Fortunately, the saints calculated the world, but they couldn't calculate the boundless chaos, so they didn't know it.

"Forget it, since I, Zhenwu, are an outlier in the wild, I consider myself to be a different kind of thing!"

While speaking, he carried his hands on his back and walked leisurely towards the great land.

This is the end of the cause and effect, when the real prehistoric alien, for the human race, for all the spirits to find their respective places.

After Li Zhenwu left, in the depths of the chaotic void, inside the Zixiao Palace.


In the Taoist temple, the futon on the high platform suddenly manifested a figure of a person, which was blurred and blurred, and it seemed that everything in the world had turned into various creatures.

The Taoist's eyes are full of great love, as clear as a stream, as pure as an ice spring.

"I hope you can really do it, then I'll be really detached."

The faint voices lingered in the Taoist temple, filling every place and everywhere.

Chapter [-]: Ginseng Fruits in Wuzhuang Guannai!

After Li Zhenwu left the chaotic void, he took one step and came to the sky above Wuzhuangguan.

Decades have passed since the last goodbye. During this period, Zhen Yuanzi invited Li Zhenwu to gather many times, but he politely refused.

There were several times when Zhen Yuanzi was in a hurry, so he questioned, and Li Zhenwu just replied indifferently that the opportunity had not come.

At this moment, the flood of calamity is imminent, but it is an opportunity.

"The ginseng fruit in Wuzhuangguan, the spiritual fruit of this innate spiritual root, is the chance of Zhen Yuanzi."

Li Zhenwu muttered to himself, put his hands on his back, leisurely, and descended from the sky.


Before he came to the door, the door of Wuzhuang Temple suddenly opened, and the yellow cloud floated out, exuding quite tenacious strength.

Huang Yun is the ground book of the earth's green tire, covering the area near Wuzhuang Temple, covering a range of millions of miles.

"True Martial Daoist?"

At this time, a strange voice came from the Taoist temple.

Zhen Yuanzi was shocked and couldn't believe that Li Zhenwu would suddenly appear here, it was really strange to the extreme.

You must know that since Shennong left, he felt a sense of it, and announced that the 520 calamity was approaching, day and night wandering was too imaginary, and he wanted to know more information.

However, the sky was blurry, making it impossible for people to see clearly.

Seeing Li Zhenwu suddenly appear at this time, I thought that other supernatural powers were disguised, but under the aura induction, that unique dusty temperament could not be disguised.


The next moment, Zhen Yuanzi appeared in front of the Taoist Temple, looking at Li Zhenwu in front of him, the whole person was stunned.

"Aren't you trapped in the great formation by the saint?"

Zhen Yuanzi exclaimed, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

Although he asked a nonsense, he couldn't hide the horror in his heart. Is this child going to go against the sky?

You know, that is the great formation of saints, and there are two saints sitting in town. There is no one in the world who can break the formation, unless they are both saints.

But Li Zhenwu...

"Fellow Daoist Zhenyuan, don't think too much, Zhenwu is here to give you a chance. As for whether you can grasp it, it depends on how fellow Taoist behaves." Li Zhenwu said with a light smile.

Hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi's mind moved slightly, and he no longer bothered about how he came out, and hurriedly invited him into the temple.

Under the ginseng fruit, the two sat opposite each other.

There are several ginseng fruits placed on the table, which are crystal clear, exuding a hazy luster, and a faint fragrance overflowing, which is really full of fragrance.

With a smile on the corner of Li Zhenwu's mouth, he raised his finger to the ginseng fruit in front of him and asked, "This fruit is wonderful, may it make aging mortals become immortals, and achieve the realm of immortality?"

The voice fell, and the whole garden was silent.

Zhen Yuanzi's heart moved slightly, and he knew that the opportunity was here, after pondering for a moment, he shook his head and said, "No, although ginseng fruit is born from the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, mortals can take it to improve their physique, without disease and pain, and it is not a problem to increase their life expectancy. , but can't make people become immortals."

Having said this, he paused for a while, and then continued: "Immortals walk against the sky, and mortals have a hundred years of life in a hurry. Unless they have great perseverance and great wisdom, otherwise, the rest will not be able to become immortals."

You must know that there are more than one million people living in the human race, and there are probably less than a thousand people who can successfully cultivate the way of true martial arts.

As Zhen Yuanzi said, even if there is a panacea, it will prolong life at most, and it will not be immortal.

Even if you achieve immortality, your lifespan is only relative. If you don't prove Hunyuan, let you be peerless, and in the end, it will turn into a cup of loess.

Thinking like this, Zhen Yuanzi felt a bit sad and smiled bitterly, "Don't talk about mortals, I'm afraid even the great supernatural powers like me will only live longer."

"Compared to the [-]-year lifespan of mortals, the great supernatural powers are no different from eternity." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

I thought that being able to live until the universe was destroyed, is indeed the same as eternal existence, what's the sadness?

If it is a saint who verifies the Tao, the way of heaven is not destroyed, and the saint will not die. Even if the universe is destroyed, it will not affect them in the slightest.

"What Zhenwu said makes sense, I don't know the chance?" Zhen Yuanzi smiled awkwardly, and immediately returned to the topic, that was what he cared about the most.

"I have a fairy bean. If it can be blended with ginseng fruit to make a medicinal pill, it may have magical effects, but as the Holy Father of the human race, it is not convenient for me to come forward."

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