Either become a Buddhist son in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, or turn into nothingness and become the nourishment of the Bodhi Array.

Regardless of the possibility, at this moment, Li Zhenwu was defeated.

"This son is a little worse after all. The Bodhi Formation is an acquired method of merit and virtue. It cannot be broken by brute force. This time, it is inevitable to think highly of him."

In Shouyang Mountain, Lao Tzu pinched his fingers and shook his head in disappointment. Then he raised his hand and summoned the flying Sambo Jade Ruyi back.

In the current situation, Li Zhenwu would definitely fall into the Bodhi Great Array without him taking action at all.

"The fall of Zhenwu is coming soon." The second emperor of the demon clan rang the Donghuang bell, and he was overjoyed at the hint of heavenly secret he was looking for.

Of course, they couldn't see Li Zhenwu's future, but they could sense that the Bodhi formation arranged by the Western Lingshan Second Sanctuary had not been broken.

That is to say, if this formation is not broken, the people in that formation will have no life at all.

Wuzhuang View, under the congenital ginseng fruit tree.

Zhenyuanzi sat cross-legged, with a book on the ground of the treasure on his knees, sighed, and called Shennong.

"Teacher! Why are you looking for students?" Shennong was tall, dark-skinned, and in high spirits, raising his hands and feet with an inexplicable rhythm.

"Wait for a long time to clean up, and then go back to the place where the human race lives!" Zhen Yuanzi's tone was lonely and a little desolate.

Hearing this, Shennong was shocked and immediately bowed respectfully, "But what did the student do wrong?"

You must know that the few of them cultivated here, and it can be said that they have received considerable care from Zhen Yuanzi, and their cultivation is even faster. Such great graces are like re-creation.

Hearing Zhen Yuanzi's words at this moment, I felt uneasy in my heart, and thought I was kicked out of the house.

"It's not your fault, it's just that the current human race needs you more, because Li Zhenwu, I'm afraid he will never come back." Zhen Yuanzi sighed.

The voice fell, Shen Nong's face was full of shock, and he was stunned for a long time before silently saluting, then turned and left.

Soon, he took Panwang Jibo and several juniors and left from Wuzhuangguan, and quickly rushed towards the bank of the East China Sea.

"The Holy Father suffered a catastrophe, the Lich War is about to start, and the catastrophe will come to the floods. I am afraid that the human race will also be affected. When we go back, we must inherit the will of the Holy Father and protect the peace of the human race."

Shen Nong's face was full of grief, and he was speechless with several juniors and brothers, and they could all see the worries in the other party's heart.


Chaos and void, one day in the sky, one year in the ground.

Time is not worthy of nostalgia for the great supernatural powers of the prehistoric wilderness. After all, they are wandering in the void, and they will last for a thousand years, or even ten thousand years.

"It's been three days, and Zhenwu hasn't broken out yet, is there really any accident?" Nu Wa was furious.

But at this moment, there is no possibility of making a move, because Li Zhenwu has already fallen into a deep place in the Bodhi Great Array.

In the Bodhi Great Array, there is also no concept of time to speak of.

Trapped in three thousand worlds, one thought for a lifetime, and the same instant eternity.

Li Zhenwu has gone through countless reincarnations, and I am afraid it is just a matter of thoughts, but every world is like a red dust.

Gradually, from not being contaminated with cause and effect at the beginning, to now, actively contacting the cause and effect of the world.

In this life, he was born on a blue planet. On this planet, technology was developed, and he, 700, was a resident of one of the Huaxia countries.

After working hard for a lifetime, nothing was accomplished in the end, and I could only die alone.

"Hey, it really deserves to be a saint's method. It made me fall into infinite reincarnation, experience countless world events, and add all kinds of karma to my body. I no longer have the strength to break through the formation."

On a certain hill on the blue planet, Li Zhenwu was wearing a green shirt, his body was illusory, like a wandering soul, suspended on a small earthen bag.

And this little dirt bag is the grave of his life.

The mind is still clear, but there is no possibility of breaking the inner demon. After all, after so many reincarnations, the karma of karma on the body is enough for ordinary people to die countless times.

It is because he is strong himself that he can maintain a clear mind and not be charmed by the world.

"Forget it, since you can't break the formation, you will miss the two of you. It seems that the sage's senior brother can't be made."

Li Zhenwu smiled bitterly, followed by clear eyes, and said to himself, "However, I can go out without breaking the formation."

The next moment, he raised his hand helplessly, his fingers touched his forehead, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Faint spatial fluctuations appeared, and Li Zhenwu's figure gradually faded, and finally disappeared in place.

Chapter [-] Come out if you think of it! (first update)

In the depths of the chaotic void, the Heavenly Zhuxian Sword Formation is full of murderous aura, bursting out with supreme killing sword intent, any creature that approaches, I am afraid it will be cut into powder.

On the other side, the Bodhi Array is full of fragrance, and the lotus flowers are fragrant. It is a peaceful world.

"What on earth is Zhenwu thinking? If he knew he was invincible earlier, wouldn't he use my Hydrangea Spirit Treasure?" Nuwa stood against the wind, her holy face a little more anxious.

You must know that when Li Zhenwu entered the Bodhi Great Array, if she cast the hydrangea earlier, she would be able to bring Li Zhenwu out with a little trick.

But now it is difficult, because Li Zhenwu has been caught in the boundless reincarnation, and he did not know that he was in that world for a long time, and he directly sensed a faint breath.

"Buddha Anita, true martial arts are not the son of man, what is the way of true martial arts, and if you are not in the realm of saints, how can you be qualified to compete with us?"

Bursts of Buddha light emerged from his body, interweaving a dream-like scene, resonating with the heavenly way, forming a supreme charm.

"Hmph, the pearl of rice grains, how dare you compete with the sun and the moon for glory? The way of true martial arts is not popular." Zhun Ti's face was expressionless, and he said lightly.

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