Although Jie Yin and Zhun Ti didn't like Li Zhenwu in their hearts, since Li Zhenwu was so knowledgeable, they could let go of his shameless affairs and stop worrying about him.

However, just as the two were talking, a bull roar, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, came from a distance.


I saw at the end of the sky, a green ox, striding forward, every step it fell, causing the void to shake.

Large swaths of purple air, like clouds, covered the sky and the earth from a distance, rolling in.

Zi Qi came from the east, Lao Tzu sat on the back of the green ox, his face was red, his beard was blowing and his eyes were staring.

I wanted him to understand the secret, but I didn't want to be woken up.

As the leader of the Human Religion, if all the races were seduced by the two robbers in the West, what would the Human Religion do?

Wudang Mountain Zhenwu Dojo.

"Everyone is here, the big drama is about to start."

Li Zhenwu was not surprised by this, on the contrary, he was very interested, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Chapter [-] All the saints appear together! (third more)

The purple air came from the east, paving a road leading directly to the Terran Square, and with a moo, the green ox came to this place.

I saw Lao Tzu's face was red and purple, his eyes were spitting fire, and he was holding a cane made from the Chaos Tree in his hand.

Thinking of the leader of other people's teachings, all the human races in the world are under the sect, and there are also human race believers on Shouyang Mountain.

Now, due to carelessness, when I was wandering in the void, I was brought up and led by two people, and thousands of people went away~.

"You two don't read scriptures and teach Buddhism in the West, what are you doing here in the East?" Lao Tzu snorted angrily, his expression very displeased, if he hadn't woken up, I'm afraid all the races would have been transported away.

You must know that Western tricks are completely irresistible under the great supernatural powers. If it were not for the sound of Li Zhenwu's Taoism, the consequences would be unbearable.

That was blatantly trying to snatch his luck, which is absolutely unbearable among saints.

On the other hand, Jieyin and Zhunti didn't care about Laozi's attitude, Zhunti's face was full of compassion, "Eldest brother, Zhunti is here to cross people, but also to save people."

Hearing this, Lao Tzu was furious, his face was purple and black, and the hand holding the crutch was shaking slightly. It was obvious that he was on the verge of breaking out, and he really wanted to smash the two to death with a stick.

To cross the human race, for the people's religion he founded, is almost equivalent to robbing luck, and the battle between saints is just luck.

"Hey, what a thief, why does the human race need your help from the West? Besides, the West is poor. After the human race goes, will the East be rich and satisfied?"

Lao Tzu opened his mouth and said, his voice was loud, and his tone used a reprimand: "You wait for the Western religion to not prove the Primordial Primordial, sustenance in the void, just want to not be contaminated by cause and effect, but I want to be that tortoise, if the human race follows you, isn't it? How can you continue to improve yourself by reciting scriptures and worshipping Buddha every day?”

Obviously too angry, Lao Tzu kept his mouth open, and almost all of his saliva was sprayed in front of the two of them.

However, the same sage, this speech, which was heard by all beings in the prehistoric times, has greatly fallen on the face of the two Western sages, which is absolutely unbearable.

However, as a senior brother, I don't dare to do anything with the reception and Zhunti. I just ignore the words of the old man and turn to the human beings: "Would you like to enter my Paradise of Bliss?"

"I will!"

As the voice of Zhunti fell, among the human race, even tens of thousands of people came out with each other's arms, and they respectfully worshipped.

The two Western sages, with their faces full of compassion, sang a Buddha's name, and they took tens of thousands of people into the Buddha country in the palm of their hands.

Seeing this scene, Lao Tzu's face was throbbing, and his whole body was shaking with anger. He had just finished reprimanding the two, and at this moment, he was slapped in the face, and it was still crackling.

"Shuzi dare to slap my face?" Laozi Qikong smoked, raised his hand and poked his cane, and landed directly in the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of Zhunti's hand.


A loud bang erupted.

Zhunti was caught off guard, a big hole was poked out of the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, and the Bodhisattva Vajra inside was killed immediately and fell from the lotus.

This is amazing!

Although the sage shot, although he poked it, it was still not something that ordinary Bodhisattva Vajra Dharma protectors could resist. He didn't even scream, and he was annihilated for the most part.

The accident happened suddenly, and everyone was stunned.

All the saints were shocked, the sky shook, and the sky and the earth were instantly without the sun and the moon, and it was a doomsday scene.

Except for Li Zhenwu, even those great gods in the great wilderness felt the power of saints. It was so terrifying that their hearts trembled.

"I'm a husband, do you dare to break my Buddhist kingdom? I'll fight with you."

Seeing the tragic death of his disciples, the Second Sage of the West blushed and pointed at Lao Tzu and scolded him with indignation.

"Even if you are a senior brother, let me wait for your face like this, and see how I Zhunti brushes your face." Zhunti put away the damaged Buddhist country, carrying the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, and was about to fight with Lao Tzu.

"Yes, ruthless, implicated in innocent lives, and ignoring ordinary people as saints." Jie Yin frowned and said to himself.

As soon as the two sang together, their face was torn apart, and there was no more saintly De Jong.

"So that all beings in the world know that the two Western sages deceived the world and robbed the world and humiliated the respect of the sages. As a senior brother, you should teach yourself a lesson or two."


At this moment, there was a loud noise from the sky.

I saw nine big dragons, pulling their splendid car, galloping with a rumble.

"The two Western sages came to me in the east to be arrogant, and today Yuanyuan wants to wait with the big brother Luoer." Yuanyuan Tianzun's golden clothes and jade crown, incomparably majestic, with a mighty atmosphere, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth.

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