For a while, the place rioted.

Nu Wa froze in place, stunned, and did not respond for a while.

"It's good to be born. If you let you fight, I'm afraid that the end of the Lich War will not necessarily have a result."

As soon as she thought of this, she clenched her silver teeth, turned around immediately, and floated away toward the depths of chaos.

Chapter [-]: The Will of Heaven, All Saints Retreat (Third)

In the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the four swords roared in unison, bursting out the supreme killing sword intent, wanting to tear apart the sky and completely annihilate the chaotic matter.

Li Zhenwu entered the formation and caught sight of the vast white world.

But there is a killing intent in it, which makes the belligerent Saiyan blood feel shocked.

This is the way of killing in the three thousand avenues. It has unpredictable power and ordinary supernatural powers. There is no need to set up an array at all. With a single sword, it can be easily killed.

At this moment, the four swords were unleashed, bursting out with incredible power.

"True Martial Fellow!"

The stern-faced Tongtian Cult Master suddenly appeared beside Li Zhenwu, his expression was ugly, and his eyes contained sky-high anger.

"Friend Tongtian, let's work together to suppress these hypocritical people."

Li Zhenwu nodded, without any nonsense, the power of true martial arts emerging in the body, like a surging river, directly flowed out of the body, toward the various places of the great formation.

The next moment, he burst into arrogance and transformed into the Super Saiyan God, flashing the arrogance of the arc, as dazzling as the sun.

"Friend Daoist's words are reasonable, but there are three of them, don't you know if you have a magic trick?"

Feeling Li Zhenwu's chaotic fighting intent, Tongtian Sect Master's face was overjoyed, and his heart suddenly calmed down.

You know, at the level of a saint, you can already tell the strength from the breath.

Just like when Li Zhenwu transformed himself, Shouyang Mountain Laozi shook his head in disappointment, feeling that the face of the Second Saint of the West was destined to be lost.

Unexpectedly, Li Zhenwu could not break out of the formation, so he continued to shake his head in disappointment.

In the end, the reversal of the plot can be described as twists and turns. Even the saint's ability to calculate the heaven and earth is unimaginable, and it will be such an easy result.

"I don't dare to do it. If you can understand this way, you can explode the true power of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation."

Li Zhenwu raised his hand and pointed it out, and ripples suddenly appeared in the void, and the invisible Dao rhyme shrouded this area.

The way of true martial arts is about being strong and fighting against the sky and the ground.

Fighting for anything, the stronger you are, the stronger you are, with countless battles, to hone your body and achieve your true martial arts.

The sect master of Tongtian is in charge of the way of killing, but his mind is unstable.

At this moment, without words, Void outlines the true meaning of Zhenwu Dao. It is very simple, and it is possible to do it, but there are not many people.

"Wonderful, wonderful, the way of true martial arts is the most suitable for this formation." After a long time, Tongtian rubbed his palms and laughed, and the stagnation in his heart also dissipated as he realized the way of true martial arts.

You must know that, after all, it is a saint, and the primordial spirit relies on the void, and the speed of deduction is simply unimaginable.

In less than a moment, Tongtian sect master basically grasped the true meaning of this way, and he couldn't help laughing under the joy of his heart.

"Friends of true martial arts, this time I will meet these three people for a while, so that they can know the true power of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation." Tongtian invited.

"It's okay, I'm going to settle the account with the Second Saint of the West!" Li Zhenwu nodded, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, they stepped out and walked straight towards the center of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation.

There is supreme killing intent, and the strands of sword intent are very terrifying. In the outside world, it is enough to cut any living being into powder.

"Baby Tongtian, there is something for me to show up and see how I stab you in the face."

The original Tianzun had golden clothes and jade crowns, and his temperament was extremely noble, but at this moment, his clothes were tattered and his expression was crazy.

He was holding the Heaven-shattering Seal in one hand and a cane in the other. Xiao Qiang, who could hardly be beaten to death, made the space in the big formation collapse.

"Anita Buddha!" ​​The golden body of receiving and attracting radiates bright rays of light, floating in the air, all laws are not invaded, and all killing intents are annihilated by the golden light.

"Since it's so lively, how can there be less of our Western teaching?" Zhunti snorted coldly, and the [-]th-grade karma golden lotus spun above his head to prevent the invasion of killing intent.


Clouds and mists rolled in the distance, and Master Tongtian and Li Zhenwu came with murderous aura, and both of them burst out with a vast fighting spirit.

"Today I want to cut my face." Tongtian Cult Master was extremely powerful, his fighting spirit was boiling, and he rushed directly to kill him.

"Zhenwu is the holy father of the human race, and this time he will replace the human race and teach you those who deceive the world and steal your name."

Li Zhenwu sneered, his body was surrounded by the arrogance of the arc flashing, and he flew over after him.

Seeing that the war broke out again, all the saints and Li Zhenwu were in a real fire, and it was obvious that they had to decide the outcome before they stopped.


"Wait, stop, the lich catastrophe is imminent, the saints retreat!"

An ethereal voice, as if resounding from the souls of everyone's mind, contains a peaceful rhyme.

Hearing this, the originally murderous people stopped their movements miraculously, and all froze in place.

Hongjun's decree reappears!

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