The ten golden crows came to their senses, and immediately screamed, hovering in the sky, not in a hurry to take the spiritual fruit.

However, for their provocation, Hou Yi remained motionless, the whole person was like a rock, and there was no movement.

Seeing this, these Golden Crow princes couldn't help but become more arrogant.

"Stupid man, are you afraid of the abilities of grandpas?"

The boss of the Golden Crow was extremely arrogant, opening his mouth to spit out the true fire of the sun, and the majestic river of flames swept towards Hou Yi.


The sun is really hot, and wherever it passes, the red earth melts, forming a long magma river.

Seeing that the flames were about to drown Hou Yi, he closed his eyes suddenly, slowly took out the curved bow, and stretched out his hand to draw out the sunset arrow behind him.

bow and arrow -

Skillful movements, flowing clouds and water, the prelude to archery completed in an instant.

"Haha, there's something wrong with this shaman's head, can't you wait to shoot me with an arrow?"

"Look at this guy with his eyes closed, do you really think you are an archery master?"

"What a laugh, so let's give him a ride to reunite their brothers."

The ten Golden Crows screamed endlessly, and between the flaps of their wings, countless real sun fires were mobilized, and they turned into ten suns again, pouring down countless real sun flames.


At this time, the flames spewed out by the Golden Crow boss had already drowned Hou Yi, and burst into a fiery temperature.

"Heaven's heart is a mirror, and arrows can reach the spirit!"

At the edge of the red earth, Hou Yi endured the flames to burn his body, the whole person remained motionless, and he still spoke lightly.

At this moment, his mind and body were peaceful, and when he held the setting sun arrow, his mind entered a mysterious state.

It seems that the whole world is reflected in his mind, full of strange and unpredictable power.

He saw the whole red land!

I saw the scene of ten days hanging in the air!

I also saw some inexplicable pulsation between heaven and earth, which resonated with my heart!


Hou Yi held the arrow's right hand and suddenly sent it away.

The next moment, the setting sun arrow burst into a dazzling light, like a streamer, it suddenly detached from the bowstring, and disappeared into the void in an instant.


When the setting sun arrow broke away from the bowstring, the full void shook.

Hou Yi stood on top of the sky, the flames burning on his body were extinguished in an instant, and invisible ripples emerged from his body, exuding terrifying power.

At this moment, the world is centered on him, and the invisible Dao rhythm is transmitted from the setting sun arrow.

"The thieves never want to hit us, see our sun really fire, and burn this broken arrow to ashes."

Boss Jinwu saw that Hou Yi's method was strange, and the arrow he shot disappeared from the void.

Immediately afterwards, the ten days were intertwined, and a mighty energy like a chaotic sun star erupted, covering the void in all directions.


It was at this moment that the Golden Crow Boss felt severe pain in his body as soon as his eyes flashed.


The fireball exploded and turned into a real fire that filled the sky, shaking the void violently.

The kilometer-sized Golden Crow avatar, with blood flowing, fell like a torrential rain, and fell miserably onto the mountain range that Kuafu transformed into.


The mountains transformed by Kuafu shook, and the dust rose to the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

One day goes out!

The accident happened suddenly, and the remaining nine Golden Crows were all sluggish.

Their faces were inconceivable, their eyes were full of shock, and they watched the boss, falling from the air, bloody mountains.

Such a scene, like a dream, made them unable to react for a while.

Boss is dead?

The kilometer-long Golden Crow was completely devoid of vitality. In Xiong's abdomen, it was penetrated by a blood hole ten meters in diameter.


The third Jinwu gave a miserable cry, and immediately swooped down, completely losing his sense of proportion.

You know, they have been honored since childhood.

Although the ten brothers often fight each other, their relationship is very deep, and it can be said that they are inseparable.

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