
The white world disappeared, and the chaotic void once again caught everyone's eyes.

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation disintegrated on its own, turning into four swords of killing, and instantly scabbard into the scabbard behind Tongtian.

"Follow the teacher's order!"

The next moment, the saints woke up and immediately saluted in the direction of Zixiao Palace.

Li Zhenwu was astonished in his heart, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, thinking that he still stopped it, but it was okay, the number of cause and effect must be returned after all.

"Follow the decree of the Taoist ancestors!" He saluted and said lightly.

At this point, the anger in the hearts of everyone could no longer be burned, and they all stared at each other.

"Humph! The calamity is approaching, and we will have a look in the west. Today's place will be found sooner or later."

Zhunti snorted coldly, and left with the reception directly.

Seeing this, the original Tianzun also glared at Li Zhenwu and Tongtian, turned and flew towards Kunlun Mountain.

"Zhenwu Daoist friend, the teacher has something to say, the lich catastrophe, the saints retreat, or the Daoist friend will go to my dojo for a while?"

"I'm not a saint!"

Li Zhenwu's tactful answer made Tong Tianzhi roll his eyes, turned his head in despair, and went back to the East China Sea.

The entire chaotic void became quiet in an instant, and even Nu Wa, who went to report the letter, returned to the Wa Palace alone, daring not to touch the will of Heaven.

"Hey, the battle of the three clans seems to be about to start, let me see, the human race has reached that point now."

Li Zhenwu's figure flashed, and with an incarnation outside his body, he broke away from the deity and went straight to the great land.

Chapter [-] The Lich has printed it, countless tribulations! (first update)

On the banks of the East China Sea, the place where the human race lives.

The Holy Father of the Human Race has been gone for a few years, and the statues in the square have also dimmed a bit because of the passing of the Holy Father.

"The war between the two lich clans is imminent. You wait for a good student to cultivate, and don't fall into the name of the Holy Father." Shennong led the clan, and in the past few years, it has grown a bit again.

Beside him, Pan Wang and Jibo looked solemn, and there was a trace of sadness between their eyebrows.

"Senior Shennong, is there anything I need help?"

Xuanyuan went down the mountain, and he couldn't calm down here. He developed together with the human race and taught the way of true martial arts.

When everyone saw Xuanyuan, they couldn't help laughing. This son has been practicing for decades, but he has not experienced tempering. No matter his temperament or appearance, he is only a teenager.

"Xuanyuan, if you don't cultivate well in Wudang Mountain, why do you run down? You know, the future of the human race depends on you."

Seeing this, Shennong's face suddenly became displeased, and his tone used a bit of scolding.

You must know that because Xuanyuan is related to the future of the human race, if you are trapped by these trivial matters at this moment, it will disgrace the Holy Father's way.

Although Shennong had never gotten along with Li Zhenwu, he could see the arrangement of the settlements of the human race and his calm nature, and he knew something about it.

"Senior, the teacher hasn't come back yet, but Xuanyuan can't calm down."

Hearing Shennong's scolding, Xuanyuan's expression darkened a bit, and he didn't open his mouth to argue, so he couldn't help sighing.

"Since you also know that the Holy Father has not returned, why not use your thoughts on your cultivation. When you shine, I think the Holy Father must be very happy." Shennong said in a deep voice.

The human race at this moment is unprecedentedly united, but because Li Zhenwu disappeared for several years, there has been no news.

Even the Virgin, the same is true, did not manifest any message.

The originally panicked interior was calmed down because of the return of Shennong and Jibo.

This time, Shennong was the leader, the two elders of Xia Zhou, and King Jibo Pan had become his right-hand man.


At this moment, a hurried shout suddenly came from a distance.

I saw a man striding forward, looking in a hurry, separated the crowd, and went straight to Shennong.

"What's the matter?"

Shen Nong's face was dark, and he couldn't see his expression at the moment.

"The battle between the two lich clans destroyed our settlement in the Qingheshan area," the man said in a deep voice.

"How many casualties?"

"Hundreds of people! The rest were taken away by supernatural powers!"

Hearing this, everyone in the stone house breathed a sigh of relief, and the tensed strings in their hearts also relaxed.

During this period of time, the two lich clans were not calm, although they did not intend to be enemies with the human race, but during the battle, it was impossible to 'unintentionally' affect the human race.

Of course, whether it was unintentional or intentional, only people from the two Lich clans knew.

After all, Li Zhenwu was trapped by the sage for several years, and if the Bodhi Great Array was not broken, he could not come out at all.

The Witch Clan didn't know about this at first, but the Demon Clan 'unintentionally' leaked the news before it was known to the Witch Clan.

Zhenwu has fallen?

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