Chapter [-]: Kuafu goes every day, desperately protecting the fruit

The ten golden crows, feeling extremely aggrieved and fled, flew towards the westward land.

"There is a kind of child Huangkou, don't go."

Kuafu snorted coldly, stepped forward, flew up on the ground, and chased after him.

"Hey, Shanye Reckless husband, the princes are busy, don't care about you, but you came to the door?"

"Damn, does this stupid witch really think we are easy to bully?"

"If I wasn't in a hurry, I would definitely want him to look good."

The tenth prince of Jinwu kept scolding and scolding all the way, but he didn't dare to go down, for fear of being chased and beaten by Kuafu again.

As it gets closer and closer to the westward land, the earth and mountains are all red, the trees and living beings are almost invisible, and they are filled with endless desolation.

"Haha, the land of the west is right in front of you. If you can get the true meaning of the sun from Fusang, you will definitely be able to improve your cultivation."

The Golden Crows watched the sunset gradually turn red, their hearts were filled with joy, their wings flapped, but they wanted to get close as soon as possible.

You must know that Fusang is a sacred object of heaven and earth. As the spiritual root closest to the sun, its body contains a strong true meaning of the sun. For the Jinwu family, it is a rare supplement.

These Jinwu crown princes had also heard what the uncle and father had said since childhood, so they sneaked out while the maids were not paying attention.

Soon, the red glow filled the sky, dyeing the entire world red.

A towering tree stands at the end of the sky, the branches are criss-crossed, interweaving a huge nest-like scene, which is very magnificent and shocking.

"Haha, the land of the West is coming soon. We will practice here for a while. As long as our cultivation base increases greatly, our father and uncle will not blame us when we go back."

"If the queen mother knew that we are like this, she would definitely be very happy."

The ten little golden crows were so excited that they sneaked out of the heaven just for what was in front of them.

At this moment, after going through the hardships and dangers along the way, I finally got what I wanted.

After a few tweets, the Golden Crow's wings vibrated, soaring into the sky, and soon it turned into a small black spot.

"Damn, these little monsters, if they were on the ground, I would boast that my father could beat ten of you one at a time."

Seeing that Jin Wufei disappeared, Kuafu was still very angry, and was almost blown up by anger.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly stiffened in place, his face sluggish.

"This is the land of the west?"

Suddenly, Kuafu remembered that the purpose of his trip was to come to the land of Xidro to find the spiritual fruit of Fusang?

At first, he was blown up by a few little demons, and when he lost his intelligence, he didn't care about anything, so he went after him.

Unexpectedly, he thought he was going to waste time again, but by coincidence, his and Jin Wu's goals were the same place.

"Haha, it seems that this is the so-called chance. In three days, I will be able to go back to the tribe."

Kuafu laughed loudly, then stepped forward and walked towards the end of the endless scarlet land.

However, the Divine Fusang Tree was in front of him, but it was far away. He walked for a long time, as if he had never left the place.


Not long after, as it penetrated into the red earth, the surrounding temperature also rose sharply, and it was extremely dry.

There were also cracks in the skin of the real body of the Kuafu Wu clan, like a cracked loess earth, covered with dense cracks.

"So thirsty!"

With a dull muttering to himself, he cheered up, gritted his teeth and continued to walk.

Unknowingly, after walking for a long time, he was covered in green smoke, the temperature of the sun's real fire, exuding terrifying power.

Seeing that there was a big river in front of him, he immediately bent down and sucked in, and the river dried up instantly.

The cracks on the skin gradually healed, and the true body of the Wu clan was almost recovered.

"Go ahead, don't make my brother wait too long."

Kuafu stretched out his hand and wiped his mouth, shook off his footsteps, and walked towards the sacred Fusang tree at the end of the sky with a rumble.

Half a day later, when he came to the bottom of the Fusang Sacred Tree, he only heard a loud noise coming from above his head.

"Hey, don't grab the second child, as the boss, of course I will enjoy the hibiscus spirit fruit first."

"I'm the youngest, and the father and mother warned you to let me go."

"Hugh has to use his seniority to press me, and the spiritual fruit is obtained by those who are destined to get it. I found out first, of course it is mine."

It turned out that a few golden crows came to Fusang, and while they were playing, they found a spiritual fruit among the branches of the tree.

This is amazing!

The Fusang Divine Tree has experienced countless years of infestation by the falling of the sun and stars, which is already very impressive, not to mention the spiritual fruit bred by the purification of the Divine Tree itself, which is even more precious.

The Golden Crow Old Seven got it first, but the other Golden Crow brothers were not far behind and wanted to share.

After all, the hibiscus spirit fruit, I am afraid that one bite will make their cultivation soar.

"Bah, shame on your face. If that's the case, then talk with your fists."

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