"Thank you, the boy will not be humiliated!"

After taking the earth escape talisman, Hou Yi put on the curved bow, put the quiver on his back, turned around and strode away.

When he left the tribe, he cast the earth escape talisman, and the whole person was like a phantom, and it was really fast to the extreme in an instant.

Nine streams of light flickered in the quiver, exuding a dreamy light, quite spiritual, as if encountering a happy blessing, flowing with a mysterious luster.


The land of the west is boundless, it is the most fringe area of ​​the prehistoric world, and it is the place where the chaotic sun star falls.

At this moment, the boundless Sun Fire was mobilized by ten Golden Crows, exuding mighty power.


Ten days hanging in the air, dazzling.

The scorching temperature made the desolate red earth melt into magma, forming a majestic magma river, rolling in.

The sun is a real fire, and it is said to melt all things. Ordinary people will be burned to ashes if they touch it.

At this moment, the Infinite True Fire sprinkled down like a majestic rain, drowning the [-]-meter Dawu Kuafu.


The real fire contaminated the real body of the Wu clan, and it suddenly burned, and in a blink of an eye, Kuafu was burned into a burning man, and the flames shot into the sky.


Kuafu screamed and staggered in his footsteps. He never imagined that in the land of Xidroi, ten Golden Crow demons could be so powerful.

"Break it for me!"

He was blowing the wind, majestic and endless, to blow out the flames on his body.

"Haha, it's not a pity for a thief to die. The sun is really on fire, how can you put it out at will?"

Transformed into the ten-day Golden Crow Prince, floating in the void, laughing wildly.

The further away they are from the Sun Star, the stronger their strength will be.

"Golden Crow Little Demon, don't be mad, even if I die, you will have to pay the price."

Kuafu was so angry that he suffered a lot of physical and mental damage. With a flick of his body, his height soared to [-] meters again.

At this moment, it is to cast a secret technique, and it is necessary to fight to the death.


With flames burning all over his body, he stood on the ground, desperately shot, his fists like stars, smashing towards the ten days of the void.

"The thieves will never meet us again. A reckless man is a reckless man who only knows the power of brute force."

Seeing this, the ten golden crows fluttered their wings and flew high, not confronting Kuafu head-on, flying up to nine days to avoid the dying and crazy Kuafu attack.

Half a day later, with the loss of vitality in Kuafu's body, he gradually stopped moving, and was burned by the sun to such an extent that he couldn't resist it.

"I think I'm proud of my father, who fought countless times in my life, but was humiliated and died. It's really unfair."

The muffled thunder sounded, Kuafu cried out in grief, and the whole person turned into a majestic mountain, blocking the entire westward land.

The hibiscus spirit fruit, on the other hand, fell on the mountainside, shining brightly.

"The thief will die, and the spiritual fruit will be obtained by those who are destined."

The Golden Crow Boss shouted loudly and swooped down first, but he wanted to snatch the hibiscus spirit fruit.

Seeing this, the other Golden Crows also went crazy, shouting that the boss was mean, and swooped down after him.

"The death of Kuafu is for Houyi. After ten days of raging on the earth, I, Houyi, will shoot you down one by one."

At this moment, a tragic voice came from the edge of Chidi.

Chapter [-] Hou Yi Shoots the Sun! (third more)

Hou Yi cast the earth escape talisman, hurried on the road, and within half a day, he had reached the edge of the land of the west.

However, it was still a step behind.

He watched Kuafu burning flames all over his body, but in desperation he turned into a majestic mountain, blocking the flames from the westward land from raging out.

After Kuafu died, these Golden Crows were reckless and wanted to snatch the Spirit Fruit~.

How can Hou Yi endure this?

In desperation, he screamed in the sky, and with a flick of his body, he turned into a giant of [-] meters, and a shocking weather broke out.

Hou Yi stood on the edge of the red earth, his eyes glaring furiously, as if the gods and demons had descended, making those Jinwu who wanted to snatch the spiritual fruit first, were startled.

"Hey, damn thief, if one died, is another one sent to die?"

"Why do you care so much? The Spirit Fruit is here. If he has the ability, he can come and get it."

"Haha, does that reckless man dare to come in?"

"If you dare to step on the bare ground, you will burn it to ashes."

"That stupid witch is staring, and if there is something, he will come in, so that you can see the true taste of the princes."

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