The body that stood above the ground was covered with mysterious lines, and there was a dark red light flowing.

Carrying six flags of hundreds of thousands of meters on his back, he came with murderous aura, not to mention all beings in the wilderness were stunned.

Even Ming He was stunned and stunned when he saw this, unable to speak for a long time.

"Brother, don't be silly, we are here to prevent Senior Brother Ming He from acting, not to prevent him from becoming enlightened." Hou Tu said.

I saw that she gently tapped her hands, and the void gave birth to countless yellowish-colored clouds, beating like a heart, and gradually diffused toward the heaven and earth.

The Ancestral Witch's Back Earth, the power of the earth, the yellow cloud is the embryo of the earth, the source of the mother qi of all things, and the absolute defense in supernatural powers.

At this moment, it is displayed, dividing the vast sea of ​​blood, like a city wall, to isolate the Styx from the outside world.

Seeing this scene, Ming He woke up and was about to explode with anger.

"Houtu deceives me, in the Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood, this is my dojo, do you think I have no means of Styx?"

Ming He screamed in the sky, almost going crazy, and immediately shot, Yuantu Abi crossed his swords, making a screeching sound, and the invisible sword sound reverberated, exuding strange fluctuations.

With the swaying of the sword, the vast sea of ​​blood rolled, and countless blood-colored giants emerged from it, exuding the most evil and evil aura.

"The Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood Formation, all the Blood God Sons obeyed and broke their formation for me." Ming He was furious and took the lead in killing the general with his double swords.

"It's useless, the senior brother vowed to ban the sea of ​​blood for ten thousand years. If you force your way out, you will only suffer the backlash of karma." Seeing this, Hou Tu shook his head coldly to dissuade him.

However, Ming He was already furious, so he could still listen.


Styx, with red clothes and red hair, with a ferocious face, led countless blood-colored giants, attacked directly into the yellow cloud, and erupted with majestic power.

"Break it for me!"

He shouted, unwilling in his heart, Yuantu Abi, being pushed to the limit, burst out with supreme killing intent.

Behind him, the blood-colored giant slammed into it, unconscious, and slammed into it with his body.


Suddenly, Huang Yun trembled violently, almost unable to resist, and would collapse at any time.

I saw that the blood-colored giants could not bear the powerful force, and finally collapsed, turning into bloody water, and falling into the blood sea below.

However, in the blink of an eye, under the sea of ​​blood, countless blood-colored giants appeared again, which was simply endless.


Huang Yun was violently attacked, and Hou Tu poured out a mouthful of blood, which fell on the swaying Huang Yun, bursting with a dazzling golden light.

The next moment, the swaying Huang Yun became more tenacious, and even if the blood-colored giant collided, he did not shake at all.

"It's only ten thousand years, why can't senior brother listen to Houtu's words, Houtu will never harm you." Houtu's pretty face was pale and bloodless.

Under the attack of the Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood Array, Rao is the source of the mother energy of all things that is absolutely defensive, and it also feels extremely difficult.

"This is my chance to be sanctified. You lied to me and still listen to your words. It's a big joke." Ming He sneered and couldn't hear any words at all.

You know, he has lost his mind, and his desire for sanctification is now revealed unabashedly.

However, when the Shura tribe was created, all cause and effect were determined.

Even if it is infinitely close to the realm of saints, it is still not a saint. Between the two, it is like a moat that cannot be crossed.

"Hey! Since that's the case, Houtu can only stop Senior Brother."

While speaking, Huang Yun, who was cast by Hou Tu, was attacked violently again.

Those blood-colored giants are endless. As long as the sea of ​​blood does not dry up, the power of the great formation will not be weakened in the slightest. This is the true power of the Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood Formation.


Countless giants attacked like locusts, and Rao was the body of the ancestors of the Houtu.

At this moment, her face became even paler, but for the sake of the future vitality of the Wu clan, she could not have the slightest retreat.

"Break it for me!"

Styx roared in the sky, Yuantu Abi two innate killing Lingbao, accompanied by endless blood-colored giants, slammed down towards Huang Yun.


The two collided, and a loud noise broke out, and a big earthquake occurred in the entire Jiuyou land.


In the end, in Styx's home court, Houtu was a little short after all, and Huang Yun was broken by Styx desperately.

"Junior sister, if you stop me, senior brother will not show mercy." Ming He, holding two swords in his hands, strode forward with murderous aura.

Behind him, countless blood-colored giants followed, which was the origin of the sea of ​​blood, and could be killed endlessly.

"Ming He, Sister Houtu has already said it very clearly, why are you still obsessed."

Right at this moment, Zhu Rong's indomitable body took a step, stood in front of Hou Tu, and spoke coldly.

Chapter [-]: Zhu Rong Steamed Sea of ​​Blood! (third more)

Zhu Rong is a million meters tall, with his feet on the bottom of the sea, and the sea knows the position of his knees.

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