The quarrel continued, and the eldest, second, and third were all blown away, and if they disagreed, they fluttered their wings and swooped toward the seventh.

This time, when the other Golden Crows saw this, they didn't dare to lag behind, and they even had a great time fighting.

"Where's the spirit fruit?"

Suddenly, the Jinwu Old Seven exclaimed, and a tragic cry broke out.

Hearing this, the other Golden Crows stopped immediately, turned their heads in unison and looked over, with questions in their eyes.

"Haha, the spiritual fruit is obtained by those who are destined to get it. The little demon has harmed the harmony of the heavens. It seems that he has no luck to enjoy such heaven and earth spirits."

At this moment, Kuafu's joyful laughter came from below the Fusang tree.

When he just discovered the Spirit Fruit, he was still thinking about how to snatch it over.

Unexpectedly, Jinwu had an infighting. During the fight, Lingguo missed and fell directly into Kuafu's palm.

I have to sigh, time is also fate!

"Crap, haha..."

The next moment, Kuafu laughed loudly, took a step, and flew on the ground, running towards the road like a gust of wind.

In this way, it is simply incredible!

The ten golden crows froze on the spot, and they were close to the land of Xidroi. They could communicate with the real fire of the sun between heaven and earth, so they were really not afraid of Kuafu chasing after them.

I didn't expect to be careless for a while, but it was a great opportunity to cheapen others.

"The thief goes away. If you don't want to die, let go of the spiritual fruit."

Boss Jinwu was the first to react, his voice was cold, it turned into a ball of fire, and it slammed down towards Kuafu with a rumbling sound.

Seeing this, the other Golden Crows followed suit, communicating with the true fire of the sun and turning into a fireball.

Ten days in the air!

Chapter [-]: The Death of Kuafu (Second)

In the Kuafu tribe of the Wu clan, three days after Kuafu left, Hou Yi was restless, with a deep worry on his face.

For some reason, since he practiced the archery, he has always had a subtle sense of good luck.

"No, the way taught by the teacher is wonderful, and something bad must happen."

The unease in Hou Yi's heart became more and more intense, and the whole person was haggard.

"Kid calm down, don't dangle in front of the old man."

Zhen Yuanzi was upset by Hou Yi Huang in front of him, and immediately said a few words of relief.

In fact, he was also in a state of restlessness. After Kuafu left, he never entered meditation, always feeling that something terrible had happened.

"What Zhenwu said about the chance, is there something going on?"

Thinking of this, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't sit still anymore, stood up, his eyes flashed a little, but he was silently calculating the secret in his heart.

You know, at the beginning, I could only count the secrets, and the chance fell on this child.

But when it comes to doing things in the future, it is smeared in both eyes, and it is difficult for Zhen Yuanzi to be 310. The restlessness this time is simply tormenting.

Decades ago, the merits of the heavenly way added to his body, which made him eat the sweetness, and he missed it day and night after that.

If this opportunity can be obtained, it is not impossible to say that the cultivation base will skyrocket again, and it will be invincible under the sage.

"Oops, Kuafu is going to be robbed!"

After a long time, Zhen Yuanzi's eyes darkened, and with a puff, he spat out a mouthful of blood, staining the ground red.

The sudden change made Hou Yi in the hall startled, and quickly lifted Zhen Yuanzi from the ground with a solemn expression.

"What did Xianchang see? Can you tell Hou Yi?"

Hearing that Kuafu was about to be robbed, Hou Yi's face turned pale, and his heart was even more ashamed and remorseful.

Zhen Yuanzi also felt guilty in his heart, what can he say, he didn't even know how to act, and this sudden change was also a mess.

Kuafu was robbed, save or not?

This is a problem. If you save it, you will be involved in other causes and effects, and the chance will be lost in front of you.

If you don't save it, if the chance falls on Kuafu, you won't get it either.

"Zhenwu Daoist friend is really mysterious. At the beginning, you gave me some hints. How can I act now?"

Zhen Yuanzi also had a gloomy face, extremely tangled, and was still fighting between heaven and man.

Hou Yi, who was next to him, was extremely anxious, and he was instantly anxious.

Looking at Zhen Yuanzi's embarrassed look, he knew that the other party probably didn't want to be affected by karma.

"Xianchang give me a word, if it is inconvenient for Xianchang to take action, is there anything Houyi needs to do?" Houyi said directly.

When Zhen Yuanzi saw this, he was immediately embarrassed, after a moment of indulgence, he took out a Taoist talisman and handed it over: "This is the ground escape talisman. After casting it, it can shrink into an inch. Whether it can save Kuafu is up to you. already."

Having said this, he paused for a while and continued, "If you still don't come back in three days, the old man will leave, and everything will be gone."

The meaning is obvious, Hou Yi went to rescue Kuafu, and if he could not return, then all his chances would be avoided.

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