Elder Xia and Elder Zhou, standing beside Xuanyuan, said murderously.

After the disaster of Wuzhuangguan, they were the ones who were sent here by Li Zhenwu together with Xuanyuan.

This time Xuanyuan opened his mouth, of course they unconditionally supported him.

For a while, the hall fell silent, and everyone else turned their thoughts, but their eyes swept back and forth between Shennong and Xuanyuan.

Everyone is waiting for Shennong's answer, because at this time, Shennong is the real spiritual leader.

Even the two elders Xuanyuan and Xia Zhou did the same.

Facing everyone's expectations, Shennong smiled lightly, nodded to Xuanyuan, and said, "Xuanyuan is reasonable."

After a short pause, he continued: "It's just that the human race is still weak. Compared with the huge strength of the two lich clans, they are only relatively strong ants."

The voice fell, and everyone suddenly woke up.

The two Lich clans are so powerful that they can destroy the sky and destroy the earth. Although the Human Race has been cultivating and recuperating for the past few years, compared with the two behemoths, in terms of overall strength, it is really not worth mentioning.

Of course, Yu Wei, the Holy Father of Zhenwu, is still there, and Zu Wu Qiangliang and the Heavenly Emperor of the Monster Race have also been affected by the Holy Father Karma.

Therefore, in the years since Li Zhenwu disappeared, the other party did not dare to take action against the human race.

But the occasional battle spilled over, and it was also a headache.

"Senior Shennong, the two lich clans are fighting, and the human clan should sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. After the two of them are defeated, it will be time for our human clan to strike a thunderous blow."

Xuanyuan looked up at Shennong, clenched his fists tightly, and was very excited: "The human race should be the ruler of the Great Desolation, I'm afraid it will be fulfilled in this catastrophe."

As soon as these words came out, everyone became agitated again, with a look of longing on their faces.

The prehistoric ruler, what kind of honor is this?

Just thinking about it makes everyone excited.

After all, it was reduced to the food for all souls in the wild, and it was almost the lowest-end existence of intelligent beings in the wild. Now they have the opportunity to become the strongest, and everyone can't help their blood boil.

"The Lich War has not yet been finalized, and the Monster Race has the help of the two Western Saints secretly, and the result is still unknown!"

Seeing that everyone was in high spirits, Shen Nong was calm, and still spoke lightly as he expected.

As his voice fell, the excited look on Xuanyuan's face froze slightly, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

"Shen Nong's words are wrong. Even if a sage makes a move, it can't stop the general trend of the world. In the battle of the Lich, both of them will be defeated."

"Yes, if we can't grasp the opportunity, we will miss the opportunity of the world."

"During this period of time, not participating in the Lich War, no matter whether their side is defeated, it is not harmful to us..."

"The Holy Father Zhenwu is not here, we have to act cautiously, one wrong step will be irreversible."

"Have you thought about the millions of people who died tragically decades ago?"

"Of course there is, so we must be more cautious. The cause and effect of the Lich is not now."

"Then you said when, now is the best time to end the cause and effect. If you succeed, you will dominate the world, and if you lose, there is no loss."

In the hall, the faces of everyone arguing were red, and everyone's thoughts could not be unified.

Some belligerents proposed to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and take action at the critical moment to end the grievances of the three clans.

However, there are also cautious people who suggest to wait and see patiently and not to shoot at will.

"I propose the human race to fight and kill the lich in order to avenge the revenge of the past."

Xuanyuan took a step, looked up at Shennong, his tone was extremely firm, and his eyes were full of invisible killing intent.

As his voice fell, the belligerents came out one after another, requesting Shennong to fight.

Including the two elders of Xia Zhou, the same is true, without the slightest fear.

"Let me think about it, things related to the future of the human race cannot be so rash." Shennong shook his head and did not answer the crowd immediately.

Immediately, the meeting dispersed, Xuanyuan took the lead to leave, and the two elders Xia Zhou accompanied him.

0.4 Invisible, Elder Xia Zhou's dissatisfaction murmured: "Although Shennong is the leader of the human race, he lacks the courage to lead the human race to open the eternal prosperity."

I don't know if this was intentional or not, but everyone in the hall couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

"Shen Nong, what should we do?" After everyone left, Pan Wang looked solemn and asked.

Ji Bo was more calm, because he knew Shennong, so he was not worried that Shennong would make a wrong decision.

"The prehistoric ruler is not so easy to be. The sage secretly shot, but also wanted to intercept the luck of our human race."

Shen Nong sighed and couldn't help sighing again and again.

While speaking, his eyes were deep, and he turned to look in the direction of Wudang Mountain, with a wry smile on his face.

If the Father was there, it wouldn't have to be so!

Chapter [-] The Holy Father Appears! (third more)

When it comes to luck, it is mysterious and mysterious.

Although the prehistoric creatures do not understand luck, the saints are not tired of it, and they strive for the faith of all living beings. They are there for all to see.

In this way, even if you can't sense the luck, you still know a little that the stronger the power of a race, the stronger the luck involved.

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