Three days passed quickly.

When Hou Yi came to the main hall again, he saw Zhen Yuanzi's face was dark, and his eyes flashed a strange light.


Just as he was about to speak, Hou Yi's voice stopped abruptly, and his eyes fell directly on the pill stove in front of Zhen Yuanzi.

I saw a three-foot-high bronze elixir furnace with a thumb-sized elixir lying inside.

The elixir is blue-blue, radiant with brilliance, exuding a pleasant fragrance, filling the entire hall, making people smell it, and the spirit is shaken.

"But there is something wrong with the medicinal pill?" Hou Yi asked softly.

But no matter what he thought, the pills were all successful, but Zhen Yuanzi's face was extremely gloomy.

Is there something wrong?

Suddenly, the joy on Hou Yi's face instantly vanished, and there was only a deep sense of worry.

"Don't be like this, the medicinal pills are refined, but there is no problem."

Zhenyuanzi didn't turn his head back and spoke lightly.

However, the tone is full of desolation, no matter how you look at it, there is no joy in the success of the elixir.

"Then why is the fairy like this?" Hou Yi was puzzled.

"Time, fate, luck!"

Hearing Hou Yi's words, Zhen Yuanzi sighed and couldn't help shaking his head.

When he said this, he was stunned.

He should be happy that the medicinal pill was made, but Zhen Yuanzi's expression was extremely strange.

Zhen Yuanzi turned around, with sympathy in his eyes, and explained lightly, "This pill is against the sky and against fate, and it has great magical effects. These are all correct."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, but he couldn't speak.

Seeing this, Hou Yi had an ominous premonition in his heart, as if he had lost the most important thing in his life.

"Xianchang should speak bluntly, Hou Yi is stupid, but he also knows that fate is doomed, any consequences, the boy can accept it calmly."

Zhenyuanzi sighed again and again, picked up the medicinal pill, and handed it to Houyi.

After he took it, he slowly said, "This pill can make your wife change her life against the sky, but you have to think clearly that after taking this pill, the two of you will be separated by destiny."

The voice fell, and the hall was dead silent.


Hou Yi's body trembled, his mind exploded, he was completely dumbfounded, his face pale.

It's only three days before Heng'e's death, what should I do?

Chapter [-] The calamity begins, the demon clan fights! (third more)

The tenth Prince of the Golden Crow, only the youngest of the Golden Crow was left to escape. This battle was very tragic.

"My brothers are all dead, and I am the only one who escaped. If I go back here, I'm afraid I will be scolded by my father."

On the way to escape, Jinwu's youngest heart was frightened and scared, his courage was broken, and he almost went crazy.

The nine elder brothers died tragically right in front of their eyes. If ordinary people encountered them, they would have broken down long ago.

However, the youngest of the Golden Crow is not much better. When fleeing at this moment, even returning to the heavenly court feels terrified in the bottom of my heart, which has never happened before.

However, when he looked around the vast land, he found that he had nowhere to go, and his heart died suddenly.

"Forget it, all nine brothers are dead. If I hide it and don't report it, I will be sorry for the brothers who died."

In the end, the youngest Jinwu still fluttered his wings a few times, turned his direction, and flew back toward the Demon Clan Heavenly Court.

The Demon Race Heavenly Court, located outside the original Buzhou Mountain, is a huge group of palaces, exuding a hazy azure light, guarded by a congenital great formation, which is as solid as gold.

In the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, at this moment, the two emperors of the demon race looked solemn.

"I always feel uneasy, is there something ominous about to happen?"

Surrounded by the maids of the demon race, Di Jun couldn't hide his worries, his eyes flickered, but a subtle sense of heaven and man was born.

"Don't worry, big brother. In the vast land, apart from the disaster of the Wu clan, what else should we be vigilant about?" Tai Yi was very calm and didn't care about waving his hand.

However, the Demon Empress Xi He, who was sitting beside Di Jun, also had a pretty face full of sadness.

Wearing a phoenix crown, she was dignified and beautiful, but she sighed: "I don't know where the children have gone, how come hundreds of millions of demon clans have not found their whereabouts?"

It has been more than half a month since the ten sons left secretly. As a mother, Xi He is very worried.

Hearing this, Taiyi hadn't spoken yet. Di Jun snorted coldly and scolded dissatisfiedly: "A few children are naughty, it's better to die outside, or they will cause trouble sooner or later."

The voice fell, and the entire hall fell silent.

Those demon clan maids were so frightened that they didn't dare to let out the air, for fear that their anger would burn themselves.

"You have a lot of time to manage and lack discipline. Even if you cause trouble, it is your responsibility as a father. How can you blame Shi'er and the others?"

However, Xihe refused to give Di Jun face, and immediately retorted with dissatisfaction.

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