But anyone can hear the great sadness contained in it, but also the strong meaning of killing.

Donghuang Taiyi and the demon empress Xihe stood around Di Jun, all of them were indifferent and ruthless, making the countless demon clan heavenly armies feel the killing intent.


Suddenly, You Peng came swaying from the ground, his wings were like clouds hanging from the sky, covering the sky for hundreds of millions of miles, swooping down from the end of the sky.

In just an instant, the demon master Kunpeng turned into an old man in black robes, followed by several demon generals, and walked towards the supreme ruler of heaven in 653 steps.

"Is it done?" Di Jun asked indifferently while standing on the high platform.

The demon master Kunpeng nodded and motioned to the several demon generals beside him. With a jump, he came half a step behind the second demon emperor and the demon queen, his eyes flashing with strange light.


The next moment, when several demon generals joined hands, the void vibrated, and countless lines were intertwined, outlining a huge formation.

"come out!"

Several big demons urged with all their strength, and their mana reached the sky, pouring into the void formation.

Suddenly, an angry roar came from the formation, resounding through the world.

I saw a huge giant whose body was penetrated by the divine chain, bound his hands and feet, and struggled endlessly there.

"The demon clan kid, you actually used despicable means to trap me, you have to die." The big witch Xiangliu roared angrily, blood dripping all over his body, and the chain of supernatural powers ran through his body, restraining his actions.

As the voice fell, there was an unbelievable commotion in the entire heaven.

Isn't this Da Wu Xiangliu?

Hundreds of millions of demon clan heavenly army have been stunned, looking at the giant who was trapped in the void formation, a huge wave was set off in the bottom of my heart.

I have to say that Emperor Jun's move has indeed boosted the invisible morale of all the demon soldiers.

You must know that the great witch Xiangliu is second only to the existence of the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

After Gonggong and Zhu Rong died, they made up for one of their positions, which played a significant role in the Wu people's great formation of the Twelve Capitals.

Among the great witches of the Wu clan, there are also strong and weak strengths.

A super witch like Xiangliu is only powerful, and it is only slightly worse than Zuwu.

Even if you face the Holy Spirit, you can still remain undefeated.

But now...

It is not difficult to kill a great witch, but it is even more difficult to defeat an ancestral witch if you want to capture it alive.

"Sacrificing to Heaven!"

In response to Xiang Liu's angry roar, Di Jun was extremely indifferent and spoke ruthlessly.

Immediately, ten demon generals flew out from the army of the demon clan. They stood around the void formation and stepped on the mysterious position.


The demon god generals are all at the peak of the quasi-sage. At this moment, the ten demon gods will take action, and the mana will be poured into the void formation.

The next moment, the divine chain that bound the Great Wu Xiangliu, emitting monstrous flames, would burn the giant to death.

"Ah... the demon clan must die."

In the end, Xiang Liu, who was invincible under the Ancestral Witch, only had time to let out a miserable howl before being burned to ashes by the real fire.

This brutal scene made hundreds of millions of demon clan heavenly army feel the blood boiling.

"Wizards are ravaging the vast land, and they should be killed!"

Di Jun wears a golden crown and purple-gold armor, dignified and majestic.

As his voice fell, hundreds of millions of demon clan erupted into a loud roar, and the sound was so powerful that the sky trembled.

"The witches should be killed!"

"Kill, kill, kill..."

Hundreds of millions of demon clans, with red eyes and sky-high killing intent, almost turned into essence, so that all spirits in the world dare not compete with them.

The demon clan heavenly army spread all over the heaven, the flags waved, full of endless slaughter.

"Three days later, we will fight the brutal witch clan..."

Kunpeng Demon Master stood up at the right time and read out the text of sacrifice to the sky. His voice contained killing intent, so that the army of demon clan who heard it felt the blood boiling in his body.


Just after Heavenly Court calculated the Great Witch Xiangliu, the Ancestral Witch Hall of Honghuang.

At this moment, it also contained the meaning of Xiao Sha, and countless Wu tribe warriors were drawn back from various places, and they were uniform, and the screams of killing were shocking.

They were also offering sacrifices to the sky, but they captured tens of thousands of demon clans and killed them on the spot, in a bloody way.

"Three days later, attack the Heavenly Court of the Demon Race and create peace for all ages."

Xuan Ming's cold voice resounded throughout the world, and the entire flood was dark.

The big witch Xiangliu was captured alive by the demon clan, causing the witch clan to explode, and everyone had an unending look on their faces.

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