"I'm working hard for the future of the demon clan, and I'm free there? A few children are accustomed to being arrogantly indulged by you. If they die outside, this emperor doesn't bother to take a look." Di Jun said indifferently.

As soon as these words came out, Xi and Su slapped the table with their hands and screamed: "Di Jun, if my son loses a feather, I will tear down this heaven."

When the Demon Emperor and the Demon Empress quarreled, the most embarrassing one was Dong Huang Taiyi.

Seeing that the two were arguing at the moment, they quickly came out to smooth things out: "Brother and sister, don't say a word, it's all my uncle's fault that I didn't teach them well."


Di Jun and Xi He snorted coldly, their faces gloomy, and they stopped talking.

Da da da!

At this moment, there were messy footsteps outside the hall.

"The prince is back!"

Accompanied by a scream, I saw that the youngest Jin Wu, accompanied by a large group of demon maids, turned into a child, and walked in with a sad expression.

As soon as he saw his son coming back, Di Jun was furious: "You guys still have the face to come back, why don't you die outside for me, you know you're in trouble."

He was furious, and Xi He was immediately displeased. He quickly felt heartache and walked over to comfort him softly.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Shi, have your mother been here, have you been wronged during this time?"

"Huh? Are there others?"

Dong Huangtai was surprised and asked.

Hearing this, the hall suddenly became quiet and fell into a dead silence.

Di Jun's face was pale, his whole body was shaking, his fists clenched tightly, his fingernails inserted into the flesh and blood, as if he didn't realize it.

The Demon Empress Xihe went dark, and her body softened. The maid next to her was so frightened that she hurriedly supported her, and everyone felt extremely depressed.

Even Donghuang Taiyi showed murderous intent, holding Donghuangzhong's hand, his fingertips turning white.

The Second Demon Emperor and the Demon Empress Xihe, what kind of cultivation they are.

At their level, after a little sense, they knew that something was wrong.

And it's still a big deal!

"Xiao Shi, what about the nine brothers?" Xi He cried out, and there was still a trace of fantasy in his heart.

The youngest Jinwu pursed his lips, lowered his head, and knelt on the ground with a thud, tears streaming down his face.

Seeing this scene, Rao is the nature of the emperor, and Di Jun also felt that his eyes were black, and his body was almost unsteady. He took a few deep breaths before he stabilized.

"Xiao Shi, don't be afraid, with the father and emperor here, what happened, you come one by one."

Although he kept telling his sons to die outside, when death was imminent, Di Jun was still devastated and mad with hatred.

You know, as the Emperor of Heaven, he can control hundreds of millions of living beings in one thought.

But in the face of ten sons, although it seems indifferent, it is only the performance of being a strict father.

If something really happened, he couldn't bear it immediately.

"Xiao Shi, what happened? With the uncle here, even in the face of saints, I will help you get justice, and Empress Nuwa will not stand by." Dong Huang Taiyi was full of murderous aura.

He is in charge of the Eastern Emperor Bell, which is one of the treasures of chaos. In front of the saints, he can support a moment without defeat.

"Xiao Shi, isn't it really alright to tell my mother?" Xi He has no respect for the Demon Empress, only endless grief, and his heart is like a knife.

Listening to the words of the three elders, the youngest Jinwu kept kowtowing, the ground made a thumping sound, and his heart was filled with endless remorse.

"Brothers are dead!"

The voice fell, like a thunder blasting in the hall, echoing endlessly.

Are all dead?

Of the ten Little Golden Crows, only the youngest escaped and the others died?


Xi He's eyes darkened, this time he was completely unconscious, and his quasi-sacred heart couldn't bear the weight of this bad news.

The whole heaven exploded!

On this day, the hundreds of millions of demon clans in charge of the world were summoned back by Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi. The mighty army was full of slaughter.

Chapter [-] The battle is about to start! (fourth more)

In the demon clan heaven, hundreds of millions of demon clan armies were called back, and they were neatly arranged, covering hundreds of millions of miles of sky.

Regardless of the ten major demon generals or the big demons from all sides, they all wore plain white robes with solemn expressions on their faces.

The accidental death of the nine princes of the Golden Crow of the Monster Race shocked all spirits in the wild.

The splendid palace complex is also covered with white strips at this moment, and the atmosphere of desolation and grief is almost to make the sky pale.

Demon Emperor Jun, dressed in purple-gold armor, is majestic, with an indifferent expression like ten thousand years of ice.

"Three days later, crusade against the Wu clan and establish eternal majesty for our heavenly court."

A faint voice, without the slightest emotion.

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