When the Wu clan heard the news, the Ancestral Wu Temple shook a few times.

Some Wu clan who were originally dissatisfied with the human race becoming the ruler of heaven and earth, even clamored to take action against the human race immediately.

In their words, if the human race was slaughtered, the catastrophe of the two lich races would naturally be resolved.

"Zhenwu has not fallen, I can still feel his breath, but he is just trapped somewhere."

Just when the tribe was about to move, Houtu stood up and stopped everyone's impulse.

She was wearing a plain dress, her temperament was out of the ordinary, and her delicate face contained great sorrow and holiness, which made the clansmen stunned.

"When we accepted the cause of the human race, we couldn't let the previous efforts turn into bad results. Moreover, the human race is no longer the same."

Houtu's words were like cold water, quenching everyone's restless hearts.


Now that the human race has returned because of Shennong's return, the overall strength cannot be underestimated, and even their potential has shocked the two lich clans.

Xuan Ming was incomparably cold, and said lightly, "You guys will settle down for me. If you dare to speak rudely again, I will kill you first."

As soon as these words came out, those warlike clansmen became quiet...

In the end, Xuan Ming was not at ease and rushed to the entrance of Jiuyou Xuehaidi Realm alone, where he found the reborn Zhu Rong.

For Xuan Ming's question, Zhu Rong did not answer directly, but just said a word.

"The teacher asked me to guard the sea of ​​​​blood for ten thousand years, what does Sister Xuan Ming think?"

Hearing this, Xuan Ming didn't say anything, just turned around and left.

Although she couldn't get an accurate answer, she knew that Li Zhenwu's behavior was very strange, even making it impossible for everyone to touch it.


Monster Race Heavenly Court, the same is true, in the Heavenly Court Palace.

Di Jun and Dong Huang looked stern, and there was a hint of doubt in their brows.

"The Wu clan didn't make a move. It's really a strange story. It seems that the matter of Zhenwu's fall is still uncertain."

Donghuang sighed, a little disappointed in his heart.

"It doesn't matter, when the battle between the two races begins, we'll just have to make plans. Since Empress Nuwa has been around, we'll just wait patiently." Di Jun died once, but his temperament was much calmer.

This time, when I saw the secret, I didn't take action immediately, but let out the wind to test the attitude of the Wu clan.

Now it looks like it's done right.

At least at this stage, it is still necessary to move the human race, just a tentative attack.

For example, fighting with people from the two clans of Lich, inadvertently involving the settlement of the human race, that can't say anything about the 4.6 people, after all, it was all 'unintentional'.

"Report to the two heavenly emperors, the princes are gone."

At this moment, a large group of demon goddesses rushed in and reported to the second emperor on the high platform.


"Who's gone?" Di Jun froze for a moment and asked.

"The ten princes are gone, I don't know when..."


Before these demon clan maids could finish speaking, Dong Huang's expression turned cold, and when he waved his hands, the sun burst into flames, drowning everyone.

"At such a juncture, the princes can still be lost. What's the use of waiting."

Dong Huangtai felt a chill in his heart, and he always felt a bad premonition that it was about to happen, which made him extremely anxious.

Chapter [-] Hou Yi and Heng'e! (Second more)

In the prehistoric world, the two lich clans are in charge of the heaven and the earth, the demon clan is in charge of the sky, and the witch clan is in charge of the earth.

In the vast and boundless land, every hundreds of millions of miles, a witch temple is built to guard the prehistoric spirits.

Since decades ago, after the war between Wuzhuangguan Lich and the three clans, the Wu clan has entered a state of recuperation. Later, because of Li Zhenwu, some Wu clan also showed good feelings towards the human clan.

At the foot of a mountain that snakes like a giant dragon, there is a curling smoke rising, the village is quiet and peaceful, and it is a scene of a paradise.


Suddenly, in the depths of the mountain, there was a loud noise, and billowing dust rose up, covering the sky and the sun.

"Hey, what a black snake, it dares to ravage this place, and it will take you as food today."

A dull thunderous voice sounded, and in the billowing dust, a giant of the Wu clan with a height of [-] zhang, carrying a [-]-meter-long black dragon on his shoulders, strode towards the village.

When he returned to the entrance of the village, his figure flickered, and in an instant he turned into a seven-foot man, looking young and handsome, with a hint of elegance.

"Fathers and elders, Hou Yi has caught the food." 21

Following the young man's loud shout, hundreds of households in the village came out to watch.

When they saw the [-]-meter black dragon behind him, they were all shocked.

"Brother Hou Yi is incomparably brave, and even a mere beast dares to come to us to spread wildness here."

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