"Of course, Hou Yi is born with divine power, and it is not a problem to move mountains and seas."

"Fortunately, our village is guarded by a big brother. Otherwise, there is no place for us to survive in the wild land."

Everyone was talking, and looked at Hou Yi with awe.

You must know that they were some human races who escaped from the Wa Palace. In order to avoid the pursuit of the two lich races, they finally escaped to this place.

There were originally thousands of households, but because of the rampant monsters and the ferocity of the witches, there are now fewer than [-] human households.

"Brother Hou Yi passed by here [-] years ago, and he has been guarding me since then. Such a great favor, I really dare not forget it."

An old man in the human race trembled, with excitement flashing in his eyes.

"Hey, don't kill Hou Yi, everyone. If it wasn't for your rescue, Hou Yi would have already become the nourishment of the great land."

Thirty years ago, due to the war between the tribe and the demon clan, he was seriously injured and died frequently, but he was rescued by the human clan here.

It was later learned that they were also the wounded of the two lich tribes, and felt ashamed, so they settled here in order to repay the grace of rebirth.

Of course, their true identity is something they must never know, and they are only regarded as geniuses with inborn divine power.

"Let's not stop Hou Yi, he is still in a hurry to go back to see his sister-in-law!" A young man laughed, and everyone immediately stepped aside.

Seeing this, Hou Yi was not hypocritical, nodded with a smile in his eyes, and couldn't wait to stride away.

However, when his figure disappeared, everyone in the village, with a gloomy look in their eyes, shook their heads sadly.

"Big brother Houyi is born with divine power, King Kong is not bad, but sister-in-law..."

"Don't say it, unless there is an elixir of immortals, otherwise..."

Everyone sighed. After all, they couldn't go on. They returned to reality with a heavy heart, and then they dragged the black flood dragon back to the village together.

At the end of the village, there is a wooden house, which is Hou Yi's residence.

"Heng'e, I'm back."

When I opened the door, it was dark inside, the sun was shining outside, but I couldn't see my fingers inside, and it was very strange.

I saw inside the house, covered with frost, a middle-aged woman in plain clothes, with dull eyes and an aging face, sitting silently on the edge of the chuang couch.

The woman looked in her fifties, in stark contrast to Hou Yi's youthful appearance.

If you don't know, I'm afraid you will think that the relationship between mother and child, not husband and wife!

"Hou Yi, isn't your identity known?" Heng E couldn't see her eyes, she raised her hand towards the source of the voice, her face full of sadness.

"Madam, don't worry, Hou Yi is careful, the villagers can't know."

Hou Yi held Heng'e's hands and comforted him, "It's just that the lady is poisoned with demons. The longer the time goes on, I'm afraid..."

"It doesn't matter, I'm already old anyway. If I die, it's fate. Houyi should not be sad."

Heng'e tried to console Hou Yi, but she couldn't help it, and she burst into tears. It was really miserable!

I think that when she was young, Heng'e was beautiful, but at a young age, she was not only poisoned by demons, but also unable to withstand the ravages of time.

Now that her husband is in his prime, she is already old and fading. There is nothing more sad in the world than this.

"Niangzixiu's nonsense, I think that Hou Yi, as a member of the Wu clan, is born with supernatural abilities, but he will not see anything wrong with you."

Hearing what his wife said, Houyi's seven-footed man couldn't help but his eyes were wet, and he quickly used the natural supernatural powers to stabilize Heng'e's condition.

Heng E, who was waiting to be coaxed, fell asleep. He was lonely in his footsteps, closed the door gently, and sighed in the sky.

Before I knew it, I came out of the house and walked 410 into the old forest in the deep mountains. I watched the flowers and plants all over the mountain wither and reborn. I was touched and burst into tears immediately.

"Humans and witches are different, can't they be together forever?"

Hou Yi cried heart-breakingly, and the strong sound waves shook the surrounding trees, rustling and falling leaves, flying all over the sky.

You must know that he is a good person, and even in the Lich War, he never hurt a human race.

Because of this, after settling in the village, he fell in love with Heng'e at first sight, and fell in love since then. Unfortunately, the cycle of heaven has finally allowed the two of them to understand the cruel reality.

"Cough, a big man, why are you crying?"

Just when Hou Yi was heartbroken, a dissatisfied scolding came from deep in the mountains and forests.

The sound that suddenly sounded awakened Hou Yi, thinking to himself, this person's strength is unfathomable, and it seems that he is some great supernatural power.

Thinking so, he packed up his emotions and walked towards the source of the sound.

I saw a young man in a green shirt, his expression was indifferent, like a rock sitting in the void, his temperament was dusty, and he had the air of a fairy.

"Hou Yi is guilty of disturbing the Immortal Chang's retreat!"

Watching this scene, Hou Yi immediately bowed and saluted with the utmost respect.

Chapter [-] Hou Yi Apprentices! (third more)

The prehistoric world is vast and boundless, and there are so many great supernatural powers. Any deep mountain and lake, I am afraid it is a cave that exists.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a young man in a green shirt, with a solemn and sacred Dharma image, and Hou Yi was so touched that he went to pay homage.

Not to mention anything else, just because the other party knew his identity, and he did not show malice, not to mention that although Hou Yi did not practice Taoism, he could clearly sense that there were ripples in the void beside the youth in youth.

If a person with such great powers can treat his wife easily, that would be a great blessing!

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