There are many great supernatural powers in the prehistoric wasteland, even if they cultivate the three thousand Huang Ting, and realize the chaotic heavenly way, they will still find the most suitable way.

But Li Zhenwu's approach was unheard of. He did not belong to the Three Thousand avenues, and went to the extreme alone.

At this time, they couldn't get out of the Bodhi Great Array, which naturally made them disdain in their hearts. Even ordinary supernatural powers, as long as they have a strong mind and work hard, they can still get out.

"The two team up to deal with Zhenwu. You are so nasty, and I am ashamed to be in the company of you and others."

Hearing that the two Western saints were so arrogant, Rao is Nuwa's heart, and couldn't help but be angry.

You must know that she has been sanctified, and for the human race, she can only follow the way of heaven and cannot do too much.

But Li Zhenwu is different. He is an outlier in the wild. What he does, even the teacher says it is reasonable, and the saints also have no opinion.

"What Junior Sister said is wrong, Zhenwu's heart is arrogant and arrogant, and this time he is forever in reincarnation. Could it be because of his own arrogance and arrogance, what does it have to do with Senior Brother?"

Seeing Nuwa's anger, Zhunti said with a smile, looking very relaxed and content.

"Yes, Junior Sister, don't be angry about this son. After all, we are both saints, how can this person be compared." Jie Yin folded his hands together, frowned and said with a bitter face.

The two of you said a word, and I said a word, and it really made Nu Wa's pretty face cold, and I can't wait to take action immediately to destroy this formation.

However, even if she destroys the Bodhi Great Array from the outside, the people inside the array will not have a good end, I am afraid that she will be lost in the three thousand worlds and will never come out.

"Okay, okay, Western Lingshan bullies the Nuwa people, and I want to see..."

Nu Wa laughed angrily, biting her lips with her teeth, pointing at the two of them, and then made the oath of cause and effect.

However, before she finished speaking, she suddenly listened.


The next moment, the anger on her face disappeared, she covered her red lips, her eyes widened, and she stared blankly beside her, her face full of disbelief.

"Junior sister, don't be angry, this fellow Zhenwu has insulted the majesty of our saints, and the consequence of this is himself..."

Seeing that Nu Wa was suddenly sluggish, Zhun Men couldn't help showing a slight smile, and wanted to say something more.

However, before he finished speaking, he also stopped.

Not only was Zhun mentioning, but he was connecting with Yin, but also the whole person was stunned, his eyes were full of inconceivable, and he stared at the figure beside Nuwa.

Dousi Palace in Shouyang Mountain.

Lao Tzu has already taken back the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi, and just as he was about to wander the mind, his expression suddenly changed, and he stood up abruptly and cursed.

"Quite mentioning and misleading me."

At this moment, he jumped his feet in anger, and Qi Kong was smoking, as if he had been greatly stimulated.

Not only him, but also the Immortal Execution Sword Formation in the depths of the chaotic void.

At this moment, the supreme killing sword intent seemed to have weakened a little, and the battle in the formation suddenly slowed down.

All the great supernatural powers in the prehistoric world, as well as the eyes of the saints, all fell on the figure beside Nuwa.

Li Zhenwu?

Next to Nu Wa, a young man in a green shirt was carrying his hands on his back, his face was indifferent, his eyes were as deep as the stars of the ages, and his whole person was like a green lotus rooted in chaos, which was impossible to ignore.

"Thank you for Nuwa's kindness, but I don't think you need Nuwa's shot for going to a small formation."

Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, his voice still indifferent, but when people heard it, there were a few more vicissitudes, as if he had experienced the world.

Falling into the great formation of Bodhi, going through countless reincarnations, going through countless lives, and finally reluctantly teleported out.

The means of the saints are indeed extraordinary. If the great supernatural powers want to break through the formation, the chance of success is equal to zero.

It's just that Li Zhenwu can break through the formation, but he doesn't do that, because the tempering of his xinxing cannot be done in reality.

At this moment, his xinxing is like a metal that has been tempered, and nothing can shake it.

"If I enter this formation again, I can break the formation immediately." Li Zhenwu said lightly, his tone full of unprecedented confidence.

Experienced thousands of human beings, one thought for a lifetime, and an eternity in an instant, such a tempering of xinxing, not to mention the great supernatural powers, even the saints can't do it.

However, Li Zhenwu did it, and he came out safely, shocking the entire prehistoric world.

"How did you do it, Zhenwu?"

After being sluggish for a long time, Nu Wa asked honestly, she looked so innocent and cute.

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, flicked his fingers, and said, "I just wanted to come to you, so I came out."

As soon as these words came out, Nu Wa's cheeks flushed, she turned her head shyly, and did not dare to speak any more.

Such a young daughter's attitude makes everyone feel as if they were blown up by a thunderbolt, and they are tender from the outside and the inside of the thunder.

"Bah, Zhenwu child, Hugh is so arrogant." Zhunti pointed at Li Zhenwu with anger like a vajra, his hands and feet trembling with anger.

Li Zhenwu helplessly spread his hands, his face full of injustice, "I really wanted to go back to Nuwa's side, and then came out."

Chapter [-] True Martial Daoist Help Me! (Second more)

Want to come back, so you came out?

This casual remark makes people feel absurd to the extreme.

However, Li Zhenwu did this, sinking into the three thousand worlds, and then teleported out with a thought.

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