You must know that both belong to the Three Qing Dynasty, Lao Tzu and Primitive are the closest, and they are almost always obedient to Lao Tzu's words, and they are very pleasing to Lao Tzu.

"Junior and brother came just in time, drive these two back to the west, don't let them come here to make a fortune." Seeing this, Lao Tzu rubbed his palms and laughed, his heart was very happy.

You must know that the relationship between saints is far more complicated than it seems on the surface. Their various calculations are to win the world's luck.

This time, the Second Saint of the West came to cross the people, in fact, to snatch Lao Tzu's luck. As the leader of the people's religion, he was naturally furious.

"It's a good show, Er et al act disregardingly, I will be with you."

At the end of the sky, the Master Tongtian was carrying the Four Swords of Zhuxian on his back, staring at them with indifference, with disdain in his eyes.

Seeing this, Lao Tzu couldn't help but be very annoyed: "Junior Brother Tongtian, we are one body with the Three Pure Ones, what do you mean by that?"

"Yes, Tongtian, your wolf son's ambition, is this time you come to humiliate the big brother?" Yuan Tianzun carried his hands on his back and spoke lightly, with a slight reprimand in his tone.

"Fart, what does Lao Tzu do with you? The name of Sanqing will not be mentioned in the future." Tongtian heard the words, his body was full of murderous energy, looking at Yuanyuan and Lao Tzu, his heart was full of hatred.

At this point, the five saints from the Hongjun Sect have all arrived. Their purpose is very simple, that is, they want to snatch more benefits from the human race.

"Hey, why do you brothers, Nuwa is the Virgin of the Human Race, how can you ignore them?"

Inside the Wa Palace, an auspicious cloud floated out, and within a few moments, it came to the top of the square where the human race lived.

Chapter [-] Saints, not the way!

All the saints are present together, and the atmosphere is very delicate, but for many creatures in the prehistoric wilderness, this is an unimaginable grand scene.

Wudang Mountain, Zhenwu Dojo.

"Come on, let's watch a good show together."

Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged, the whole person was very indifferent, and smiled faintly at the direction of the stone steps.

As his voice fell, Xuanyuan walked out uneasy and bowed respectfully to him, but did not dare to sit down, just stood restrained behind Li Zhenwu.

"Come and take a look, this is the Saint of the Great Desolation."

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu ignored it, raised his hand, and Xiaocao and Xiaohua flew out from the thatched hut and sat next to him.

When the saints appeared, let alone them, the great supernatural powers of the entire prehistoric world could see it clearly.

No one heard the words on Wudang Mountain.

There are invisible fluctuations here, isolating all investigations, and sensing from the outside, only their figures can be seen, but they cannot know what they said.

"The way of saints is the way of Hunyuan heaven. For all living beings and saints, the way of Hunyuan heaven is the supreme rule."

With all the saints appearing, Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, as if talking to himself, but more like telling them.

"Master, you and the saint, who is more powerful?" Xiaocao and Xiaohua widened their eyes, their black and white eyes were full of curiosity.

Their focus is obviously different from everyone else, because Li Zhenwu is too indifferent.

Since the establishment of Wudang Mountain, I have never seen Li Zhenwu make a move, so I am very curious.

Even Xuanyuan, with his eyes watching his nose and his nose watching his heart, moved his ears slightly, wanting to know the answer.

"Saints are the most advanced beings in the prehistoric world. The abilities they have are very clear. Under the saints, they can kill them with a wave of their hands."

Li Zhenwu said lightly, and then said: "However, the way of true martial arts is not comparable to ordinary people. In some respects, they are not as good as me."

Saint means, everything is within the Chaos Heavenly Dao.

The way of true martial arts is to strengthen oneself, beyond the imagination of heaven, when it is powerful to a certain extent, it is beyond heaven, and it is in charge of supreme primordial avenue.

Of course, these ideas are just normal for Li Zhenwu.

But for Xuanyuan and Xiaohua Xiaocao, they were stunned, their minds and souls roared, and the shock could not be calmed down for a long time.

"Teacher, disrespectful to saints..." Xuanyuan was shocked and wanted to remind Li Zhenwu that saints are omnipotent, and their words at this moment may be heard by all saints.

However, Li Zhenwu, as if he had never heard of it, stared at him calmly, and suddenly asked, "You have practiced so far, do you have an ultimate goal?"

As soon as these words came out, the three people in the field were shocked, and they all stayed in place.

All spirits in the prehistoric world, whether they are great supernatural beings or other creatures, isn't their goal the way of the sages?

This does not need to be thought about at all, as if an instinctive pursuit has long been imprinted in the soul.

"Of course it is the way of a saint." Xuanyuan replied with a solemn expression.

"So are we!"

Xiaocao and Xiaohua knew Li Zhenwu well, and their faces were a little timid for fear of saying the wrong thing.


Li Zhenwu shook his head lightly and continued to teach: "The saint is not the Tao, but the inner cultivation of the mind, body and morality, not the Tao of the other. Enter my true martial arts, and then let's talk about the Tao of the saint."

As his voice fell, the three of them roared in their minds, as if lightning flashed across the sky, breaking through the fog and entering a deeper spiritual realm.

"It's the teacher, the disciple understands."

"Xiaocao, Xiaohua also understands."

The three of them saluted respectfully, looked solemn, and made a grand wish in their hearts, hoping that one day they could reach the realm of true martial arts.


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