The place where the human race lived, on the square, fell into extreme shock.

"The Virgin Mother, and other saints..."

When seeing all the saints appearing together, let alone the human beings were shocked, and even other prehistoric creatures were shocked beyond recognition.

Regardless of the demon clan or the witch clan, seeing the human race being favored by the saints at this moment, they can't help but feel envious and jealous...

"No, Empress Nuwa is the saint of our demon clan after all, and she certainly won't let us have any trouble."

Tai Yi and Di Jun looked very ugly, and their eyes were shining.

However, there was a vague unease in the bottom of my heart, and there was an ominous premonition that lingered in the hearts of the two of them.

In the Wu tribe, the ancestral witches have solemn expressions on their faces, and they also feel heavy about the things on the shore of the East China Sea.

"As long as I am sanctified, there must be a good place for the witches."

Houtu's pretty face was firm, her beautiful eyes showed a ray of light, and her heart gradually became more determined.

In the wild land, if there is a saint to protect it, it is naturally the best, but if you go against the sky, the saint is also unreliable.

Just like the catastrophe between the two lich clans, saints are generally reluctant to intervene.

On the Human Race Square, the atmosphere is delicate to the extreme, and the relationship between the saints is also shown one by one.

"Junior sister came just in time, the Lich War is re-emerging, this time I am here to cross people, but also to save people, what's wrong?"

When the saints saw Nuwa coming, as if they had found the backbone, they all told Nuwa their grievances in their hearts.

You know, Nu Wa's words just woke them up.

After all, the human race was created by the younger sisters. The most important point is that in 3.6, no matter how many apprentices they accept, the merits must be distributed to Nuwa.

After all, she just said that she is the Virgin of the Human Race, and no one can obliterate her.

"It's not right, Junior Sister, don't listen to their nonsense. Senior Brother, as the leader of the Human Religion, I will naturally find a way to protect the Human Race."

Lao Tzu was furious, and when he heard the words of the two of them, he almost couldn't help but go down with a cane.

"Okay, you old man, you are only allowed to create your own education, but you are not allowed to cross the Lingshan Mountains in the West. It's too deceiving. I can't say that we have to walk through it before talking about it."

Seeing that the two quarreled again, Nuwa smiled wryly, not knowing how to persuade her.

Suddenly, her mind moved slightly, and she turned to look at Wudang Mountain.

Chapter [-] Holy Father! (Second more)

With Laozi and Yuanyuan as a faction, they cursed the behavior of the two sages of Lingshan in the West.

Of course, each of them has their own reasons. The honor of the saint, but scolded the street like a shrew, making Tongtian Sect Master, who was carrying the Four Swords of Immortal Execution, his face throbbed, and he quietly retreated, ashamed to be in their company.

"Brothers, if the human race is going to stay, why do you want to fight for your life and death, why don't you ask Zhenwu Daoist friends to give some suggestions?"

Just when everyone was arguing, Nu Wa's voiceless voice came over, which made everyone stunned for a moment.

The atmosphere that originally smelled of gunpowder suddenly became weird.

True Martial Daoist?

Isn't that Li Zhenwu of Wudang Mountain, that wild and desolate alien, who is only a quasi-sage, how can he be capable?

There was a hint of pride on everyone's face.

They can quarrel as saints, but it doesn't mean that people at the level of quasi-sages can be compared with them.

At that time, only Zhen Yuanzi was the only one who listened to the sermon under Hongjun's sect and could gain the eyes of everyone.

The rest of the people, etc., are all ants.

On the other hand, the Tongtian sect master was relatively broad and did not care about this. He turned around and shouted in the direction of Wudang Mountain: "As a holy father of the human race, can you say something?"

As soon as these words came out, Lao Tzu and Yuan's face throbbed, which was very ugly.

Especially the original Tianzun, with anger in his eyes, staring at Tongtian sect master, it means like saying, is this trying to lose the reputation of Sanqing?

"Zhenwu Daoist friends came out with great luck. The teacher once said that when Zhenwu was born, the human race should be prosperous. Doesn't that mean that Zhenwu Taoist friends are prosperous of the human race?"

For the primitive eyes, Tongtian Sect Master disagreed, carrying his hands on his back, still said to himself.

"That's right, the way Zhenwu cultivates is incomparably miraculous. He is the Holy Father, so there must be an explanation." Nuwa nodded, but she really felt great about Li Zhenwu's advice at the beginning, and had no other thoughts.

It's just that her mind has always been pure, but she didn't see the faces of several senior brothers, and she still praised herself, which made the two Western Saints look longer.

In this way, the four saints had a prejudice against Li Zhenwu.

"I have heard for a long time about the magic of the way of true martial arts. If I can see it today, Tongtian will not be in vain." Tongtian sect master said.

He and Nuwa have no different positions. Besides, this move also wants to make the four of them lose face, so as not to be arrogant and arrogant in front of him.

Wudang Mountain, Zhenwu Dojo.

The words of the sage, like the sound of the avenue, are clearly conveyed.


Hearing these words, Xuanyuan choked his breath, his heart beat violently, and he wanted something bad.

Even Xiaohua and Xiaocao's faces are also full of melancholy clouds. The words and deeds of saints are unpredictable, and they are born aloof, so how can they really want to listen to what the young master has to say?

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