds the Innate Spirit Sword in his hand, and has the meaning of supreme killing. Even if he mobilizes the source of the sea of ​​blood, he must construct a real nine-seas blood sea formation.

"Since junior sister blocked me, Ming He had no choice but to take action. Even if there is harm to the heavens, it is not the fault of Ming He." No, even if he is murderous, Ming He still has to occupy the truth, for fear of attracting unreasonable cause and effect.

The vast sea of ​​​​blood roared endlessly, exuding amazing fluctuations, and an invisible breath that would permeate the entire nine secluded land.

In an instant, the originally blood-colored world exuded even more bizarre coquettishness.

"Brother help me!"

Feeling the power of the blood sea array, Hou Tu hesitated for a while, and then spoke loudly.

As her voice fell, the whole world rioted, and a savage atmosphere rushed from the entrance of the sea of ​​​​blood.

"Gaga, Styx is hurting the heaven and harmony. Today, Zhu Rong will take good care of his junior sister and be righteous for the world."

The rude voice caused countless ripples in the space, and I saw a dark giant standing upright, carrying six dark flags, coming majestic.


When the pitch-black giant appeared, the entire prehistoric world seemed to feel it, and a shocking fluctuation broke out immediately.

At this moment, the prehistoric saints and many great gods were shocked and looked at it incredulously.

The Wu clan's primordial spirit is incomplete, and death is the elimination of the Dao, and it will disappear directly into the heavens and the earth, and there will not be any remaining chances at all, because that is the order of the heavens.

But in front of...

Zhu Rong is reborn?

Chapter [-] The source of the mother energy of all things! (Chapter two)

At the entrance of Jiuyou Xuehaidi Realm, there are six thousand-meter flags suspended, fluttering in the wind, swallowing all the souls that pass through this place.

The other six soul-devouring flags, carried by Zhu Rong, rushed into the Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood, to help Houtu and stop Ming He's behavior.


When the pitch-black giant opened his mouth to report his name, the whole land shook, and the chaotic secrets became chaotic in an instant.

Not to mention the quasi-sages, the sect masters and saints are all stagnant, and an ominous premonition arises in their hearts.

"Zhu Rong is reborn, he is even stronger!"

"According to the meaning of heaven and earth, existence is reasonable, but is it also reasonable for the Wu clan to die and rebirth?"

"What the teacher said, is there an unprecedented strange thing that can still exist in the heaven and earth?"

The hearts of the saints were shaken, and they could no longer calm down.

Such monstrous things are simply unheard of, unseen.

When Zu Wu died, the sage shot, there may be a chance of life, but the person who made the shot will also be added to the body by various causes and effects, which is something the sage is unwilling to face.

But now, the ancestor witch who once died was reborn, becoming stronger and more terrifying.

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