After the ceremony of sacrificing the sky, a group of ancestral witches and great witches gathered in the temple of ancestral witches and began to discuss the strategy of the war.

"The human race is powerful now, and it may be able to help my witch race."

Some witches suggested that, after all, after years of cultivation, the human race has blossomed everywhere.

Especially under the governance of Shennong, it was no longer restricted to Wudang Mountain, but developed towards the entire prehistoric land.

"The Lich War is of great benefit to the human race. They will definitely not help each other. They will just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight." Someone shook his head and retorted.

Because everyone knows that no matter who wins the two lich races, there is no harm in the human race.

Therefore, no one is optimistic about letting the race help.

"Otherwise, the human race may take action." Xuan Ming said lightly.

As his voice fell, the Ancestral Witch Hall became quiet, and everyone turned to look at it.

Their eyes were full of puzzlement, why even Zu Wu Xuanming had such a proposal?

"Zhenwu is at odds with the saint."

However, Xuan Ming's indifferent sentence made everyone wake up.

When the sage took action against Li Zhenwu, he violated the taboo of the human race. Most of the human race did not have much affection for the sage.

The most important point is that the Second Sage of the West and the Second Sage of Sanqing, vaguely, seem to be inclined towards the side of the Monster Race.

Chapter [-]: The Lich and the Three Clans

The Lich War is imminent, and the prehistoric world is extremely oppressive, and any creature can clearly sense the feeling that the storm is about to come.

Many creatures in the deep mountains and dazes are all looking for a place to hide, daring not to appear in the world.

Wudang Mountain, Zhenwu Dojo.

Since Li Zhenwu disappeared, most of the creatures on the mountain fled, only a few nostalgic for this place and unwilling to leave.

In this way, Wudang Mountain, which was lively at the time, is now a little more lonely.

"When will the young master come back?" Xiaocao looked up at the sky, her face carved with pink and jade, and there was a flash of sadness between her brows.

"Don't worry, the young master is a person of great luck, and he will be fine."

Xiaohua forced a smile and said softly.

Beside them, surrounded by a few small animals, a fox, a black cow, ~ and a spirit monkey.

In the entire Wudang Mountain, only three small animals did not leave, they stayed here to protect it.

When Li Zhenwu started preaching the Dharma, the listeners followed suit, and most of the creatures on the mountain were enlightened.

"Teacher Zhenwu is a person with deep fortune, two senior sisters, don't be sad." Hei Niu mooed, and his voice was as clear as a child's.

"Yes, the teacher has a great love in his heart, and he doesn't dislike me and other ants. God will help the teacher." Fox's little paw patted the two girls' shoulders, and he spoke the same words, but his voice was as clear as a girl's.

"I heard from the masters of the human race below that the teacher is a saint who inherited the luck of heaven and earth, and even the ancestors have to give a three-point thin face." The monkey jumped up and down, and also comforted.

In the prehistoric world, no matter what beings, if they can hear the preaching of the great supernatural beings, they will consider themselves students.

The foxes are not Li Zhenwu's disciples, but Li Zhenwu is their teacher.

"Well, it's still good for you, the young master is not here, and you are not willing to leave, stay here to accompany us."

Xiaocao and Xiaohua looked at the three little animals, and sighed, feeling very sad in their hearts.

Even the junior brother Xuanyuan has left the mountain. In the entire Wudang Mountain, there are only five of them left, which is really lonely.


Suddenly, there is a breeze blowing, bringing bursts of fragrance, making people feel calm.

"It's hard for you."

Accompanied by the breeze, Li Zhenwu strode from the sky with his hands on his back.

The accident happened suddenly, and the five creatures in the dojo were stunned.

"The teacher is here, the students are disrespectful."

The three animals reacted the fastest, jumping off the dojo with a swoosh, and crawling on the ground, extremely respectful.

Only then did Xiaohua and Xiaocao wake up, cheering like elves in the forest.

"Master, are you back?"

Their big eyes blinked, and their black and white eyes were full of excitement.

"The world has changed, I naturally need to come back." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, and he took a step and came to the two of them.

The next moment, the eyes of the two little girls were wet with excitement, and they threw themselves into Li Zhenwu's arms, crying loudly.

The growth of the wild creatures cannot be measured by years, so they are still as innocent as children, and they only feel extremely aggrieved.

"It's hard for you."

Li Zhenwu comforted softly, then sat down with his knees crossed, and with a wave of his robe, there were a few crystal fruits on the ground.

This is the ginseng fruit that Zhen Yuanzi gave back. He ate one and felt that it had no effect on himself, so he stayed.

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