Thinking of this, Hou Yi's expression became more and more respectful.

"Who are you? As a witch, why do you live with the human? Could it be a traitor of the witch?"

The youth in the green shirt is the incarnation of Li Zhenwu. He came here to understand the cause and effect of heaven.

After all, as a prehistoric alien, his arrival has muddied the way of heaven.

For the future prosperity of the human race, many of the original cause and effect have been changed. As a result, the future of the human race has become blurred.

"The boy's name is Hou Yi, as for why he is here..."

Hearing Li Zhenwu's mocking words, Hou Yi did not dare to be angry, he honestly told all the causes and consequences.

You must know that only his wife, Heng E, knows his identity as a witch.

This secret has been kept in my heart for decades, but when I tell it now, my heart is greatly touched, and I am deeply moved.

"Hou Yi and Heng'e love each other, but they are no match for the difference between man and witch..."

Speaking of which, the seven-footed man, weeping again, no longer has the character of the Wu clan, which makes people feel pitiful.

Finally, he fell to the ground and kowtowed to Li Zhenwu with tears in his eyes.

"Xianchang has great supernatural powers. Whether he can save Houyi's wife, and whether he will be a cow or a horse in the future, Houyi will not hesitate to do so."

Li Zhenwu heard the words, nodded secretly, the cause and effect of the lich, it seems that can't be changed, this time it will fall on Hou Yi.

"The human race's life is only a hundred years in a hurry. Compared with the thousands of years of the Wu clan's life, it is indeed not worth mentioning." Li Zhenwu said lightly: "However, reversing the number of fates is a sin of heaven, unless the saints take action, who else will Neither can."

The words fell, and Hou Yi cried even more sadly. The dignified seven-foot man, before he parted, his heart was broken and he cried in a mess.

"Don't cry, you are a witch, but you have a good relationship with the human race. I will help you figure it out, maybe there will be such a glimmer of life." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

After that, he pretended to count, his eyes were closed, it seemed that he was really wandering too far.

When Hou Yi saw this, he looked up, shut up and didn't dare to cry, for fear of disturbing Li Zhenwu's calculations.

After a long time, Li Zhenwu opened his eyes with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Heng'e's life should not end, the good fate lies in the Wu tribe."


When he finished speaking, Li Zhenwu's figure turned into blue smoke, and he disappeared in the world in an instant.


Seeing this scene, Hou Yi froze in place, just about to get up, but suddenly saw words on the ground.

On the ground where Li Zhenwu had just sat cross-legged, a large character, as if engraved on the ground, was vigorous and powerful, revealing an indomitable momentum.


Hou Yi did not recognize this character, but when he saw it, he read it casually, and he felt extremely miraculous.

Then he watched a few more times, his mind became dizzy, and the breath on his body gradually changed.

The way of true martial arts, which combines the merits and virtues of the Hunyuan Dao, can evolve into the Three Thousand Dao.

Before Li Zhenwu left, he left behind the arrow path in the Three Thousand Avenues.

After a long time, when Hou Yi woke up, his eyes were sharp, like a divine arrow, shooting out a soul-sweeping light.

"The teacher is here, please accept the students."

Although he didn't know who preached, Hou Yi knew that it was definitely a great supernatural power, and immediately bowed again.

As Dao Yun was imprinted in his mind, the characters on the ground also drifted away with the wind.

This miraculous method made Hou Yi both surprised and delighted. He felt the mysterious power flowing in his body, and his strength also changed a lot along with the realization of the arrow path.

After just comprehending it for a moment, it has such a miraculous effect, which really shocked Hou Yi.

I'm afraid and it won't take long, I'm afraid I can evolve into a great witch, and the arrow path is strange and unpredictable, and the real combat power is not necessarily comparable to the ancestor witch.


Deep in the chaotic void.

Li Zhenwu suddenly opened his eyes, stood up, shook his head and sighed.

"The cycle of heaven, karma, everything is destiny."

With a faint sigh, he put his hands on his back and looked up to look deeper into the chaos, where there was a simple Taoist temple.

As if feeling Li Zhenwu's gaze, there was a faint sigh in the void, which contained boundless fraternity.

"Since it fits the way of heaven, it is an extra ray of life for all spirits."

Li Zhenwu secretly said that he had a little more respect in his heart for the supreme being who he had never met.

There are deficiencies in the way of heaven, and after all, they need to be filled, but without the heart of great love, it is absolutely impossible to do this step.

For a long time, he bowed and bowed to the depths of the void.

This worship, the entire chaotic void vibrated, and the hazy chaotic atmosphere seemed to be a little clearer in an instant.

The Dao Law seems to be unable to withstand Li Zhenwu's worship, the heaven and the earth resonate, exuding an eternal breath, like a scene of chaos that has not yet appeared.

Such a strange vision is simply unimaginable.

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