"Come over here, one by one!"

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, and his eyes swept over the three little animals, exuding a strange light.

The fox is only one foot in size, with snow-white and translucent hair, and a pair of big eyes, quite spiritual.

The black bull is one meter long and has a simple and honest expression. The monkey looks lively, but the Taoist heart is very firm. Looking at Li Zhenwu, there is a deep adoration in his eyes.

Hearing Li Zhenwu's words, they hesitated for a while, then came nervously and picked up a ginseng fruit from the ground.

"Thank you, teacher!"

The voice is immature, like a child, and it is obviously not a big heart.

"Thank you, young master!" Xiaohua Xiaocao looked at the ginseng fruit with big eyes, and picked up one in her small hand, her eyes smiling like a crescent moon.

"Okay, let's take a look at the three tribes of Honghuang, how to survive this catastrophe!"

Li Zhenwu raised his hand in the void and pointed it out, and three pictures appeared in the void, corresponding to the three clans of the Lich.

Seeing this scene, the five little animals were all shocked, they sat beside them obediently and watched together.


At the foot of Wudang Mountain, the residence of the human race.

Because the Lich War was imminent, everyone had a solemn look on their faces, making people panic.

"Report! There is a witch messenger coming to see you!"

In the Human Race Temple, a big man came in a hurry and shouted to the inside.

As his voice fell, everyone in the hall was stunned for a moment, then turned their heads and looked at Shennong in the first seat.

Shennong looked like a young man, with dark skin. At this moment, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he didn't feel everyone's eyes, he was calm.

"Bring it in!"

He spoke lightly, becoming more and more majestic, with an invisible aura permeating his body.

The big man obeyed and immediately turned to leave.

At this time, the hall was in a commotion, and everyone was talking about it.

"It seems that Shennong's expectations are good. The demon clan has the help of a saint, and the witch clan will definitely ask us for help."

"That's right, no one can live with the calamity of heaven and earth. It seems that the Wu clan wanted to ask us to take action on this trip."

"I didn't expect Shennong to see through everything, but I don't know our human race, how should we deal with it?"


Soon, a witch was brought in. Facing the leader of the human race, Shennong, his attitude was very respectful, without the slightest arrogance.

"On the order of Lord Wushen, I came to discuss this matter with Shennong."

Hearing this, Shennong looked indifferent, without any turbulence, just spoke lightly.

"Your intention, I can't answer it right away, give me half a day, and leave now!"

Shen Nong waved his hand and sent the witch man straight away, then turned his head and looked at the others in the hall.

"The two clans of the Lich, kill them!"

A cold and stern voice resounded in the crowd below, full of slaughter.

It was a handsome and martial young man, with a strong breath all over his body, indifferent eyes, and no emotional fluctuations.


Chapter [-] Internal Opinions of the Human Race! (Second more)

On Wudang Mountain, Zhenwu Dojo.

When they saw Xuanyuan standing strong in the mirror, except for Li Zhenwu, the other five little ones were all surprised.

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan hasn't seen him for a few years, but he has become more and more imposing." Xiaocao laughed.

"Of course, the young master has not been in the past few years. Junior Brother Xuanyuan has fought for the human race in all directions, and his mentality has become much more mature and stable." Xiaohua nodded and said.

"Senior brother is incomparably brave and has the way of a teacher. It is said that he is quite famous in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles." Xiao Hei Niu said honestly.

When Li Zhenwu was trapped by the saint, everyone thought he would never come back.

Under the grief and anger, Xuanyuan resolutely came out of the mountain and tempered himself with the world. His strength was so powerful that he was second only to Shennong in the human race.

With his exit, in the Human Race Temple, everyone's faces were full of surprise, and they turned their heads and looked over in doubt.

You must know that since Xuanyuan went down the mountain, he seldom spoke, and he did not participate in ordinary things.

Only when the evil spirits or evil witches make trouble, he will make a move, and every time he makes a move, he will return with blood and be very strong.

This time, the Lich War was about to start, and the Wu tribe sent someone to ask for help, but he was the first to speak out, his eyes were extremely indifferent.

Ji Bo and King Pan looked strange when they saw this, but they looked at Shennong with the intention of asking.

"Xuanyuan's words are right. The two tribes of lich and demons ravaged the flood and wasteland, and countless creatures died because of it. The human race came out of the heaven and earth, and they should kill the demon and eliminate the witch, and create peace for the flood and waste."

"That's right. Back then, the two Lich clans killed millions. Now, it's time for them to pay the price."

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