5.6 Hou Yi stood there, shaking his head in disappointment.

After nine days of shooting, he couldn't feel joy, and there was only endless sadness in his heart.

"Brother Kuafu, Hou Yi is sorry for you!"

Hou Yi looked at the vast mountain range, knelt on his knees, and kowtowed sadly, making a thumping sound.

After a long time, he cheered up, knelt in three steps, came to the mountainside, and held the hibiscus spirit fruit in his hand, which was the spirit that Kuafu exchanged for his life.

"I don't know if it's worth it for this thing?"

Hou Yi raised his head to the sky and sighed, his mood was extremely complicated, and finally turned around and strode away from this place.

Not long after he left, the mountain range that Kuafu transformed into, a cyan figure gradually manifested here, and the ethereal voice sounded faintly.

"Houtu is sanctified, Kuafu is immortal!"

Chapter [-] The Heaven-Defying Fate Pill! (Second more)

The Kuafu Tribe is located next to the Wushen Temple, occupying a location of hundreds of millions of miles around.

"Brother Kuafu is dead." After Hou Yi came back, he didn't hide anything from the elders of the tribe.

When the news was known, the entire tribe fell into grief, as if the sky was darkened.

Not only were the Wu people mourning, but even the human tribe that had taken refuge in Kuafu at the time was the same.

You must know that although Kuafu is a great witch, his heart is not cruel, and he treats the frail human beings to take refuge in the same way.

It is this attitude that makes everyone in the tribe respect him.

Suddenly hearing the bad news at this moment, many shamans broke down and burst into tears.

"The death of the elder must not be counted like this. This matter must be reported to the Zuwu tribe, otherwise the demon clan will think that we are easy to bully."

"Yes, Lord Wushen will definitely decide for us."

"The demon clan is cruel and ruthless, and they oppress our witch clan, and they will definitely want them to look good in the future."

The people of the tribe, grief-stricken, were all indignant at Kuafu's death.

Of course, Houyi 21 did not say that Kuafu died in the hands of the monster, but just said lightly that the other party had already paid the price.

When the shamans saw Hou Yi came back safe and sound, they believed it.


The main hall of the Kuafu tribe.

When the matter was settled, Hou Yi couldn't wait and walked in immediately.

Zhen Yuanzi sat upright in the hall with a smile in his eyes, as if he had seen the opportunity, and his heart was very happy.

"Kuafu's robbery is destiny, and the old man can't do anything about it!" He explained, not wanting Hou Yi to have a knot with him.

Hou Yi sighed, "The boy understands, but he has finally avenged Kuafu's eldest brother, and his hatred has ended!"

While speaking, he took out the hibiscus spirit fruit and handed it directly to Zhen Yuanzi.

"This thing is exchanged for the life of Kuafu's eldest brother, and I implore the immortal to save Houyi's wife."

The hibiscus spirit fruit is red and blood-red, and it emits a strong red glow, and the surface is shining like a magnificent gem.

"It's so good, your wife, you will be fine!"

Zhenyuanzi's old face was full of smiles, he took over the spirit fruit, and he couldn't help feeling inexplicable joy in his heart.

As long as the elixir is refined, his mission is complete.

At that time, when the cause and effect is over, the chance will come down on its own, and I am afraid it will inevitably have some luck.

The more I thought about it, the more excited I became, and my mind could not be calm.

"I'm going to concoct pills for your wife, and within three days, the pills will be made!" Zhen Yuanzi is very confident, because there is fairy bean as the main medicine, there is no need for too many complicated operations, and the pills can be formed on their own.

"That kid won't bother Xianchang anymore."

Hou Yi smiled bitterly. He didn't know if it was wrong to save his wife.

After all, the guilt in my heart that Kuafu was killed for this reason could not be eased.

"Brother Kuafu died for me, then I will do my best to protect his tribe." Hou Yi turned to leave, his eyes gradually firmed.

In this way, when Zhen Yuanzi was concocting alchemy, Hou Yi returned to the stone house and told Heng'e about the big happy event.

Heng'e's face was old, her face was covered with wrinkles, and her weak breath also cheered her up.

"Lang Jun has such a deep love for Heng'e, and Heng'e has nothing in return." Her eyes were moist and full of joy.

When she learned that Kuafu died for her, she was also heartbroken and sobbed sadly.

"Don't be sad, madam. With Houyi here, you won't be hurt again in the future."

When Hou Yi saw this, he was also very emotional, and immediately comforted a few words softly.

You know, for the sake of Fusang Lingguo, he knew that he had caused a catastrophe, and he was always vigilant about the movements of the demon clan.

However, the purpose of shooting Prince Jinwu was to take revenge on Kuafu, and he didn't have the slightest remorse in his heart.

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